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跨文化交际  翻译理论与对比篇章语言学

跨文化交际 翻译理论与对比篇章语言学PDF格式文档图书下载



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Chapter 1 Contrastive linguistic decisions: the need for textual competence 1

Chapter 2 Foundation disciplines 13

Figures 22

Chapter 3 The myth of the single register 22

3.1 The three dimensions of context 22

3.2 Tenor v. field and mode 26

3.3 The semiotics of field, mode and tenor 29

3.4 Deeper levels of semiotics 31

Chapter 4 Argumentation across cultures 35

4.1 Basic text types 39

4.2 Through-argumentation 39

4.3 Counter-argumentation 40

4.4 Order of text-type preference 44

Chapter 5 Argumentation in Arabic rhetoric 47

Chapter 6 The paragraph as a unit of text structure 54

6.1 The negotiation of text structure 55

6.2 A possible context 56

6.4 Negotiating a structural format-the higher level of chunks 57

6.3 Negotiating a structural format-the basic level of elements 57

6.5 The structural organization of sample B 61

Chapter 7 Background information in expository texts 65

7.1 Exposition 66

7.2 Add-on background information 68

7.3 Three levels of narration 71

7.4 Main and subordinate texts 73

7.5 Background signals in embedded texts 74

Chapter 8 At the interface between structure and texture: the textual progression of themes and rhemes 76

8.1 Simple linear TP 81

8.2 Continuous-theme TP 81

8.3 The tone-setter and the scene setter 83

8.4 The zigzag and the uniform patterns 85

Chapter 9 Cataphora as a textural manifestation 89

9.1 Argumentation and exposition 91

9.2 Cataphora in argumentation 93

9.3 Cataphora in exposition 94

Chapter 10 Degree of texture explicitness 99

Chapter 11 Emotiveness in texts 111

Chapter 12 Translating direct speech and the dynamics of news reporting 123

12.1 Contextual profile of sample A 126

12.2 Speech act sequence for Part V sample A 130

12.3 Text structure of sample A 134

12.4 Text-discourse-genre-chain 135

Chapter 13 The pragmatics of politeness 139

13.1 The type token relationship in texts 140

13.2 Text-type, Power and Distance 156

Chapter 14 Cultures in contact 157

14.1 The text-type continuum 168

Chapter 15 The discourse of the alienated 174

Chapter 16 The translation of irony: a discourse perspective 186

Chapter 17 The other texts: implications for liaison interpreting 200

17.1 Intertextual retrieval 203

Glossary of Contrastive Text Linguistics and Translation Terms 213

References 226

Index 231

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