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英语应该这么说 Anytime Books 3 与Food有关的口语表达

英语应该这么说 Anytime Books 3 与Food有关的口语表达PDF格式文档图书下载



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Chapter 1. Appetizers & Snacks 开胃品与小吃 18

01a shrimp 18

02bread and butter 19

03in a nutshell 20

04twist one's body into a pretzel 21

05big cheese 22

06wing it 23

07junk food junkie 24

08have a sweet tooth 25

09have sticky fingers 26

10do a donut 27

Chapter 2. Breakfast Foods 早餐 34

01waffling 34

02get toasted 35

03have egg on one's face 36

04bring home the bacon 37

05in a jam 38

06sell like hotcakes 39

07pancake someone 40

08as stale as three-day old bread 41

09goose egg 42

10traffic jam 43

Chapter 3. Desserts 甜点 50

01crumble like a cookie 50

02have pie on one's face 51

03toss one's cookies 52

04the icing on the cake 53

05eat humble pie 54

06put a finger in the pie 55

07a piece of cake 56

08a cakewalk 57

09as nutty as a fruitcake 58

10brownie points 59

Chapter 4. Drinks 饮品 66

01bottoms up 66

02milk moustache 67

03mixed drink 68

04liquid courage 69

05milk someone for information 70

06coffee break 71

07one's cup of tea 72

08have ice water in one's vein 73

09beer muscles 74

10a cold one 75

Chapter 5. Fruits 水果 82

01the apple of one's eye 82

02polish the apple 83

03go bananas 84

04as sour as a lemon 85

05peach fuzz 86

06heard it through the grapevine 87

07peachy 88

08compare apples and oranges 89

09with a cherry on top 90

10a plum assignment 91

Chapter 6. Meat 肉类 98

01chew the fat 98

02meathead 99

03put some meat on one's bones 100

04roasted 101

05ham 102

06meat and potatoes kind of guy 103

07beefy 104

08beef up 105

09gnaw on the bone 106

10chicken legs 107

Chapter 7. Sauces 佐料 114

01as sour as vinegar 114

02butter someone's bread 115

03grease someone's palms 116

04cut the mustard 117

05gravy train 118

06hit the sauce 119

07greased lightning 120

08cream someone 121

09window dressing 122

10take a dip 123

Chapter 8. Spices 调味品 130

01back to the salt mines 130

02worth one's salt 131

03spice of life 132

04spice things up 133

05garlic breath 134

06open sesame 135

07salt and pepper hair 136

08as sweet as sugar 137

09mover and shaker 138

10salt away 139

Chapter 9. Utensils & Appliances 餐具 146

01put a cork in it 146

02knife someone in the back 147

03fork over 148

04whip someone 149

05mix it up with someone 150

06the sharpest knife in the drawer 151

07blend in 152

08spoon feed 153

09bottle up 154

10sponge off someone 155

Chapter 10. Vegetable 蔬菜 162

01as cool as a cucumber 162

02spill the beans 163

03salad days 164

04cornball 165

05as red as a beet 166

06in a pickle 167

07hot potato 168

08string bean 169

09beanpole 170

10squash something 171

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