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英语应该这么说 Anytime Books 1 与Emotions有关的口语表达

英语应该这么说 Anytime Books 1 与Emotions有关的口语表达PDF格式文档图书下载



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Chapter 1. Anger 愤怒 17

01 be red in the face 18

02hit the ceiling 19

03blow one's top 20

04hot under the collar 21

05one's blood is boiling over 22

06steam is coming out of one's ears 23

07jump down one's throat 24

08grind one's teeth 25

09erupt like a volcano 26

10push one's buttons 27

Chapter 2. Boredom 厌倦 33

01twiddle one's thumbs 34

02be bored out of one's mind 35

03be bored to death 36

04put someone to sleep 37

05climb the walls 38

06so bored(that)one can't even think straight 39

07minutes seem like days 40

08as stale as three-day old bread 41

09stare at the clock 42

10crawl by at a snail's pace 43

Chapter 3. Curiosity 好奇心 49

01curiosity killed the cat 50

02keep one's eyes on something 51

03snoop around 52

04be nosy 53

05fish for something 54

06pick someone's brain 55

07dying to find out 56

08the suspense is killing me 57

09can't sleep without knowing 58

10can't wait for another minute 59

Chapter 4. Embarrassment 尴尬 65

01put one's foot in one's mouth 66

02let the cat out of the bag 67

03step on one's toes 68

04with one's tail between one's legs 69

05lose face 70

06catch one with one's pants down 71

07eat one's words 72

08have egg on one's face 73

09spill the beans 74

10air one's dirty laundry 75

Chapter 5. Exhaustion 筋疲力尽 81

01forty winks 82

02all worn out 83

03take a cat nap 84

04burn the candle at both ends 85

05catch one's breath 86

06run out of breath 87

07sleep for days 88

08one's entire body aches 89

09catch some Zs 90

10hit the hay 91

Chapter 6. Fear 恐惧 97

01scared stiff 98

02as white as a ghost 99

03shake like a leaf 100

04make one's hair stand on end 101

05get cold feet 102

06one's heart stands still 103

07chicken out 104

08yellow-bellied 105

09make one's skin crawl 106

10have a yellow streak 107

Chapter 7. Happiness 幸福 113

01walk on sunshine 114

02happy camper 115

03as happy as a clam 116

04grin from ear to ear 117

05on cloud nine 118

06jump for joy 119

07have a ball 120

08be in seventh heaven 121

09feel like a million dollars 122

10fly high 123

Chapter 8. Sadness 悲伤 129

01cry a river 130

02feel blue 131

03shed crocodile tears 132

04cry over spilt milk 133

05have a long face 134

06have a broken heart 135

07eat one's heart out 136

08have a heavy heart 137

09be down in the dumps 138

10get over 139

Chapter 9. Shyness 害羞 145

01as quiet as a lamb 146

02as timid as a mouse 147

03cat gets one's tongue 148

04have butterflies in one's stomach 149

05hide in the corner 150

06bury one's head in the sand 151

07come out of one's shell 152

08have sweaty palms 153

09as bashful as a baby 154

10live like a hermit 155

Chapter 10. Surprise 惊吓 161

01be caught off guard 162

02Holy cow! 163

03bat an eyelash 164

04eyes pop out 165

05raise one's eyebrows 166

06be bug-eyed 167

07boggle one's mind 168

08for crying out loud 169

09can't believe one's eyes 170

10be made speechless 171

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