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英语语境语法 2B 2B

英语语境语法 2B 2BPDF格式文档图书下载


  • 购买点数:15
  • 作 者:Sandra N. Elbaum编著
  • 出 版 社:北京北京大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2006
  • ISBN:7301103115
  • 标注页数:468 页
  • PDF页数:292 页

查看更多关于英语语境语法 2B 2B的内容


Lesson 1 1

GRAMMAR The Simple Present Tense;Frequency Words 2

CONTEXT Pets and Other Animals 2

READING Americans and Their Pets 2

1.1 Be—Forms and Uses 3

1.2 Contractions with Be 5

READING Dog Walkers 7

1.3 Questions with Be 8

READING Guide Dogs 14

1.4 The Simple Present Tense—Affirmative Statements 15

1.5 Negative Statements with the Simple Present Tense 17

READING Search and Rescue Dogs 18

1.6 Questions with the Simple Present Tense 19

1.7 Wh- Questions with a Preposition 21

1.8 Questions About Meaning,Spelling,and Cost 23

READING Marianne and Sparky 26

1.9 Simple Present Tense with Frequency Words 27

1.10 Position of Frequency Words and Expressions 29

1.11 Questions with Ever 31

1.12 Questions with How Often and Answers with Frequency Expressions 32

Summary of Lesson 1 33

Editing Advice 33

Lesson 1 Test/Review 36

Expansion Activities 39

Lesson 2 43

GRAMMAR The Present Continuous Tense;Action and Nonaction Verbs;The Future Tense 44

CONTEXT Getting Older 44

READING Retirement Living 44

2.1 Present Continuous Tense 46

READING Life After Retirement 48

2.2 Using the Present Continuous for Longer Actions 49

2.3 Questions with the Present Continuous Tense 51

2.4 Contrasting the Simple Present and the Present Continuous 56

2.5 Action and Nonaction Verbs 59

READING The Graying of America 64

2.6 The Future Tense with Will 66

2.7 The Future Tense with Be Going To 69

2.8 Will vs.Be Going To 72

2.9 Future Tense+Time/If Clause 75

Summary of Lesson 2 79

Editing Advice 80

Lesson 2 Test/Review 81

Expansion Activities 85

Lesson 3 87

GRAMMAR Habitual Past with Used To;The Simple Past Tense 88

CONTEXT Working Towards a Better Life 88

READING Equal Rights for All 88

3.1 Habitual Past with Used To 90

READING George Dawson—Life Is So Good 92

3.2 Past Tense of Be 94

3.3 The Simple Past Tense of Regular Verbs 96

3.4 The Simple Past Tense of Irregular Verbs 98

3.5 Negative Statements 101

3.6 Questions with the Simple Past Tense 103

Summary of Lesson 3 106

Editing Advice 106

Lesson 3 Test/Review 108

Expansion Activities 111

Lesson 4 115

GRAMMAR Possessive Forms;Object Pronouns;Reflexive Pronouns;Questions 116

CONTEXT Weddings 116

READING A Traditional American Wedding 116

4.1 Possessive Forms of Nouns 117

4.2 Possessive Adjectives 119

4.3 Possessive Pronouns 120

4.4 Questions with Whose 123

4.5 Object Pronouns 124

READING New Wedding Trends 126

4.6 Direct and Indirect Objects 127

4.7 Say and Tell 128

READING Economizing on a Wedding 129

4.8 Reflexive Pronouns 131

READING Questions and Answers About an American Wedding 133

4.9 Questions About the Subject or Complement 135

Summary of Lesson 4 140

Editing Advice 141

Lesson 4 Test/Review 143

Expansion Activities 147

Lesson 5 149

GRAMMAR Singular and Plural;Count and Noncount Nouns;There+Be;Quantity Words 150

CONTEXT Thanksgiving,Pilgrims,and American Indians 150

READING A Typical Thanksgiving 150

5.1 Noun Plurals 151

5.2 Using the Singular and Plural for Generalizations 154

5.3 special Cases of Singular and Plural 155

READING The Origin of Thanksgiving 156

5.4 Noncount Nouns 158

5.5 Count and Noncount Nouns 159

READING Recipe for Turkey Stuffing 161

5.6 Quantities with Count and Noncount Nouns 162

READING Taking the Land from the Native Americans 163

5.7 There+a Form of Be 164

5.8 Using There 165

READING Code Talkers 166

5.9 Quantity Expressions—An Overview 167

5.10 Some,Any,A,No 169

5.11 A Lot of,Much,Many 171

5.12 A Lot Of vs.Too Much/Too Many 172

5.13 A Few.Several,A Little 174

5.14 A Few vs.Few;A Little vs.Little 175

Summary of Lesson 5 179

Editing Advice 180

Lesson 5 Test/Review 181

Expansion Activities 185

Lesson 6 187

GRAM MAR Adjectives;Noun Modifiers;Adverbs;Too/Enough/Very/A Lot of 188

CONTEXT Health 188

READING Obesity:A National Problem 188

6.1 Adjectives 190

6.2 Noun Modifiers 192

READING Obesity:The Solutions 194

6.3 Adverbs of Manner 196

6.4 Adjective vs.Adverb 198

READING Sleep 200

6.5 Too and Enough 201

6.6 Too and Very and A Lot Of 203

Summary of Lesson 6 204

Editing Advice 205

Lesson 6 Test/Review 206

Expansion Activities 208

Lesson 7 211

GRAMMAR Time Words and Time Clauses;The Past Continuous Tense 212

CONTEXT Immigrants 212

READING Ellis Island 212

7.1 When,Until,While 213

7.2 When and Whenever 215

7.3 Time Words 216

7.4 The Past Continuous Tense—An Overview 218

READING Albert Einstein—Immigrant from Germany 218

7.5 The Past Continuous Tense—Forms 220

7.6 The Past Continuous Tense—Uses 221

7.7 Was/Were Going To 226

READING Gloria Estefan—Cuban Immigrant 227

7.8 Simple Past vs.Past Continuous with When 228

7.9 Simple Past vs.Past Continuous 229

7.10 Using the-ing Form After Time Words 230

Summary of Lesson 7 231

Editing Advice 232

Lesson 7 Test/Review 232

Expansion Activities 235

Lesson 8 237

GRAMMAR Modals;Related Expressions 238

CONTEXT Renting an Apartment 238

8.1 Modals and Related Expressions—An Overview 238

READING An Apartment Lease 238

8.2 Negatives with Modals 240

8.3 Statements and Questions with Modals 241

8.4 Must,Have to,Have Got To 242

8.5 Obligation with Must or Be Supposed To 244

8.6 Can,May,Could,and Alternate Expressions 246

READING Tenants'Rights 249

8.7 Should;Had Better 250

8.8 Negatives of Modals 253

READING The New Neighbors 258

8.9 Must for Conclusions 259

8.10 Will and May/Might 261

READING At a Garage Sale 264

8.11 Using Modals and Questions for Politeness 265

Summary of Lesson 8 269

Editing Advice 270

Lesson 8 Test/Review 272

Expansion Activities 274

Lesson 9 277

GRAMMAR The Present Perfect;The Present Perfect Continuous 278

CONTEXT Searching the Web 278

9.1 The Present Perfect Tense—An Overview 278

READING Google 278

9.2 The Past Participle 280

9.3 Irregular Past Participle Forms of verbs 281

9.4 The Present Perfect—Contractions,Negatives 282

9.5 Adding an Adverb 283

9.6 The Present Perfect—Statements and Questions 284

9.7 Continuation from Past to Present 285

9.8 The Simple Present vs.the Present Perfect 288

9.9 The Present Perfect vs.the Simple Past 290

9.10 The Present Perfect Continuous—An Overview 292

READING Genealogy 292

9.11 The Present Perfect Continuous—Forms 293

9.12 The Present Perfect Continuous—Statements and Questions 294

9.13 The Present Perfect Continuous—Use 295

9.14 The Present Perfect with Repetition from Past to Present 299

9.15 The Simple Past vs.the Present Perfect with Repetition 301

9.16 The Present Perfect with Indefinite Past Time 302

9.17 Answering a Present Perfect Question 304

Summary of Lesson 9 308

Editing Advice 309

Lesson 9 Test/Review 310

Expansion Activities 313

Lesson 10 315

GRAMMAR Gerunds;Infinitives 316

CONTEXT Finding a Job 316

10.1 Gerunds—An Overview 316

READING Finding a Job 316

10.2 Gerund as Subject 318

10.3 Gerund After Verb 320

10.4 Gerund After Preposition 322

10.5 Gerund in Adverbial Phrase 325

10.6 Infinitives—An Overview 327

READING Tips on Writing a Résumé 327

10.7  Infinitive as Subject 329

10.8  Infinitive After Adjective 331

10.9 Infinitive After Verb 333

10.10 Gerund or Infinitive After Verb 335

10.11 Object Before Infinitive 336

10.12 Infinitive to Show Purpose 338

READING Rita's Story 339

10.13 Used To vs.Be Used To 341

Summary of Lesson 10 345

Editing Advice 346

Lesson 10 Test/Review 347

Expansion Activities 350

Lesson 11 353

GRAMMAR Adjective Clauses 354

CONTEXT Making Connections—Old Friends and New 354

11.1 Adjective Clauses—An Overview 354

READING Finding Old Friends 354

11.2 Relative Pronoun as Subject 356

11.3 Relative Pronoun as Object 358

11.4 Where and When 362

11.5 Formal vs.Informal 363

READING Internet Matchmaking 364

11.6 Whose+Noun 365

Summary of Lesson 11 369

Editing Advice 370

Lesson 11 Test/Review 371

Expansion Activities 373

Lesson 12 375

GRAMMAR Superlatives;Comparatives 376

CONTEXT Sports and Athletes 376

12.1 Superlatives and Comparatives—An Overview 376

READING Michael Jordan 376

12.2 The Superlative Form 378

12.3 Comparative and Superlative Forms of Adjectives and Adverbs 379

12.4 Superlatives and Word Order 384

READING Americans'Attitude Toward Soccer 385

12.5 Comparatives 386

12.6 Comparatives and Word Order 388

READING An Amazing Athlete 390

12.7 As...As 391

12.8 As Many/Much...As 393

12.9 The Same...As 395

12.10 Equality with Nouns or Adjectives 396

READING Football and Soccer 397

12.11 Similarity with Like and Alike 398

12.12 Be Like 400

12.13 Same or Different 401

Summary of Lesson 12 404

Editing Advice 405

Test/Review 406

Expansion Activities 408

Lesson 13 413

GRAMMAR Passive Voice and Active Voice 414

CONTEXT The Law 414

13.1 The Passive Voice and the Active Voice—An Overview 414

READING Jury Duty 414

13.2 The Passive Voice 415

13.3 Passive Voice—Form and Use 416

13.4 Negatives and Questions with Passive Voice 421

READING Unusual Lawsuits 422

13.5 Choosing Active Voice or Passive Voice 424

Summary of Lesson 13 429

Editing Advice 431

Lesson 13 Test/Review 431

Expansion Activities 434

Lesson 14 437

GRAMMAR Articles;Other/Another;Indefinite Pronouns 438

CONTEXT Money 438

14.1 Articles—An Overview 438

READING Kids and Money 438

14.2 The Indefinite Article—Classifying or Identifying the Subject 439

14.3 The Indefinite Article—Introducing a Noun 440

14.4 The Definite Article 443

14.5 Making Generalizations 445

14.6 General or Specific with Quantity Words 449

READING Changing the American Dollar 451

14.7 Another and Other 452

14.8 More About Another and Other 453

READING The High Cost of a College Education 456

14.9 Definite and Indefinite Pronouns 458

Summary fo Lesson 14 462

Editing Advice 463

Lesson 14 Test/Review 464

Expansion Activities 467

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