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英语语境语法 3A 3A

英语语境语法 3A 3APDF格式文档图书下载


  • 购买点数:10
  • 作 者:(美)Sandra N. Elbaum编著
  • 出 版 社:北京:北京大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2006
  • ISBN:730110314X
  • 标注页数:222 页
  • PDF页数:295 页

查看更多关于英语语境语法 3A 3A的内容


Lesson 1 1

GRAMMAR The Present Perfect;The Present Perfect Continuous 2


1.1 An Overview 2

READING Job Résumé and Cover Letter 2

1.2 The Present Perfect Tense—Forms 5

1.3 The Past Participle 6

1.4 The Present Perfect—Contractions 9

1.5 The Present Perfect—Question Formation 10

1.6 Uses of the Present Perfect Tense—An Overview 11

1.7 The Present Perfect with Continuation from Past to Present 13

1.8 Negative Statements with Since,For,and In 15

1.9 The Present Perfect vs.the Simple Present 16

READING Where Have All the Jobs Gone? 19

1.10 The Present Perfect Continuous 20

1.11 The Present Perfect vs.the Simple Past 25

1.12 The Present Perfect with Repetition from Past to Present 27

1.13 The Present Perfect vs.the Simple Past with Repetition 30

READING The Occupational Outlook Handbook 32

1.14 The Present Perfect with Indefinite Past Time—An Overview 33

1.15 Questions with Ever 34

1.16 Yet,Already 38

1.17 Questions with Lately andRecently 41

1.18 The Present Perfect Continuous with Ongoing Activities 43

1.19 The Present Perfect with No Time Mentioned 44

1.20 The Present Perfect vs.the Present Perfect Continuous with No Time Mentioned 46

Summary of Lesson 1 49

Editing Advice 50

Lesson 1 Test/Review 52

Expansion Activities 54

Lesson 2 57

GRAMMAR Passive Voice;Participles Used as Adjectives;Get+Participles and Adjectives 58

CONTEXT Hollywood 58

2.1 Passive Voice—An Overview 58

READING The Oscars 58

2.2 The Passive Voice—Form 59

2.3 The Passive and Active Voice—Uses 62

2.4 The Passive Voice without an Agent 63

2.5 The Passive Voice with an Agent 65

2.6 Verbs with Two Objects 67

READING The History of Animation 68

2.7 Transitive and Intransitive Verbs 71

2.8 The Passive with Get 75

2.9 Participles Used as Adjectives 76

READING Charlie Chaplin 77

2.10 Participles Used as Adjectives to Show Feelings 78

2.11 Other Past Participles Used as Adjectives 82

READING Being Famous 84

2.12 Past Participles and Other Adjectives with Get 86

Summary of Lesson 2 88

Editing Advice 89

Lesson 2 Test/Review 91

Expansion Activities 94

Lesson 3 97

GRAMMAR The Past Continuous;The Past Perfect;The Past Perfect Continuous;Comparison of Past Tenses 98

CONTEXT Disasters and Tragedies 98

3.1 Overview of Past Tenses 98

READING The Columbia Tragedy 98

3.2 The Past Continuous—Forms 100

3.3 The Past Continuous Tense—Uses 102

3.4 The Past Continuous or the Simple Past 104

READING The Titanic 108

3.5 The Past Perfect Tense—Forms 110

3.6 The Past Perfect—Use 112

3.7 When with the Simple Past or the Past Perfect 115

READING Wildfires in Southern California 118

3.8 The Past Perfect Continuous—Forms 118

3.9 The Past Perfect Continuous—Uses 120

3.10 The Past Perfect(Continuous)or the Present Perfect(Continuous) 123

READING Survivors of the Titanic 125

3.11 Comparison of Past Tenses 126

Summary of Lesson 3 130

Editing Advice 131

Lesson 3 Test/Review 132

Expansion Activities 135

Lesson 4 137

GRAMMAR Modals—Present and Future;Related Expressions 138

CONTEXT Consumer Warnings 138

4.1 Overview of Modals and Related Expressions 138

READING Sweepstakes or Scam? 139

4.2 Possibilities—May,Might,Could 140

4.3 Necessity and Urgency with Must,Have To,Have Got To 142

4.4 Obligation with Must or Be Supposed To 144

4.5 Advice with Should,Ought To,and Had Better 146

READING Telemarketing 150

4.6 Permission and Prohibition 151

4.7 Comparing Negative Modals 154

4.8 Making Suggestions 160

READING Infomercials 162

4.9 Expectations with Be Supposed To 163

READING My Elderly Neighbor 166

4.10 Logical Conclusions 167

4.11 Probability vs.Possibility in the Present 171

4.12 Modals with Continuous Verbs 172

Summary of Lesson 4 175

Editing Advice 176

Lesson 4 Test/Review 177

Expansion Activities 181

Lesson 5 183

GRAMMAR Modals in the Past 184

CONTEXT The Kennedys and History in the Making 184

5.1 Overview of Modals in the Past 184

READING The Assassination of President John F.Kennedy 184

5.2 Past Probability(Deduction,Conclusion) 186

5.3 Past Possibility 189

READING The Cuban Missile Crisis 192

5.4 Past Direction Not Taken 193

READING John Kennedy,Jr. 197

5.5 Past Mistakes 198

5.6 Be Supposed To in the Past 202

READING The Media and Presidential Elections 203

5.7 Must Have vs.Had To 205

5.8 Could+Base Form vs.Could Have+Past Participle 207

5.9 More on Couldn't Have 209

5.10 Continuous Forms of Past Modals 212

Summary of Lesson 5 213

Editing Advice 216

Lesson 5 Test/Review 216

Expansion Activities 221

Lesson 6 223

GRAMMAR Adjective Clauses;Descriptive Phrases 224

CONTEXT Computers and the Internet 224

6.1 Adjective Clauses—An Overview 224

READING Spam 224

6.2 Relative Pronoun as Subject 226

6.3 Relative Pronoun as Object 229

6.4 Comparing Pronoun as Subject and Object 230

6.5 Relative Pronoun as Object of Preposition 233

READING eBay 236

6.6 Where and When in Adjective Clauses 237

6.7 Where,When,That,or Which in Adjective Clauses 239

READING Handwritten Letters or E-mail? 241

6.8 Whose+Noun in an Adjective Clause 243

6.9 Adjective Clauses After Indefinite Pronouns 245

READING Creating the Worid Wide Web 250

6.10 Nonessential Adjectives Clauses 252

6.11 Essential vs.Nonessential Adjective Clauses 254

6.12 Descriptive Phrases 258

Summary of Lesson 6 263

Editing Advice 264

Lesson 6 Test/Review 265

Expansion Activities 269

Lesson 7 273

GRAMMAR Infinitives;Gerunds 274

CONTEXT Helping Others 274

7.1 Infinitives—An Overview 274

READING Andrew Carnegie,Philanthropist 274

7.2 Verbs Followed by an Infinitive 276

7.3 Object Before Infinitive 279

READING Charity and Volunteering 281

7.4 Causative Verbs 283

7.5 Adjective Plus Infinitive 285

READING Bicycling to Raise Money for AIDS 287

7.6 Using the Infinitive to Show Purpose 288

7.7 Infinitive as Subject 290

7.8 Infinitive with Too and Enough 293

7.9 Gerunds—An Overview 295

READING Helping Others Get an Education 295

7.10 Gerundas Subject 296

7.11 Gerund After Prepositions and Nouns 298

7.12 Using the Correct Preposition 299

7.13 Verbs Followed by Gerunds 302

7.14 Verbs Followed by Gerund or Infinitive 304

7.15 Infinitive and Gerundas Subject 305

7.16 Gerund or Infinitive After a Verb:Differences in Meaning 306

READING Mimi's Bike Ride 309

7.17 Used To/Be Used To/Get Used To 310

READING Global Volunteers 313

7.18 Sense Perception Verbs 314

Summary of Lesson 7 317

Editing Advice 319

Lesson 7 Test/Review 321

Expansion Activities 324

Lesson 8 327

GRAMMAR Adverbial Clauses and Phrases;Sentence Connectors;So/Such...That 328

CONTEXT Coming to America 328

8.1 Adverbial Clauses—An Overview 328

READING A Nation of Immigrants 328

8.2 Reason and Purpose 330

READING New Immigrants:The Lost Boys of Sudan 334

8.3 Time Expressions 336

8.4 Using the-ing Form After Time Words 340

READING Slavery—An American Paradox 341

8.5 Contrast 342

READING The Changing Face of America 344

8.6 Condition 346

READING Adopting a Baby from Abroad 350

8.7 Sentence Connectors 352

8.8 So...That/Such...That 356

Summary of Lesson 8 359

Editing Advice 361

Lesson 8 Test/Review 362

Expansion Activities 367

Lesson 9 371

GRAMMAR Noun Clauses After Verbs and Adjectives;Noun Clauses as Included Questions;Noun Clauses as Direct Quotes;Noun Clauses in Reported Speech 372

CONTEXT Caring for Children 372

9.1 Noun Clauses—An Overview 372

READING Bringing Up Baby 372

9.2 Noun Clauses After Verbs and Adjectives 374

READING Pediatricians'Recommendations 377

9.3 Noun Clauses After Expressions of Importance 378

READING Day Care 379

9.4 Noun Clauses as Included Questions 381

9.5 Question Words Followed by an Infinitive 387

READING Dr.Benjamin Spock 390

9.6 Noun Clauses as Exact Quotes of Notable Words 391

READING A Folk Tale 392

9.7 Exact Quotes in Telling a Story 393

9.8 Noun Clauses as Reported Speech 394

9.9 The Rule of Sequence of Tenses 395

9.10 Say vs.Tell 397

9.11 Exceptions to the Rule of Sequence of Tenses 400

9.12 Reporting an Imperative 401

READING Being an Au Pair 404

9.13 Noun Clausesas Reported Questions 406

9.14 Noun Clauses After other Past Tense Verbs 410

Summary of Lesson 9 414

Editing Advice 415

Lesson 9 Test/Review 416

Expansion Activities 420

Lesson 10 423

GRAMMAR Unreal Conditions—Present;Real Conditions vs.Unreal Conditions;Unreal Conditions—Past;Wishes 424

CONTEXT Science or Science Fiction?READING Time Travel 424

10.1 Unreal Conditions—Present 426

10.2 Implied Conditions 435

READING Traveling to Mars 436

10.3 Real Conditions vs.Unreal Conditions 438

READING Life 100 Years Ago 441

10.4 Unreal Conditions—Past 442

10.5 Mixed Tenses in Condition Statements 444

READING Science or Wishful Thinking? 448

10.6 Wishes 450

10.7 Wishing for a Desired Change 454

Summary of Lesson 10 459

Editing Advice 460

Lesson 10 Test/Review 461

Expansion Activities 465

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