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柯灵思新交际英语  中级  下

柯灵思新交际英语 中级 下PDF格式文档图书下载


标签:交际 编译

CONTENTSTASK 49 Expressing satisfaction and dissatisfaction.  1

TASK 50 Expressing how certain or uncertain you are of something.  6

TASK 51 Making a phone call to ask somebody's opinion.  11

TASK 52 Expressing intention and finding out about intention.  16

TASK 53 Expressing your opinion(when you are asked for it).  21

TASK 54 Volunteering your opinion(when no one has asked for it).  26

TASK 55 Explaining a local custom to a foreigner.  31

TASK 56 Asking/answering hypothetical questions.  36

TASK 57 Expressing approval/disapproval for someone's actions.  41

TASK 58 Defending other people.  46

TASK 59 Expressing fear or worry.  51

TASK 60 Expressing disappointment or regret.  56

TASK 61 Getting estimates of time and cost.  61

TASK 62 Expressing capability and incapability.  66

TASK 63 Telling somebody about a personal experience.  71

TASK 64 Asking for clarification.  76

TASK 65 Checking into a hotel with/without an advance reseration.  81

TASK 66 Ordering a meal in a restaurant.  86

TASK 67 Changing the topic of conversation.  91

TASK 68 Inviting/advising others to do something.  96

TASK 69 Asking somebody for more details about something.  101

TASK 70 Giving reasons you need something.  106

TASK 71 Making a phone call to thank somebody and tell them good-bye.  111

TASK 72 Describing feelings and causes of feelings.  116

Appendix  121

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