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经理人财务管理手册  英汉对照

经理人财务管理手册 英汉对照PDF格式文档图书下载



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出版说明 1

前言:培养财务素养Become finance savvy 2

1了解基本术语Review basic terms 8

2不要随便进行假设Don't assume 16

3了解时机的重要性Understand the importance of timing 24

4了解审计人员的工作Understand what the auditor does 32

5学习到什么地方找答案Learn where to go for answers 40

6了解实情Learn the score 48

7深入审视资产负债表Look closer at the balance sheet 56

8阅读整份损益表Read the entire income statement 64

9检查现金流量Check the cash flow 70

10深入了解财务报表附注Take a closer look at the footnotes 76

11判断存货是否过高Determine if inventory is too high 84

12检查调整项目Look at adjustments 92

13 核查营业收入的记入内容Check revenue recognition 100

14 分析、分析、再分析Analyze,analyze,analyze 108

15 运用关键的财务比率Use key ratios 116

16 为何房地产、厂房与设备很重要Why PPE is important 124

17 进一步探究商誉的内涵Find out more about goodwill 132

18 准备、准备、再准备Prepare,prepare,prepare 140

19 设定务实的销售目标Set realistic sales goals 148

20 明智地降低成本Make judicious cuts 156

21 追踪现金流量Track cash flow 164

22 找出潜在的问题Spot potential problems 172

23 了解营业收入对成本的影响Understand how sales affect costs 180

24 选择适当的预算方式Select the right type of budget 186

词汇表Glossary 194

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