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Lesson One 1

Listen and Speak 12

Text:China 12

The English Alphabet and Phonetics 12

Word Study:look,see 12

Exercises 12

Lesson Two 12

Listen and Speak 26

Text:Greetings 26

Phonetics and Grammar:音节和单词重音Word Study:hear,listenExercisesLesson Three 26

Listen and Speak 38

Text:Our School 38

Phonetics and Grammar:开音节和闭音节、代词Word Study:speak,sayExercisesLesson Four 38

Listen and Speak 52

Text:Seasons 52

Grammar:数词 52

Word Study:talk,tell 52

Exercises 52

Review Exercises(Ⅰ) 52

Lesson Five 56

Listen and Speak 65

Text:Measurement of Time 65

Phonetics and Grammar:不完全爆破、时刻表示法、时期表示法Word Study:arrive,reachExercisesLesson Six 65

Listen and Speak 76

Text:On the Telephone 76

Phonetics and Grammar:意群和停顿、动词“be”与“have”、一般现在时Word Study:accept,receiveExercisesLesson Seven 76

Listen and Speak 88

Text:Social Customs and Behavior 88

Phonetics and Grammar:r音节、名词的数与格Word Study:begin,startExercisesLesson Eight 88

Listen and Speak 101

Text:A Letter of Recommendation 101

Grammar:冠词 101

Word Study:hope,wish 101

Exercises 101

Review Exercises(Ⅱ) 101

Lesson Nine 106

Listen and Speak 118

Text:Trains in Britain 118

Grammar:动词的种类 118

Word Study:become,turn 118

Exercises 118

Lesson Ten 118

Listen and Speak 130

Text:The Supermarket 130

Grammar:句子成分 130

Word Study:go,come 130

Exercises 130

Lesson Eleven 130

Listen and Speak 143

Text:Flying to Los Angeles 143

Grammar:句子种类 143

Word Study:give,send 143

Exercises 143

Lesson Twelve 143

Listen and Speak 155

Text:Mail Service 155

Grammar:英语动词的基本形式 155

Word Study:get,gain 155

Exercises 155

Review Exercises(Ⅲ) 155

Lesson Thirteen 160

Listen and Speak 170

Text:I Don't Feel Very Well 170

Grammar:将来时间表示法 170

Word Study:ask,want 170

Exercises 170

Lesson Fourteen 170

Listen and Speak 183

Text:Customs Inspection 183

Grammar:情态动词 183

Word Study:keep,remain 183

Exercises 183

Lesson Fifteen 183

Listen and Speak 194

Text:The Library 194

Grammar:一般过去时 194

Word Study:know,learn 194

Exercises 194

Lesson Sixteen 194

Listen and Speak 207

Text:At the Barber Shop 207

Grammar:疑问句 207

Word Study:thank,please 207

Exercises 207

Review Exercises(Ⅳ) 207

Lesson Seventeen 212

Listen and Speak 225

Text:(A)Touring in China 225

(B)Climbing the Great Wall 225

Grammar:现在完成时、现在完成进行时Word Study:think,findExercisesLesson Eighteen 225

Listen and Speak 237

Text:(A)Practice Makes Perfect 237

(B)English Corner 237

Grammar:简单句、并列句和复合句 237

Word Study:teach,show 237

Exercises 237

Lesson Nineteen 237

Listen and Speak 250

Text:Taking Taxis Abroad 250

Grammar:形容词、副词的比较级和最高级(一)Word Study:make,letExercisesLesson Twenty 250

Listen and Speak 261

Text:(A)The Olympic Games 261

(B)Talking about Hobbies 261

Grammar:形容词、副词的比较级和最高级(二)Word Study:feel,liveExercisesReview Exercises(Ⅴ) 261

Lesson Twenty-one 265

Listen and Speak 278

Text:A Birthday Pary 278

Grammar:不定代词 278

Word Study:try,intend 278

Exercises 278

Lesson Twenty-two 278

Listen and Speak 293

Text:(A)A Weather Report 293

(B)Talking about the Weather 293

Grammar:标点符号、大写规则 293

Word Study:seem,appear 293

Exercises 293

Lesson Twenty-three 293

Listen and Speak 306

Text:At a Banquet 306

Grammar:介词用法小结(一) 306

Word Study:close,shut 306

Exercises 306

Lesson Twenty-four 306

Listen and Speak 319

Text:Holidays and Festivals 319

Grammar:介词用法小结(二) 319

Word Study:buy,sell 319

Exercises 319

Glossary 319

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