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  • 购买点数:10
  • 作 者:陆平编著
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国民航出版社
  • 出版年份:2005
  • ISBN:7801106822
  • 标注页数:227 页
  • PDF页数:245 页



Unit 1 An Airline Job(航空公司工作) 1

Part One Warming Up 1

Part Two Dialogues in Situation: 2

Talking about an Airline Job(谈论航空公司工作) 2

Part Three Language Practice 5

Part Four Communication Activity 7

Part Five Read and Discuss: 8

Airline Services(航空服务) 11

Unit 2 The Flight Schedule(航班介绍) 11

Part One Warming Up 11

Part Two Dialogues in Situation: 12

A The Flight Schedule(介绍航班时刻表) 12

B A Scheduled Flight with an Intermediate Point(经停航班) 13

C A Connecting Flight(衔接航班) 13

Part Three Language Practice 15

Part Four Communication Activity 21

Part Five Read and Discuss: 21

Qualifications of An Ideal Agent(一位理想航空服务员的素质) 21

Unit 3 Travel Inquiries(航空旅游问讯) 24

Part One Warming Up 24

Part Two Dialogues in Situation: 25

A About Baggage Allowance and Charges for Overweight(免费行李额及逾重行李费) 25

B Inquiry About Baby Service(婴儿服务问讯) 26

C About In-flight Meals(机上餐饮服务) 26

D About Check-in Time and Shuttle Bus Service(询问登机时间及机场班车服务) 27

Part Three Language Practice 29

Part Four Communication Activity 31

Part Five Read and Discuss: 32

Airlines'Assistance to Special Passengers(航空公司对特殊旅客的服务)Unit 4 Travel Documents(旅行证件) 34

Part One Warming Up 34

Part Two Dialogues in Situation: 35

A Travel Documents to Kuala Lumpur,Bangkok and Hong Kong(去吉隆坡、曼谷、香港的旅行证件) 35

B About Visas and Shorts to Singapore and Bangkok(去新加波、曼谷签证及健康证明) 36

Part Three Language Practice 38

Part Four Communication Activity 40

Part Five Read and Discuss: 41

1.Passport and Visa(护照与签证) 41

2.Travel Health(旅游健康) 42

Unit 5 Telephone Reservations(电话订座) 44

Part One Warming Up 44

Part Two Dialogues in Situation: 45

A International Flight Reservations(国际航班订座) 45

B Reservations on a Connecting Flight(衔接航班订座) 46

Part Three Language Practice 48

Part Four Communication Activity 51

Part Five Read and Discuss: 51

Booking Procedures(电话订座程序) 51

Unit 6 Reconfirmation(座位再确认) 54

Part One Warming Up 54

Part Two Dialogues in Situation: 55

A Reminding a Passenger to Reconfirm the Flight Space(提醒旅客对座位再确认) 55

B Reconfirming the Right Space(座位再确认的处理) 55

C Failure in Reconfirmation(未办理座位再确认的处理) 56

Part Three Language Practice 57

Part Four Communication Activity 59

Part Five Read and Discuss: 59

Reconfirmation(座位再确认) 59

Unit 7 Change of Reservation(订座变更) 61

Part One Warming Up 61

Part Two Dialogues in Situation: 62

A Reservation Change(Voluntary Change)(自愿变更订座) 62

B Changing the Reservation Due to Overbooking(Involuntary Change)(因航班超售变更订座)(非自愿变更) 63

C Changing the Reservation Due to Bad Weather(因天气原因而变更订座) 64

Part Three Language Practice 65

Part Four Communication Activity 68

Part Five Read and Discuss: 69

Changes to Passenger Tickets(客票变更) 69

Unit 8 Standby(候补旅客) 71

Part One Warming Up 71

Part Two Dialogues in Situation: 72

A Waitlisting a Passenger(为旅客安排候补) 72

B Standby Not Preferable(旅客不愿候补) 73

Part Three Language Practice 74

Part Four Communication Activity 76

Part Five Read and Discuss: 77

Special Categories of Passengers(特殊旅客) 79

Unit 9 Ticketing and Change of Ticket(出票与客票变更) 79

Part One Warming Up 79

Part Two Dialogues in Situation: 80

A Ticketing(出票) 80

B Ticket Reissue(重新出票) 80

C Ticket Endorsement(机票签转) 82

Part Three Language Practice 84

Part Four Communication Activity 87

Part Five Read and Discuss: 88

1.Category of the Tickets(机票种类) 88

2.Passenger Ticket and Baggage Check(客票与行李票) 89

Unit 10 Fares(票价) 91

Part One Warming Up 91

Part Two Dialogues in Situation: 91

A Children's and Infants'Fare(婴儿与儿童票价) 91

B Special Fares(特殊票价) 93

C Miscellaneous Charges Orders(旅费证) 94

Part Three Language Practice 96

Part Four Communication Activity 98

Part Five Read and Discuss: 99

1.Children's and Infants' Fares(婴儿与儿童票价) 99

2.Special Fares(特殊票价) 99

3.Miscellaneous Charges Order(旅费证) 101

Unit 11 Lost Ticket and Refund(遗失客票的补开与退票) 102

Part One Warming Up 102

Part Two Dialogues in Situation: 103

A Replacement of Lost Ticket(遗失客票的补开) 103

B Refund For Domestic Flight(国内旅客退票) 104

C Refund For International Flight(国际旅客退票) 105

Part Three Language Practice 107

Part Four Communication Activity 108

Part Five Read and Discuss: 112

Lost Ticket and Refund Policy(遗失客票与退款的规定)Unit 12 Check-in(办理乘机手续) 114

Part One Warming Up 114

Part Two Dialogues in Situation: 115

A Check-in(办理乘机手续) 115

B Check-in for an Unaccompanied Minor(办理无人陪伴儿童乘机手续) 116

C Check-in for a Handicapped Passenger(办理残疾人乘机手续) 117

Part Three Language Practice 118

Part Four Communication Activity 120

Part Five Read and Discuss: 121

Check-in(办理乘机手续) 124

Unit 13 Examining the Travel Documents(旅客乘机时的证件查处) 124

Part One Warming Up 124

Part Two Dialogues in Situation: 124

A Confirming a Seat at the Check-in(确认座位) 124

B Recommending Standby(办理候补) 125

C Ticket Endorsement(机票签转) 126

D No Visa on the Passport(旅客乘机时未办签证) 126

E Passport Expired(旅客乘机时护照过期) 127

Part Three Language Practice 127

Part Four Communication Activity 129

Part Five Read and Discuss: 130

The Responsibility of a Check-in Agent(值机服务人员的职责) 130

Unit 14 Seat Preference(旅客座位选择) 132

Part One Warming Up 132

Part Two Dialogues in Situation: 132

A Reassigning Seats(为旅客重新安排座位) 132

B No Window Seat Available(靠窗座位无法安排时的处理) 133

C No Smoking Allowed on Board(机上禁止吸烟) 133

D Party Seat Not Available(同伴座位无法安排) 134

Part Three Language Practice 134

Part Four Communication Activity 136

Part Five Read and Discuss: 136

Seat Configuration(客舱座位布局) 138

Unit 15 Baggage Handling at Check-in(乘机时的行李处理) 138

Part One Warming Up 138

Part Two Dialogues in Situation: 138

A Dealing with Excess Baggage(逾重行李的处理) 138

B Carry-on Baggage(手提行李) 139

C Fragile Baggage(易碎行李) 140

D Interlined Baggage(联运行李) 140

E Carriage of Pets(宠物运输) 141

Part Three Language Practice 142

Part Four Communication Activity 144

Part Five Read and Discuss: 145

Baggage(行李) 149

Unit 16 Flight Irregularities(航班非正常营运下的旅客服务) 149

Part One Warming Up 149

Part Two Dialogues in Situation: 149

A Offenng Special Service to a Delayed Passenger(为航班延误的旅客提供特殊服务) 149

B Rerouting a Passenger Due to Flight Cancellation(因航班取消改变旅客航程) 150

C The Airline Offers Compensation to the Denied Passenger Because of Overbooking(因航班超售旅客不能乘机,向航空公司提出赔偿) 151

D Involuntary Downgrading(非自愿降低座位等级) 151

Part Three Language Practice 152

Part Four Communication Activity 155

Part Five Read and Discuss: 155

What Air Carriers Should Do for Delayed Passengers(航空公司该为航班延误的旅客做些什么)Unit 17 At the Information Counter(问讯处) 158

Part One Warming Up 158

Part Two Dialogues in Situation: 159

A Asking If Passenger Is on the Incoming Flight(询问被接旅客是否乘坐该进港航班) 159

B Paging Passenger Through Airport PA System(通过机场广播呼叫旅客) 159

C Passenger Has Changed Reservation(被接旅客已更改订座) 160

D Flight Delayed Due to Aircraft Maintenance(因飞机维修而导致航班延误) 160

E Meal Service Is Offered Because of the Delay of the Flight(因航班延误,航空公司提供餐饮服务) 161

F No Information About the Delay of the Flight(尚未得知航班延误的消息) 161

G Passenger Transferred to Another Airline Because of the Cancellation of his Flight(因航班取消,旅客由另一家航空公司转运) 161

H Passenger Missing the Flight(旅客错失航班) 161

I Inquiring About an Incoming Flight(询问进港航班的时间) 162

J Seeking Help From the Agent(1)(寻求服务员的帮助) 162

K Seeking Help From the Agent(2)(寻求服务员的帮助) 163

L Inquiring Where to Meet the Flight(询问到达旅客出口处) 163

Part Three Language Practice 164

Part Four Communication Activity 167

Part Five Read and Discuss: 169

How to Deal With Upset Passenger(如何处理有意见的旅客)Unit 18 Baggage Service(行李服务) 172

Part One Warming Up 172

Part Two Dialogues in Situation: 173

A Missing Baggage(迟运行李的处理) 173

B Damaged Baggage(破损行李的处理) 174

Part Three Language Practice 176

Part Four Communication Activity 179

Part Five Read and Discuss: 179

The Liability Of the Air Carrier in Tracing Baggage(行李查询——航空公司的职责)Unit 19 Hotel(旅馆) 182

Part One Warming Up 182

Part Two Dialogues in Situation: 183

A Making a Hotel Reservation(旅馆订房) 183

B Registration(Checking In)(住宿登记) 183

C At the Exchange Counter(在换汇柜台) 184

D At the Cashier's Desk(Checking Out)(住宿结账) 184

Part Three Language Practice 186

Part Four Communication Activity 187

Part Five Read and Discuss: 188

Hotel(旅馆) 190

Unit 20 A Charter Flight(包机业务) 190

Part One Warming Up 190

Part Two Dialogues in Situation:A Charter Flight(包机业务) 191

Part Three Language Practice 194

Part Four Communication Activity 196

Part Five Read and Discuss: 197

1.A Charter Flight(包机) 199

2.A Charter Tour(包机旅游) 199

附录1:Airport Announcements(机场广播词) 199

附录2:Travel Information Manual(旅游信息手册)(节选) 205

附录3:中国及世界主要城市三字代码 211

附录4:世界主要航空公司二字代码 214

附录5:练习答案 216

附录6:Property Irregularity Report(PIR)(行李运输事故记录) 227

