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新英语教程  精读  第2册

新英语教程 精读 第2册PDF格式文档图书下载



Unit One 1

Reading Aloud 1

Reading Practice 1

Text: Family life 1

Vocabulary 7

Key Structure 9

Practical Writing 12

Communication Activities 15

Focus 17

Unit Two 18

Reading Aloud 18

Reading Practice 18

Text: The American Concept of Time 18

Vocabulary 24

Key Structure 26

Practical Writing 29

Communication Activities 32

Focus 34

Unit Three 35

Reading Aloud 35

Reading Practice 35

Text: Unlikely Season 35

Vocabulary 41

Key Structure 43

Practical Writing 44

Communication Activities 47

Focus 49

Text: War Between Brothers 50

Reading Practice 50

Unit Four 50

Reading Aloud 50

Vocabulary 57

Key Structure 59

Practical Writing 61

Communication Activities 64

Focus 66

Unit Five 67

Reading Aloud 67

Reading Practice 67

Text: It's All Rnbbish Really 67

Vocabulary 72

Key Structure 74

Practical Writing 77

Communication Activities 79

Focus 81

Unit Six 82

Reading Aloud 82

Reading Practice 82

Text: The Strange Rescue 82

Vocabulary 87

Key Structure 89

Practical Writing 92

Communication Activities 95

Focus 97

RevisionⅠ 98

Text: Latchkey Children——Knock, knock, is Anybody Home 104

Reading Practice 104

Unit Seven 104

Reading Aloud 104

Vocabulary 110

Key Structure 112

Practical Writing 115

Communication Activities 118

Focus 120

Unit Eight 121

Reading Aloud 121

Reading Practice 121

Text: Buying Activities 121

Vocabulary 126

Key Structure 129

Practical Writing 131

Communication Activities 134

Focus 136

Unit Nine 137

Reading Aloud 137

Reading Practice 137

Text: The Sixth Sense 137

Vocabulary 142

Key Stricture 145

Practical Writing 147

Communication Activities 148

Focus 151

Text:Marriage 152

Reading Practice 152

Reading Aloud 152

Unit Ten 152

Vocabulary 158

Key Structure 160

Practical Writing 163

Communication Activities 166

Focus 168

Unit Eleven 169

Reading Aloud 169

Reading Practice 169

Text: A Snake Hunter 169

Vocabulary 173

Key Structure 176

Practical Writing 178

Communication Activities 181

Focus 183

Unit Twelve 184

Rcading Aloud 184

Reading Practice 184

Text: Pockety Women 184

Vocabulary 188

Key Structure 191

Practical Writing 194

Communication Activities 197

Focus 199

Revision Ⅱ 200

Appendix Ⅰ:Glossary 206

Appendix Ⅱ:Phrases and Expressions 226

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