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现代科技英语阅读教程  全新修订版

现代科技英语阅读教程 全新修订版PDF格式文档图书下载


  • 购买点数:11
  • 作 者:程同春 程欣编著
  • 出 版 社:南京:东南大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2013
  • ISBN:9787564141219
  • 标注页数:270 页
  • PDF页数:279 页

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Unit 1 Web Life Today(第1单元 今天的网络生活) 1

Lesson 1 Diversifying Your Web Life in One Place 2

Lesson 2 WWWW—Woven Deep into Our Lives 7

Lesson 3 The Web Lifestyle 13

Lesson 4 Prospects of the Web 18

Unit 2 WWW and Web Technology(第2单元 万维网和网络技术) 22

Lesson 5 World Wide Web 23

Lesson 6 HoW the Internet Works 28

Lesson 7 Waves from Space 34

Lesson 8 Marketing on the Internet 38

Unit 3 Information Technology(第3单元 信息技术) 43

Lesson 9 Information Technology 44

Lesson 10 Speeding on the Data Highway 47

Lesson 11 Catching the Third Wave 50

Lesson 12 China's Reform and Information Technology Industry 54

Unit 4 Computer Science and Technology(第4单元 计算机科学和技术) 59

Lesson 13 End of the PC Era 60

Lesson 14 Bill Gates'Speech to Tsinghua University 64

Lesson 15 The Next Revolution in Computers 70

Lesson 16 Virtual Reality Technology 77

Unit 5 Green Revolution(第5单元 绿色革命) 84

Lesson 17 Green Revolution——Clean Cars and Energy 85

Lesson 18 Alternative Energy Sources——Solar and Wind Power 91

Lesson 19 The Trouble with Biofuels 95

Lesson 20 The Next Green Revolution:GMOs 100

Unit 6 Biotechnology and Cloning(第6单元 生物工程和克隆) 105

Lesson 21 The Biotech Century 106

Lesson 22 What Are Biorhythms? 111

Lesson 23 The Age of Cloning 115

Lesson 24 Scientific Researches on Body's Rhythms 122

Unit 7 Robots(第7单元 机器人) 126

Lesson 25 Robot Wars:The Rise of Artificial Intelligence 127

Lesson 26 Robot Scientist"Adam"Solves Genetic Problems 133

Lesson 27 Robots of the Future 138

Unit 8 Application of Electronic Technology(第8单元 电子技术应用) 144

Lesson 28 A Brave New Olfactory World——Applications for Electronic Noses 145

Lesson 29 Digital Storage Oscilloscopes 150

Lesson 30 E-mail Phones 156

Unit 9 Environmental Protection and Pollution Treatment(第9单元 环境保护和污染处理) 162

Lesson 31 Environmental Protection and Pollution Treatment 163

Lesson 32 A Clean World or a Polluted World? 168

Lesson 33 Good Effects of El Nino 173

Unit 10 Space Station and Space Technology(第10单元 太空站和空间技术) 177

Lesson 34 The International Space Station 178

Lesson 35 A New Concept for Spacecraft Tiles 183

Lesson 36 Space Travel in the Future 187

Unit 11 Nanotechnology(第11单元 纳米技术) 192

Lesson 37 Nanotechnology 193

Lesson 38 A New Treatment for Cancer Nanoparticles 199

Unit 12 Scientific Theory and Scientific Research(第12单元 科学理论和科学研究) 204

Lesson 39 What Is a Scientific Theory? 205

Lesson 40 New Findings from the Latest Scientific Research 210

Practice Exercises 216

Practice Exercise 1 216

Practice Exercise 2 225

Practice Exercise 3 235

Practice Exercise 4 245

Practice Exercise 5 255

Key to Practice Exercises 265

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