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中国文化遗产的多视角审视  英文版

中国文化遗产的多视角审视 英文版PDF格式文档图书下载


  • 购买点数:12
  • 作 者:韦忠生编著
  • 出 版 社:厦门:厦门大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2010
  • ISBN:9787561537220
  • 标注页数:339 页
  • PDF页数:350 页

查看更多关于中国文化遗产的多视角审视 英文版的内容


Chapter One Understand Culture 1

1.1 The Definition of Culture 1

1.2 Layers of Culture 4

1.3 Differences between Cultures:High and Low Context Communication 4

1.4 Measuring Cultural Differences 5

1.5 Cultural Ethnocentrism 8

1.6 Models of Culture 8

1.7 Characteristics of Culture 13

1.8 Approaches to Culture from Different Perspectives 16

1.9 Cultural Competence 23

1.10 Cultural Intelligence 24

1.11 The Process of Developing Cultural Intelligence 26

1.12 Activities That Support the Development of Cultural Intelligence 27

1.13 Cross-Cultural Interactions at Home 28

Chapter Two Understand Chinese Culture from Different Perspective 29

2.1 The General Characteristics of Chinese Civilisation and Culture 29

2.2 An Examination of Traditional Chinese Culture 31

2.3 A Comparision of Chinese Values and Westem Values 42

2.4 Four Principles of Chinese Culture 47

2.5 The Role of Writing in the Formation of Chinese Civilisation and Culture 49

2.6 The Conditions of Civilisation and Its Relation with Culture 50

Chapter Three Ancient China's Four Great Inventions—The Backbone of Chinese Culture 54

3.1 China-A Land of Inventions and Discoveries 54

3.2 Joseph Needham and History of Science and Technology in China 57

3.3 China's Four Great Inventions and Their Impact on the World 59

3.4 Features of Ancient Chinese Science and Technology 65

3.5 Scientific and Technological Classics 67

3.6 Reasons for Scientific and Technological Stagnation:Different Perspectives 76

Chapter Four Historical Background for Chinese Culture—the Prerequisite of Chinese Culture 80

4.1 The ancient period(ancient times—1840) 80

4.2 The modem period(1840-present) 104

Chapter Five An Insightful Look into Various Aspects of Chinese Culture:Chinese Architecture 123

5.1 Three Stages of China's Architecture History 123

5.2 Characteristics of Ancient Chinese Architecture:Different Perspective 124

5.3 Basic Architectural Elements 126

5.4 The Curved Roof:Practical and Aesthetic Consideration 128

5.5 Symbolism in Chinese Architecture 129

5.6 Comparisons Between Ancient Chinese City Planning and European Counterparts 130

5.7 Religious Impact on Ancient European Architecture and Its Features 134

5.8 Fujian(Yongding)Earth Buildings:A Typical Example of Local Residential Architecture 136

Chapter Six An Insightful Look into Various Aspects of Chinese Culture:Chinese Garden,Potted Landscapes and Tea 150

6.1 A Brief History of Chinese Garden 150

6.2 Classification and Distribution of Chinese Gardens 151

6.3 The Principles of Chinese Garden Design 152

6.4 The Common Structures and Basic Features of Chinese Gardens 153

6.5 The Aesthetic Features of Chinese Gardens 158

6.6 Differences Between Chinese and Western Gardens 160

6.7 Potted Landscapes:Penjing 160

6.8 A Brief History of Potted Landscapes 161

6.9 Categories,Materials and Patterns of Potted Landscapes 162

6.10 Schools of Potted Landscaping 164

6.11 Artistic Characteristics of Potted Landscapes 164

6.12 Appreciation of Potted Landscapes 166

6.13 Chinese Tea Culture 167

Chapter Seven An Insightful Look into Various Aspects of Chinese Culture:Silk & Chinese Culinary Art 182

7.1 History of Silk 182

7.2 The Family of Silkworm 183

7.3 The Secret of Sericulture 184

7.4 Characteristics of Silk 185

7.5 Trade Culture and Cultural Exchange on the Silk Road 185

7.6 A Secret out to the World 188

7.7 The Silk Road's Decline 189

7.8 Routes of the Silk Road in China 189

7.9 Some Main Sites along the Route 190

7.10 Culinary Culture 191

Chapter Eight An Insightful Look into Various Aspects of Chinese Culture:Traditional Chinese Painting & Calligraphy 205

8.1 Chinese Painting 205

8.2 Similarities and Differences Between Chinese and Western Painting 205

8.3 Classification of Chinese Paintings and Their Characteristics 208

8.4 Calligraphy and Painting 210

8.5 Symbolism in Chinese Painting 210

8.6 Approaches to Appreciate Chinese Painting 213

8.7 Chinese Calligraphy 218

Chapter Nine An Insightful Look into Various Aspects of Chinese Culture:Folk Beliefs in Chinese and Western Culture 224

9.1 Superstitious Beliefs as Components of Culture 224

9.2 Some Popular Chinese Folk Belief 225

9.3 Some Popular Western Folk Beliefs 234

Chapter Ten Managing Across Culture 249

10.1 Forces of Globalisation 249

10.2 Globalisation of People 249

10.3 How Cross-Cultural Communication Works 250

10.4 Understand Cultural Differences around the World 252

10.5 The CW Model:Another Cultural Perspective 254

10.6 The Globe Study:A Massive Cultural Project 258

10.7 Different Cultures and Management Systems 263

10.8 Cultural Influence on Business Setting 266

10.9 The Impact of Culture on International Negotiations 270

10.10 Cultural Approaches to Negotiation 280

10.11 A Probe into Leadership Styles 284

10.12 Leadership Styles in Real Life 286

10.13 The Components of Effective Leadership 286

10.14 Culture—Specific Business Practice 288

Chapter Eleven The Integration,Conflict and Translation of Culture,and the Future of Chinese Culture 299

11.1 Cultural Diffusion 299

11.2 The Cultural Integration and Impact of Chinese Culture on Other Countries 301

11.3 Cultural Conflicts 307

11.4 Two Orientations to Conflict 308

11.5 Value Differences and Conflict Styles 311

11.6 Managing Intercultural Conflicts 312

11.7 Dealing with Cultural Conflicts 313

11.8 The Translation of Culture 314

11.9 Cultural Imperialism and Chinese Culture's Future 316

11.10 Certain Reflections on Chinese Culture Translation in Global Cultural Context 319

11.11 Chinese Culture's Promising Future 320

Reference 332

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