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高等学校文科教材  英语  4  非英语专业用

高等学校文科教材 英语 4 非英语专业用PDF格式文档图书下载



Lesson One 5

Text:Looking back on Eighty Years 5

Grammar:The Modal Verb(Ⅰ) 10

Word Study:read, like 16

Lesson Two 25

Text:My First Job 25

Grammar 30

Ⅰ.The Mood 30

Ⅱ.The Subjunctive Mood(Ⅰ) 30

Word Study:run,teach 33

Lesson Three 41

Text:Birth of a Forsyte 41

Grammar:The Subjunctive Mood(Ⅱ) 47

Word Study:decide,lend 50

Lesson Four 58

Text:Some Recent Changes in the English Language 58

Grammar:The Modal Verb (Ⅱ) 63

Word Study:form,judge 67

Lesson Five 75

Text:Cigarette Smoking and Cancer of the Lung 75

Grammar:The Uses of It 79

Word Study:fall,increase 82

Lesson Six 91

Text:Lady Hermits Who are Down but Not Out 91

Grammar:The Uses of As” 96

Word Study:offer,choose 98

Revision Exercises(LL.1—6) 106

Lesson Seven 114

Text:In the Antarctic 114

Grammar 118

Ⅰ.Parenthesis 118

Ⅱ.Inversion 120

Word Study: reach,rise 122

Text:Child Choking!Handle Code Three! 130

Lesson Eight 130

Grammar:Punctuation 134

Word Study:hand,remember 140

Lesson Nine 149

Text:Crime and Punishment in Britain 149

Word Study: show,intend 153

Lesson Ten 163

Text:Straight and Crooked Thinking 163

Word Study: work,cause 168

Lesson Eleven 176

Text:Every Man to His Post 176

Word Study: try,prepare 182

Lesson Twelve 190

Text:The Fall and Rise of U.S. Frugality 190

Word Study: raise,save 194

Revision Exercises(LL.7—12) 202

Ⅰ.A Primer on the Thirties 213

Supplementary Readings 213

Ⅱ.Floundering in the Typing Pool 215

Ⅲ. Don t Let it End this Way 217

Ⅳ.American Influence 219

Ⅴ.The Eagle Has Landed 221

Ⅵ.A Chinese Woman I Knew 223

Ⅶ.Clocks and Time 225

Ⅷ.Helen Keller 228

Ⅸ.The Long Arm 230

Ⅹ.Folklore 232

Ⅺ.President Franklin D.Roosevelt Asks for a Declaration of War Against Japan 234

Ⅻ.Some Economic Laws 236

Appendix 1 Word Formation 239

Appendix 2 An English-Chinese Bilingual List of Grammatical Terms 245

Appendix 3 Poems 250

Appendix 4 Proverbs 254

Appendix 5 Vocabulary 257

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