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消费者行为学  英文版

消费者行为学 英文版PDF格式文档图书下载


  • 购买点数:10
  • 作 者:(英)吉米·布利茨(Jim Blythe)著
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国人民大学出版社;普兰蒂斯霍尔出版公司
  • 出版年份:1997
  • ISBN:7300024858
  • 标注页数:206 页
  • PDF页数:216 页

Introduction:the importance of understanding consumer behaviour 1

Consumers and the marketing concept 1

Consumers and the four Ps 3

Consumers and segmentation 6

The consumer and relationship marketing 6

The consumer and marketing planning 8

Key points from the introduction 9

1 Drive,motivation and hedonism 10

Classification of motives 10

Drive 13

Motivation in action 14

Maslow's hierarchy of need 16

Fred Hertzberg and the hygiene/motivators theory 18

Pain avoidance 19

Hedonism 20

Key points from this chapter 21

2 Goals and incentives,uncertainty and post-purchase dissonance 23

Goals 23

Problems with goals 25

Risk and uncertainty 28

Heuristics 29

Interrupts 31

Post-purchase dissonance 32

Key points from this chapter 35

Roles and life as theatre 37

3 Personality,traits,self-concept,routines and habits 37

Personality 39

Approaches to studying personality 40

Hedonic consumption 42

Type approach 42

Traits and factors 44

Psychographics 45

Self-concept 47

Key points from this chapter 50

4 Learning and perception 52

Learning 52

Classical learning theory 53

Operant conditioning 57

Cognitive learning 59

Perception 64

Key points from this chapter 67

5 Attitudes 69

Introduction 69

Dimensions of attitude 70

Attitude formation 72

Changing consumers'attitudes 74

Attitude measurement 76

Functions of attitudes 77

Attitude and behaviour 78

Private versus public attitudes 80

Attitude versus situation 81

Attitude towards ads versus attitude towards brand 82

General versus specific attitudes 82

Key points from this chapter 83

6 The environment,class and culture 85

The environment:situational influences 85

Culture 90

Class 93

Key points from this chapter 96

7 Peer and reference groups,and the family 98

Peer and reference groups 98

The family 104

Influence of children on buying decisions 108

Mechanisms of personal influence 111

Key points from this chapter 116

8 New and repeat buying behaviour 118

Decision-making models 118

Pre-purchase activities 120

Factors affecting the external search for information 122

Making the choice 125

Categorization of decision rules 126

New products:the diffusion of innovation 128

Marketing approaches to new product launches 135

Key points from this chapter 135

Involvement 138

9 High-involvement purchasing behaviour 138

Purchasing high-tech consumer durables 142

Unsought goods 143

Key points from this chapter 149

10 Segmentation 151

Reasons for segmenting markets 151

Choosing a segment 157

Segmenting a market 158

Strategic options 163

Key points from this chapter 165

11 Buyer behaviour in services markets 166

Services-products or not? 166

Consumer approaches to information gathering 167

Risk and uncertainty 168

Involvement 171

Sales promotion 172

Service levels 173

Handling dissonance 175

Key points from this chapter 177

12 Consumer behaviour in the marketing mix 179

Introduction 179

Consumer research 188

Marketing in the twenty-first century 190

Customer care and service levels 191

Key points from this chapter 191

Index 193

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