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大学物理引论  双语多媒体教材

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图书介绍:本丛书包括语文、数学各6册,各册以知识板块为结构,以讲解训练新题型为主导,立足实用,着眼备考,每册都包括新题型解秘、新题型解析、新题型精选、参 考 答 案等内容。所有内容均按照"新课程标准",结合现行小学教材,对需要掌握的知识进行全面归纳。对最具代表性的新题型进行重点讲解,帮助师生了解新题型,开拓解题的思路。以开放、综合、实践、创新为标准,精选江苏68所名牌小学复习、应考中的新型试题,科学编排,强化训练,学习效果十分显著。

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Chapter 1 Vectors 矢量 1


CD-ROM 1-1 Angular Velocity Vector 1

CD-ROM 1-2 Inertial Centrifugal Force 3

Ⅱ.Selected Materials 7

1-1 Vectors and Scalars 7

1-2 Addition and Subtraction of the Vectors by Geometrical Methods 8

1-3 Analytic Method for Adding Vectors:Components 10

1-4 The Scalar Product 12

1-5 The Vector Product 13

Appendix:The Cartesian Representation of the Product of Two Vectors 14

Ⅲ.参考译文 Reference Translations 16

(a)矢量和标量 16

(b)矢量积 16

译文注释(以下各章的参考译文中皆有“译文注释”,不另列出) 18

Ⅳ.英语词汇 English Vocabulary 18

Ⅴ.课外作业 Homework 20

Chapter 2 Relative Motion 相对运动 Center of Mass 质心 21


CD-ROM 1-3 Relative Motion 21

CD-ROM 1-4 Center of Mass 24

Ⅱ.Selected Materials 27

2-1 Reference Frames and Coordinate Systems 27

2-2 Relative Velocity 29

2-3 Center of Mass 31

Ⅲ.参考译文 Reference Translations 34

(a)参考系和坐标系 34

(b)质心 35

Ⅳ.英语词汇 English Vocabulary 36

Ⅴ.课外作业 Homework 39

Chapter 3 Momentum and Energy 动量和能量 40


CD-ROM 1-5 Theorem of Linear Momentum 40

CD-ROM 1-6 Conservation of Linear Momentum 42

Ⅱ.Selected Materials 45

3-1 Linear Momentum 45

3-2 Conservation of Linear Momentum 47

3-3 Rocket 49

3-4 Work and Energy 50

3-5 Work and Power 51

3-6 Kinetic Energy and Work-Energy Theorem 54

3-7 Potential Energy 55

3-8 Law of Conservation of Mechanical Energy 56

Ⅲ.参考译文 Reference Translations 58

(a)线动量 58

(b)机械能守恒定律 59

Ⅳ.英语词汇 English Vocabulary 60

Ⅴ.课外作业 Homework 63

Chapter 4 Motion of Rigid Body 刚体的运动 65


CD-ROM 1-7 Moment of Inertia 65

CD-ROM 1-8 Conservation of Angular Momentum 67

CD-ROM 1-9 Precession 70

Ⅱ.Selected Materials 73

4-1 Rotational Motion Angular Quantities 73

4-2 Torque Moment of Inertia 75

4-3 Angular Momentum 77

4-4 Conservation of Angular Momentum 78

Ⅲ.参考译文 Reference Translations 81

(a)转动 角量 81

Ⅳ.英语词汇 English Vocabulary 82

Ⅴ.课外作业 Homework 84

Chapter 5 Simple Harmonic Motion 简谐运动 85


CD-ROM 1-10 Simple Harmonic Motion 85

CD-ROM 1-11 Superposition of SHMs in the Same Direction 88

CD-ROM 1-12 Superposition of Two SHMs in Perpendicular Directions 91

Ⅱ.Selected Materials 95

5-1 Periodic Motion 95

5-2 Simple Harmonic Motion 95

5-3 Equations of Simple Harmonic Motion 96

5-4 Relation between SHM and Uniform Circular Motion 98

Ⅲ.参考译文 Reference Translations 102

(a)周期运动 102

(b)简谐运动 102

Ⅳ.英语词汇 English Vocabulary 103

Ⅴ.课外作业 Homework 104

Chapter 6 Wave Motion波动 106

Ⅰ.CD-ROM 106

CD-ROM 2-1 Principle of Superposition for Waves 106

CD-ROM 2-2 Interference of Waves Coherent Waves 109

CD-ROM 2-3 Superposition of Two Coherent Waves with Different Phase Difference 112

CD-ROM 2-4 Standing Waves 117

CD-ROM 2-5 Phase Shift(Half-Wave Loss) 120

CD-ROM 2-6 Doppler Effect 124

Ⅱ.Selected Materials 127

6-1 Introduction 127

6-2 Wavelength and Frequency of Periodic Wave Trains 129

6-3 Relative Phases of Sinusoidal Wave Trains 131

6-4 Superposition of Waves Interference 133

6-5 Standing Waves 135

Ⅲ.参考译文 Reference Translations 139

(a)引言 139

Ⅳ.英语词汇 English Vocabulary 140

Ⅴ.课外作业 Homework 142

Chapter 7 Interference of Light 光的干涉 143

Ⅰ.CD-ROM 143

CD-ROM 2-7 Optical Path and Optical Path Difference 143

CD-ROM 2-8 Young's Interference Experiment 146

CD-ROM 2-9 Interference by Thin Film 148

Ⅱ.Selected Materials 152

7-1 The Wave Nature of Light 152

7-2 Index of Refraction and Speed of Light 153

7-3 Young's Double-Slit Experiment 154

7-4 Thin Film Interference 156

7-5 Antireflection Coating 160

Ⅲ.参考译文 Reference Translations 161

(a)薄膜的干涉 161

Ⅳ.英语词汇 English Vocabulary 163

Ⅴ.课外作业 Homework 165

Chapter 8 Diffraction of Light 光的衍射 166

Ⅰ.CD-ROM 166

CD-ROM 2-10 Michelson Interferometer 166

CD-ROM 2-11 Grating Diffraction 169

Ⅱ.Selected Materials 172

8-1 Diffraction and the Wave Theory of Light 172

8-2 Diffraction by a Single-Slit 174

8-3 Diffraction Grating 177

8-4 Holography 179

Ⅲ.参考译文 Reference Translations 181

(a)衍射和光的波动理论 181

Ⅳ.英语词汇 English Vocabulary 182

Ⅴ.课外作业 Homework 183

Chapter 9 Polarization of Light 光的偏振 184

Ⅰ.CD-ROM 184

CD-ROM 2-12 Polarization of Light 184

Ⅱ.Selected Materials 190

9-1 Polarization 190

9-2 Polarization by Reflection Brewster's Law 193

9-3 Circular and Elliptical Polarization 194

Ⅲ.参考译文 Reference Translations 197

(a)偏振 197

Ⅳ.英语词汇 English Vocabulary 199

Ⅴ.课外作业 Homework 200

Chapter 10 Electromagnetism(Ⅰ) 电磁学(Ⅰ) 201

Ⅰ.CD-ROM 201

CD-ROM 3-1 Lorentz Force 201

Ⅱ.Selected Materials 205

10-1 Electric Field Field Lines 205

10-2 Flux of an Electric Field 207

10-3 Electric Potential 208

10-4 Electromotive Force and Ohm's Law 210

10-5 J.J.Thomson and Discovery of Electron 212

Ⅲ.参考译文 Reference Translations 215

(a)电场 电场线 215

(b)电势 216

Ⅳ.英语词汇 English Vocabulary 217

Ⅴ.课外作业 Homework 218

Chapter 11 Electromagnetism(Ⅱ) 电磁学(Ⅱ) 220

Ⅰ.CD-ROM 220

CD-ROM 3-2 Electromagnetic Induction—Phenomena 220

CD-ROM 3-3 Electromagnetic Induction—Applications 223

CD-ROM 3-4 Self-induction 225

Ⅱ.Selected Materials 229

11-1 The Magnetic Field 229

11-2 Magnetic Induction B 230

11-3 Lorentz Force 231

11-4 Magnetic Flux 232

11-5 Faraday's Law of Induction 233

11-6 Michael Faraday and James Clerk Maxwell 235

Ⅲ.参考译文 Reference Translations 238

(a)磁场 238

(b)法拉第电磁感应定律 238

Ⅳ.英语词汇 English Vocabulary 240

Ⅴ.课外作业 Homework 241

Chapter 12 Special Relativity 狭义相对论 Wave-Particle Duality 波粒二象性Ⅰ.CD-ROM 243

CD-ROM 3-5 Relativity of Simultaneity 243

CD-ROM 3-6 Electron Cloud 245

Ⅱ.Selected Materials 248

12-1 Introduction 248

12-2 Two Postulates of Special Relativity 249

12-3 Length Contraction and Time Dilation 250

12-4 Mass and Energy 253

12-5 Bohr's Theory of the Atom 254

12-6 Wave-Particle Duality(Matter Waves) 256

Ⅲ.参考译文 Reference Translations 259

(a)引言 259

(b)狭义相对论的两个假设 259

Ⅳ.英语词汇 English Vocabulary 261

Ⅴ.课外作业 Homework 263

Chapter 13 Potential Well 势阱 Potential Barrier 势垒 264

Ⅰ.CD-ROM 264

CD-ROM 3-7 Potential Well 264

CD-ROM 3-8 Potential Barrier Tunneling Effect 267

Ⅱ.Selected Materials 271

13-1 Potential Wall 271

13-2 Potential Box 273

13-3 Potential Well 275

13-4 Potential Barrier 277

Ⅲ.参考译文 Reference Translations 279

(a)势壁 279

Ⅳ.英语词汇 English Vocabulary 280

Ⅴ.课外作业 Homework 281

Chapter 14 Laser 激光 Semiconductor 半导体 283

Ⅰ.CD-ROM 283

CD-ROM 3-9 Laser 283

CD-ROM 3-10 Semiconductors 286

Ⅱ.Selected Materials 292

14-1 Three Basic Processes of Radiation 292

14-2 Population Inversion 293

14-3 Laser Operation 294

14-4 Laser Applications 296

14-5 Semiconductors 297

14-6 Semiconductor Devices 298

Ⅲ.参考译文 Reference Translations 302

(a)辐射的三个基本过程 302

(b)半导体 303

Ⅳ.英语词汇 English Vocabulary 304

Ⅴ.课外作业 Homework 306

Chapter 15 Nuclear Physics 核物理 307

Ⅰ.CD-ROM 307

CD-ROM 3-11 Radioactivity 307

CD-ROM 3-12 Nuclear Reaction 309

CD-ROM 3-13 Quarks 313

Ⅱ.Selected Materials 316

15-1 Discovery of Nucleus 316

15-2 Nuclear Fission and Nuclear Fusion 318

15-3 Discovery of Proton 320

15-4 Discovery of Neutron 321

15-5 Outlook of Our Study in Fundamental Particles 322

Ⅲ.参考译文 Reference Translations 324

(a)原子核的发现 324

Ⅳ.英语词汇 English Vocabulary 325

Ⅴ.课外作业 Homework 326

Index 索引 328

References 参考文献 334

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