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学术论文写作实用指南  英文

学术论文写作实用指南 英文PDF格式文档图书下载


  • 购买点数:9
  • 作 者:彭金定 赵培玲著
  • 出 版 社:长沙:中南大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2015
  • ISBN:9787548713982
  • 标注页数:180 页
  • PDF页数:195 页

查看更多关于学术论文写作实用指南 英文的内容


Chapter 1 General Introduction to Academic Research Writing 1

1.1 Academic Research 1

1.2 Writing Academic Research Papers 3

1.3 Basic Structure of Academic Research Papers 8

1.4 Criteria and Features of a Good Research Paper 12

1.5 Research Sources and Documentation System 16

1.6 End-of-Chapter Reflection and Practice 20

Chapter 2 The Writing Process of Academic Research Papers 22

2.1 Develop an Interesting Research Topic 22

2.2 Keep Research Logs 25

2.3 Identify an Audience 28

2.4 Develop Research Questions 29

2.5 Have a Theory 35

2.6 Write an Outline 37

2.7 Analyze Data 40

2.8 Write the First Draft 41

2.9 Review and Revise 42

2.10 End-of-Chapter Reflection and Practice 43

Chapter 3 Writing the Abstracts 45

3.1 Purpose of Writing Abstracts 45

3.2 Structure of an Abstract 46

3.3 Length of Abstracts 49

3.4 Composing Abstracts 49

3.5 Syntactic Features of Abstracts 52

3.6 Common Problems and Checklist in Writing Abstracts 53

3.7 Abstract Examples 56

3.8 End-of-Chapter Reflection and Practice 61

Chapter 4 Writing the Introduction 62

4.1 General Function and Format 62

4.2 Basic Structures 63

4.3 How to Introduce Your Thesis 67

4.4 Introduction Checklist 69

4.5 Application:Introduction Examples 70

4.6 End-of-Chapter Reflection and Practice 74

Chapter 5 Writing the Literature Review 76

5.1 Functions of a Literature Review 76

5.2 General Content of a Literature Review 77

5.3 Approaches in Writing a Literature Review 78

5.4 Strategies for Writing a Literature Review 79

5.5 Guidelines on the Language of Literature Review 84

5.6 Common Problems with Writing Literature Review 87

5.7 Literature Review Example 88

5.8 End-of-Chapter Reflection and Practice 90

Chapter 6 Writing the Method 91

6.1 Functions of the Method 91

6.2 Major Components of the Method 92

6.3 Strategies for Writing the Method 98

6.4 Method Writing Checklist 99

6.5 Sample Text for the Method 99

6.6 End-of-Chapter Reflection and Practice 103

Chapter 7 Writing the Results 104

7.1 Functions of the Results 104

7.2 How to Describe the Results 105

7.3 Some Typical Expressions for Writing the Results 106

7.4 Traps to Avoid 106

7.5 Checklist for Writing the Results 107

7.6 Examples of the Results 107

7.7 End-of-Chapter Reflection and Practice 112

Chapter 8 Writing the Discussion 115

8.1 Functions of the Discussion 115

8.2 Basic Structures of the Discussion 116

8.3 How to Write the Discussion 117

8.4 Discussion Section Checklist 118

8.5 Traps to Avoid 119

8.6 Sample Text for the Discussion Section 119

8.7 End-of-Chapter Reflection and Practice 122

Chapter 9 Writing the Conclusion 123

9.1 Functions of the Conclusion 123

9.2 Structures of the Conclusion 124

9.3 Common Problems with Writing the Conclusion 124

9.4 Strategies for Writing a Good Conclusion 127

9.5 Examples of Conclusions in Journal Article 129

9.6 End-of-Chapter Reflection and Practice 133

Chapter 10 Documentations and Citations 134

10.1 Functions of Documentations and Citations 134

10.2 Sources to Be Documented 136

10.3 Three Ways to Use Sources 137

10.4 Three Styles of Documentations and Citations 139

10.5 End-of-Chapter Reflection and Practice 147

Chapter 11 Presentation of Academic Papers 149

11.1 Academic Presentation:Misconceptions 149

11.2 Academic Presentation:Definition and Benefits 150

11.3 Types of Academic Presentations 151

11.4 Presentation Arrangements 153

11.5 Presentation Preparations:Seven Steps 154

11.6 The Presentation in Action 161

11.7 End-of-Chapter Reflection and Practice 163

Chapter 12 Writing for Publishing in Academic Journals 166

12.1 General Guidelines on Submitting Papers for Publication 166

12.2 Writing for the Right Journal 168

12.3 Submitting Cover/Query Letters 169

12.4 Tips on Titling 173

12.5 Revising Dissertations for Journal Articles 174

12.6 End-of-Chapter Reflection and Practice 177

References 178

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