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外贸英语函电  商务英语应用文写作  第3版

外贸英语函电 商务英语应用文写作 第3版PDF格式文档图书下载


  • 购买点数:12
  • 作 者:尹小莹主编
  • 出 版 社:西安:西安交通大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2004
  • ISBN:7560517765
  • 标注页数:322 页
  • PDF页数:340 页

查看更多关于外贸英语函电 商务英语应用文写作 第3版的内容


Unit 1 Basic Knowledge of Business Letter Writing 商务书信写作的基础知识 1

Ⅰ.Form and Structure of Business Letters 商务书信的书写格式及构成 1

1.Form 格式 1

目录 1

2.Structure 构成 6

3.Addressing Envelopes 信封的写法 15

Ⅱ.Writing Principles of Business Letter 写信的原则 16

Exercises 24

Unit 2 Establishing Business Relations 建立贸易关系 24

1.Importer Writes to Exporter 进口商给出口商的信 25

Ⅰ.Letters for Establishing Business Relations 建立贸易关系的常用书信 25

2.Self Introduction by Exporter 出口商的自我介绍 28

3.Exporter Writes to Importer 出口商给进口商的信 30

4.Self Introduction by Manufacturer 33

生产厂家的自我介绍 33

5.Manufacturer Writes to Importer 厂家给进口商的信 34

Ⅱ.Supplement:Some Useful Sentences on Establishing Business Relations 有关建立贸易关系的常用语句 36

1.General Enquiry and Reply 一般询价和回复 41

Ⅰ.The Letters of Enquiries and Replies 询价和回复的信函例文 41

Unit 3 Enquiries and Replies 询价及回复 41

Exercises 41

2.Specific Enquiry and Reply 具体询价和回复 45

Ⅱ.Supplement:Some Useful Sentences on Enquiries Replies 有关询价及回复的常用语句 53

Exercises 57

Unit 4 Quotations,Sales Letters,Offers Counter Offers 报价、推销信、报盘及还盘 57

Ⅰ.Quotations 报价 57

1.Quotation and Reply 报价及回复 57

2.Sending a Quotation 寄送报价 60

3.Buyer Asks for Quotation and Seller Replies 买方要求报价及卖方回复 61

Ⅱ.Sales Letters 推销信 67

1.Ordinary Sales—Promotion of DVD Player 一般性推销——推销DVD机 67

2.Trying to Sell with Samples—Promotion of U.S.Dollar Bank Note Checker 尝试凭样推销——推销美元验钞机 68

Ⅲ.Offers 报盘 70

1.Offer of Electronic Calculators 电子计算器商报盘 70

2.Offer of Refrigerators 电冰箱商报盘 71

3.Offer of Personal Computers 计算机商报盘 72

Ⅳ.CounterOffers 还盘 74

1.Counter-offer on Price of Refrigerator 对电冰箱价格的还价 74

2.Counter-offer on Price of Hand-embroidered Silk Scarf 对手绣丝围巾价格的还价 75

3.Counter-offer on Price of Medical Apparatus and Instruments 对医疗器械价格的还价 76

4.Buyer Asks for Reduction of Minimum Quantity 买方要求降低起订量 77

5.Counter-offer on Payment Terms 对支付方式的还盘 78

6.Buyer Asks for Earlier Delivery 买方要求提前交货 81

Ⅴ.Supplement:Some Useful Sentences on Quotations,Sales Letters,Offers Counter Offers 有关报价、推销信、报盘及还盘的常用语句 82

Ⅰ.Order 订单 87

1.Order of Video Camera Recorder 订购摄录机 87

Unit 5 Orders,Acceptances and Rejections 订单、接受和回绝 87

Exercises 87

2.Order ofValves 订购气阀 89

3.Order of Cashmere Sweater 订购羊绒衫 90

4.Order of Powdered Milk 订购奶粉 90

5.Order of Bed Sheets and Pillow Cases 订购床单及枕套 93

Ⅱ.Acknowledgment 认收 95

1.Acknowledgment for 2,000 Sets of Full-automatic Washing Machine 认收2000台全自动洗衣机的订单 95

2.Acknowledgment for 3 M/Ts of Walnut 认收3公吨核桃的订单 95

3.Acknowledgment of Equipment 认收设备的订单 96

Ⅲ.Acceptance of Orders 接受订单的函 97

1.Acceptance of Order for Portable TV Sets 接受订购手提式电视机的订单 97

4.Rejection for the Reason of Goods Been Sold Out 因货物售出婉拒买方订单 97

2.Acceptance of Order for Furniture 接受订购家具的订单 98

Ⅳ.Offering Substitute 提供代用品 99

1.Offering Rayon in Place of Watered Silk 提供人造丝代替水洗丝 99

2.Offering Zinc Oxide 99%in Place of Zinc Oxide 99.5% 提供氧化锌99%代替氧化锌99.5% 100

Ⅴ.Letters of Regret 因不能接受订单而表示歉意的信函 101

1.Rejecting Ordered Price 拒绝接受订单价格 101

2.Rejection for the Reason of no Supply 因无货而婉拒买方订单 102

3.Rejecting Buyer's Delivery Terms 拒绝接受买方的交货条件 103

Ⅵ.Supplement:Some Useful Sentences on Orders 有关订单的常用语句 104

Exercises 109

Unit 6 Sales Confirmation and Purchase Contract 售货确认书及购货合同 109

Ⅰ.Specimen of Sales Confirmation 售货确认书实例 109

Ⅱ.Specimen of Purchase Contract 购货合同实例 113

Exercises 121

Unit 7 Payment 支付 121

Ⅰ.Letter ofCredit 信用证 121

1.Application Form for Documentary Credit 开立不可撤消跟单信用证申请书 121

2.Specimens of Letter of Credit 信用证实例 125

3.Buyer Notifies Seller 买方通知卖方信用证已开立 136

4 Urging Establishment of L/C 催开信用证 137

1.Application for Amendment to Letter of Credit 信用证修改申请书 140

Ⅱ.Amendment to Letter of Credit 修改信用证 140

2.Ask for Transhipment and Partial Shipments 要求转船和分批装运 141

3.Ask for Cancelling Manufacture's Certificate 要求取消生产厂家证明书 142

4.Ask toAmend theAmount PackingTerms 要求修改金额和包装条款 143

5.Ask for Extention of the Letter of Credit 要求展延信用证 144

Ⅲ.Supplement:Some Useful Sentences on Payment 有关支付的常用语句 146

Unit 8 Transport and Insurance 装运及保险 150

Ⅰ.Transport 装运 150

Exercises 150

1.Urging for Prompt Delivery 催装运 151

2 Shipping Instructions 装船指示 153

3 Booking Shipping Containers 预订船运集装箱 155

4.Packing Requirements 包装要求 157

5.Shipping Advice 装船通知 159

Ⅱ.Insurance 保险 166

1.Importer Asks Exporter to Cover Insurance 进口商请出口商代办保险 166

2.Asking for a Special Rate of Insurance 要求特惠保率 169

3.Insurance Company Asks to Cancel Breakage Risk 保险公司要求取消破碎险 169

Ⅲ.Supplement:Some Useful Sentences on Transport Insurance 有关装运和保险的常用语句 170

Exercises 175

Unit 9 Complaint,Claim and Settlement 申诉、索赔和理赔 175

Ⅰ.Complaint 申诉 175

1.Complaint of Wrong Goods Delivered 申诉错发货物 175

2.Complaint for Late Delivery 申诉迟交货物 178

3.Complaint for Inferior Quality 对质量低劣提出的申诉 180

Ⅱ.Claim and Settlement 索赔和理赔 181

1.Claim for Inferior Quality Reply for Settlement 对质量低劣提出的索赔及关于理赔的回复 181

2.Claim for Improper Packing Reply 不良包装引起的索赔及卖方回复 187

3.Claim for Shortweight Settlement of the Claim 短重引起的索赔及理赔 189

Ⅲ.Supplement:Some Useful Sentences on Complaints,Claims and Settlements 有关申诉、索赔及理赔的常用语句 191

Exercises 197

Unit 10 Telex Fax 电传及传真 197

Ⅰ.Telex 电传 197

1.The Layout 电传格式 197

2.Composing Telex Messages 电传文稿的拟写 198

Ⅱ.Fax 传真 202

The Layout and Example 传真格式及文稿例文 202

Ⅰ.What Is Electronic Commerce(e-commerce)? 什么是电子商务 205

Exercises 205

Unit 11 Electronic Commerce E-mail 电子商务及电子邮件 205

Ⅱ.Brief Introduction of E-mail 电子邮件简介 206

Ⅲ.The Examples of E-mail 电子邮件例文 207

Exercises 213

Unit 12 Case Study 案例 213

Case Ⅰ 案例1 213

Case Ⅱ 案例2 225

1.The Form of a Contract or ar Agreement 合同和协议的格式 233

Ⅰ.The Basic Knowledge of Writing a Contract and an Agreement 协议、合同写作的基础知识 233

Unit 13 Letter of Intent,Agreements and Contracts 意向书、协议和合同 233

Exercise 233

2.The Requirement of Writing a Contract or an Agreement 书写合同和协议的要求 235

Ⅱ.Letter of Intent 意向书 236

Ⅲ.Agreement 协议 241

1.Sole Agency Agreement 独家代理协议 241

2.Agreement for Dispatch Technical Personnel 派遣技术人员协议 247

3.Exclusive Sales Agreement 包销协议 252

4.Consignment Agreement 寄售协议书 255

1.Purchasing Equipment Contract 购买设备合同 258

Ⅳ.Contract 合同 258

2.Joint Venture Contract 合资企业合同 268

3.Futures Contract 期货合同 290

Ⅴ.Supplement:Some Useful Sentences on Agreements and Contracts 有关协议、合同的常用语句 291

Exercises 299

Unit 14 Invitation for Bids,Bid,Notice of Award Advertisments 招标通知、投标书、中标书及广告 299

Ⅰ.Invitation for Bids 招标通知 299



1.Reply—Agree to Submit a Bid 回复——同意投标 305

Ⅱ.Bid 投标 305

2.Tender 投标书 306

3.Notice of Award 中标通知 310

4.Reply—Give up Submitting a Bid 回复——放弃投标 311

Ⅲ.Adverticements 广告 312

1.Shanghai Toys Import and Export Corporation 上海玩具进出口公司广告 312

2.Hainan Provincial Nationality Foreign Trade General Corporation 海南省外贸总公司广告 313

3.The Mercedes-Benz 梅塞德斯—奔驰豪华轿车广告 314

4.Guangzhou Arts and Crafts Corporation the Treasure of Oriental Arts 广州工艺美术品公司广告 314

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