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西游记:英文  1-3卷

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  • 购买点数:18
  • 作 者:吴承恩 (英)比尔·詹纳尔译
  • 出 版 社:北京:外文出版社
  • 出版年份:1993
  • ISBN:7119016636
  • 标注页数:647 页
  • PDF页数:655 页
标签:吴承恩 比尔

Chapter 67 The Dhyana-nature is stable and Tuoluo Village is saved;The mind of the Way is purified as corruption is removed. 1

Chapter 68 In the land of Purpuria the Tang Priest discusses history;Sun the Pilgrim in his charity offers to be a doctor. 18

Chapter 69 The heart's master prepares medicine in the night;The monarch discusses a demon at the banquet. 36

Chapter 70 The evil monster's treasures emit smoke,sand and fire;Wukong steals the golden bells by trickery. 54

Chapter 71 Under a false name Monkey beats the demon hound;Guanyin appears to subdue the demon king. 74

Chapter 72 The Seven Emotions confuse the basic in Gossamer Cave;At Filth-cleansing Spring Pig forgets himself. 94

Chapter 73 The Emotions bear a grudge and inflict disaster;The heart's master smashes the light when he meets the demons. 114

Chapter 74 Li Changgeng reports the demons'vicious nature;The Novice displays his powers of transformation. 134

Chapter 75 The Mind-ape bores a hole in the Male and Female Jar;The demon king returns and the Way is preserved. 151

Chapter 76 When the heart spirit stays in the home the demons submit;The Mother of Wood helps bring monsters to the truth. 171

Chapter 77 The demon host mistreats the fundamental nature;The one body pays his respects to the Buddha. 189

Chapter 78 In Bhiksuland the hidden gods are sent on an errand of mercy;In the palace the monster is revealed and the Way discussed. 209

Chapter 79 Searching the cave to capture the fiend they meet Longevity;The reigning monarch saves the little boys. 227

Chapter 80 The young girl seeks a mate to build up the male;Protecting his master the Mind-ape sees through a demon. 244

Chapter 81 The Mind-ape recognizes a monster in the monastery;The three search for their master in Black Pine Forest. 263

Chapter 82 The girl seeks the male;The primal deity guards the Way. 283

Chapter 83 The Mind-ape recognizes the refiner of cinnabar;The girl reverts to her true nature. 302

Chapter 84 The indestructible protégés of the Buddha complete enlightenment;The Dharma king comes to the truth through his own nature. 319

Chapter 85 The Mind-ape is jealous of the Mother of Wood;The demon chief plots to devour the Master of Dhyana. 337

Chapter 86 The Mother ofWood lends his might in defeating the ogre;The metal lord uses his magic to wipe out the monster. 356

Chapter 87 When Heaven is offended in Fengxian it stops the rain;The Great Sage urges goodness and brings a downpour. 376

Chapter 88 When the Dhyana reaches Yuhua a display of magic is given;The Mind-ape and the Mother of Wood take their own disciples. 394

Chapter 89 The Tawny Lion Spirit arranges a rake feast in vain;Metal,wood and earth make havoc on Mount Leopard Head. 411

Chapter 90 By giving and receiving the master and the lion turn into one;After stealing the Way and obstructing Dhyana Ninefold Numinosity is pacified. 426

Chapter 91 Admiring the Moon Festival lanterns in Jinping;The Tang Priest confesses in Dark Essence Cave. 443

Chapter 92 Three monks wage a great fight on Green Dragon Mountain;Four stars seize the rhinoceros monsters. 462

Chapter 93 In the Almsgiver's Garden antiquity and causes are discussed;In the court of India the King meets the monks. 480

Chapter 94 The four monks dine to music in the palace gardens;One demon loves in vain and longs for bliss. 496

Chapter 95 False and true form combine when the Jade Hare is captured;The true female is converted and meets with spiritual origin. 515

Chapter 96 Squire Kou entertains the lofty monk;The Tang Priest does not covet wealth and honour. 533

Chapter 97 The monks and their supporters meet with demonic attack;The sage makes the spirit reappear to save the primal one. 550

Chapter 98 When the Ape and the Horse are tamed they cast off their husks;When all the deeds have been done reality is seen. 571

Chapter 99 When the nine nines are complete the demons are all destroyed;After the triple threes are fulfilled the Way returns to its roots 592

Chapter 100 The journey back to the East is made;The five immortals achieve nirvana. 608

Translator's Afterword 628

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