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典型词句用法解疑  大学英语

典型词句用法解疑 大学英语PDF格式文档图书下载


  • 购买点数:11
  • 作 者:沈一龙主编
  • 出 版 社:长春:吉林科学技术出版社
  • 出版年份:2004
  • ISBN:7538428682
  • 标注页数:251 页
  • PDF页数:307 页

查看更多关于典型词句用法解疑 大学英语的内容


1.疑问句如何转变为名词从句 1

词汇语法存疑解 1

2.连锁疑问句 2

4.反问句的八种情况 3

3.选择疑问句的两种选择法 3

5.修辞疑问句 5

8.省略式从属疑问句 6

6.带should的修辞疑问句 6

7.疑问句不在句首的疑问句 6

9.不定式和动名词用作主语时功能有哪些不同? 7

10.不定式、分词、动名词用作宾语补语或主语补语时意义有哪些不同? 9

11.表示短暂活动常用go和哪些现在分词联用? 10

12.动名词常和哪些词联用? 11

13.名词性动词和动名词的区别 13

14.口语中常见复合句中that的省略 14

16.常见与罕见的四种强势法 16

15.now that 16

17.lest所引导的从句及其前面所规定词 17

20.but的功能有多少? 18

18.now listen you to me.是什么句什么语气? 18

19.ere是什么词什么意义及其用法 18

22.but for含义与用法 20

21.but what用于什么句及其含义 20

23.but that含义与用法 21

25.but yet含义与用法 22

24.all but含义与用法 22

26.as从句的三种省略 23

28.as soon as的一种特殊用法 24

27.不定冠词的倒置 24

30.副词虚助词置首位感叹句两句型 25

29.修饰名词的副词有哪几个? 25

31.副词虚助词置首位无动词感叹句句型 26

33.动词—副词的组合 27

32.Here和There置首位感叹句句型 27

34.短语动词的可分与不可分及其40例 29

35.“...what...is to” 35

36.other than四用法 36

37.since引导的时间状语从句常用哪几个时态? 37

39.无具体指代的it出现在哪几种形式里? 38

38.主语混合人称谁置前 38

40.see to it that 39

42.半系动词的提出及其表达的意义范围 40

41.in case!从句表示目的还是条件的依据 40

43.系表结构中介词of引导的名词范围 41

44.由半系动词构成的系表结构成为固定搭配20例 42

45.it is+某类形容词+that从句中should的省略 44

47.托架词one/ones的省略 45

46.引导限制性定语从句中省略关系代词的特殊一种句构 45

48.one用作通称代词的用法 46

49.if only与only if 47

51.意志动词有哪些及其用法 49

50.in that是什么词类怎么用? 49

52.主句中表示方式的the way与修饰它关系副词之省略 50

54.in spite of与despite 51

53.表示距离时常见到go,walk,ran之后for的省略 51

56.Not that...but that 52

55.can't keep+动名词=can't resist+动名词=can't help but+原形动词 52

57.知觉动词see的多种含义 53

58.用现在完成时态跟just与用单纯过去时态跟a moment ago或a few moments ago 54

59.to be+补语结构中to be与to have been的可省与不可省略 55

61.引导词it作形式主语句型转换成带how和what的感叹句 56

60.引导词it作形式直接宾语所取代的是哪些结构 56

62.动词be与to-不定式连用可以表示多少种意思? 57

63.介词后置五种 58

64.表示价格时用介词at与for的不同 60

65.介词+形容词、形容词+介词与副词、连词+介词 61

68.wherein,whereon,whereby,whereof 63

66.what with...and what with 63

67.先行词的省略 63

70.now...now 64

69.反意并列结构中的连词still=but;yet=but still 64

72.worth的功能知多少? 65

71.For all that与With all 65

73.提示原因的分词结构 66

74.全部否定和部分否定及否定转移的译法 67

76.last name与first name 68

75.tide someone over渡过难关 68

77.the other day有几个意思? 69

81.That accounts for it 70

78.see eye to eye 70

79.quite the thing 70

80.How dare you! 70

84.Neither here nor there 71

82.That's a...thing to say 71

83.That's my name 71

87.brain的单复数 72

85.Don't you have a mouth below your nose?与you have a tongue in your head,haven't you? 72

86.turn one's toes out与turn one's toes in 72

90.stink in one's nostrils 73

88.beat one's brains与rack one's brains 73

89.as plain as the nose on one's face 73

92.哪些名词后面固定要与介词to并用 74

91.almost用来修饰哪些形容词或副词? 74

94.同系名词的概念与用法 75

93.及物动词wam的三种易混用法 75

97.tell+人+off 77

95.no-no之含义 77

96.When it comes to+名词/动名词 77

98.kind of与a kind of 78

100.by no means并不是by means of的否定形式 79

99.thank+所有格+lucky stars 79

103.need种种 80

101.单复数同形名词 80

102.It pays to+原形动词 80

105.not sleep a wink 82

104.have trouble类之后有介词吗? 82

107.on Monday morning 83

106.do+人+a world of good 83

108.neither之不同见解 84

109.cellular telepone(移动电话)中的cellular一字之来源 85

110.not to mention、not to speak of与to say nothing of 86

114.was(were)+v-ing→when+动词过去式中的when应当怎么样? 87

111.to each one's own 87

112.respond by与react by 87

113.tune in与tune for 87

116.or something的作用与译法 88

115.be with...与be a...with+工作单位 88

119.horse around=goof around=monkey around=fool around 89

117.be angry at与angry with的区别何在? 89

118.So what? 89

121.the chattering classes 90

120.calls of nature=nature call 90

125.treading water 91

122.touch base with 91

123.road rage 91

124.thanks but no thanks 91

127.表示意愿的及物动词+nothing but to接原形动词 92

126.身体部位形成的复合形容词 92

128.one...the other...与one...the others 94

131.fill the bill 95

129.Tell you what 95

130.do all one can to+原形动词=do one's best to+原形动词=do one's utmost to+原形动词=spare no effort no+原形动词 95

133.Needless to say 96

132.fit the bill 96

136.alright 97

134.Nice my foot! 97

135.make it与make it to(+地方)及can make it 97

138.wanna 98

137.There is an old saying 98

140.be in for+事与be in for it 99

139.not...for the world=not...for anything=not...at all 99

142.no choice but+to-原形动词 100

141.take for a ride 100

145.This is he/she 101

143.Same here 101

144.How a beautiful girl she is!与How beautiful a girl she is!哪句对? 101

147.be supposed to+原形动词与must、have to、should之间的语气差别 102

146.a lot of furniture 102

150.as well与too前的标点 103

148.Cut that/it out! 103

149.Look who's talking! 103

152.stand a chance 104

151.Get out of here 104

155.be anything of与be something of 105

153.Anything like与something like 105

154.anything of与something of 105

159.relation的单复数 106

156.in the first place 106

157.speak volumes for 106

158.make a killing 106

161.in our name,in name,in the name of与under the name of 107

160.please be advised与please be in formed 107

163.for what it is worth 108

162.at any rate=in any case=at all events 108

166.false charge 109

164.They were of(the)opinion that 109

165.see one's way(clear) 109

169.far from 110

167.at all material times 110

168.such was the case还是such the case was? 110

172.will(would)be+v-ing 111

170.have no application in cases 111

171.in any event与in no way 111

174.There is a chance that...,chances(The chances)are (that) 112

173.be being 112

3.toll-free call 113

口语用语存疑解 113

1.give/have...idea 113

2.That's odd 113

6.Yes? 114

4.keep up to date 114

5.My! 114

8.That should do it 115

7.You are all set 115

10.make a cheque out=open an account 116

9.PIN number 116

13.Hi 117

11.Automatic Teller Machines 117

12.Write out cheques 117

14.Stand on ceremony 118

16.It won't be long 119

15.It won't 119

19.Keep it 120

17.Anything to follow? 120

18.Take your time 120

23.It's on me 121

20.It comes to...altogether 121

21.I'm at your service 121

22.round the clock 121

25.Does it work? 122

24.an answering machine 122

29.to be frank 123

26.Aren't they cute? 123

27.getting a taxi 123

28.Enjoy your stay! 123

32.be on the house 124

30.Go for it 124

31.never phone ya 124

34.with pleasure与my pleasure 125

33.We did let our hair down 125

36.Yes,that's it 127

35.I'll take it 127

39.could care less 128

37.splitting the bill与paying for ourselves 128

38.so much the better 128

43.It all depends 129

40.chance it 129

41.cool it 129

42.cry off 129

46.Hot dog! 130

44.the devil 130

45.never say die 130

50.a fat lot of good 131

47.easy does it 131

48.or else 131

49.after a fashion 131

53.My hat! 132

51.That figures! 132

52.pardon my French! 132

57.leave off 133

54.up to here 133

55.I doesn't do to 133

56.I kid you not/no kid 133

61.fair to middling 134

58.No,I tell a lie 134

59.do the block 134

60.have a stroll 134

65.for the life of one 135

62.for fair 135

63.No harm done 135

64.let it go at that 135

70.at one's leisure 136

66.as of now 136

67.talk big 136

68.at ease 136

69.at it 136

74.be shy of 137

71.at one's option/at one's pleasure 137

72.be disposed for 137

73.be nothing short of 137

79.read between the lines 138

75.What's what 138

76.To say the least of it 138

77.sit up 138

78.sink or swim 138

84.word for word 139

80.may well 139

81.let alone 139

82.It's all in the cards 139

83.on everyone's lips 139

89.a piece of cake 140

85.dog-eat-dog 140

86.down-to-earth 140

87.out of line 140

88.screw-ups 140

95.go it alone 141

90.over and over 141

91.hit-and-miss 141

92.close at hand 141

93.What's in store 141

94.penny-pinching 141

99.Why not? 142

96.go right ahead 142

97.trunk call 142

98.house phone 142

103.turn about's fair play 143

100.Any time 143

101.hustle and bustle 143

102.Here we go! 143

106.every other(one) 144

104.not in the least 144

105.day in and day out 144

110.in somebody's good(bad)books 145

107.be better off 145

108.once and for all 145

109.be to one's liking 145

113.sharpen one's pencil 146

111.go-getter 146

112.little does one think 146

116.just about 147

114.Will do 147

115.inquire for 147

119.a la carte 148

117.junk mail 148

118.indulge in 148

122.a steal 149

120.be on sale 149

121.the last straw 149

125.blow-by-blow 150

123.get a word in edgewise 150

124.Was one's face red 150

2.keep one's head above water 151

习语存疑解 151

1.keep body and soul together 151

4.pick up 152

3.jump the queue 152

6.rub up 153

5.take off 153

12.stoke up 154

7.lay into 154

8.go together 154

9.get through 154

10.come across with 154

11.wait up 154

17.give a dog a bad name 155

13.sink in 155

14.sing out 155

15.iron out 155

16.hem in 155

22.hold the reins 156

18.help a lame dog over a stile 156

19.underdog 156

20.put on some dog 156

21.have kittens 156

27.blossom into/out as 157

23.like a bear with a sore head 157

24.mad as a March hare 157

25.shell out 157

26.weed out 157

32.hang over 158

28.lick one's lips 158

29.be in/out of pocket 158

30.fish out 158

31.fling away 158

38.Chew on 159

33.to be jammed with 159

34.joint venture 159

35.irrespective of 159

36.To be intent on 159

37.Check off 159

42.Little by little 160

39.Choke back 160

40.To be broke 160

41.on and on 160

45.Look alive 161

43.Have over 161

44.To be a yes-man 161

49.Learn the ropes 162

46.feel blue 162

47.In a bind 162

48.Free and easy 162

53.remain in 163

50.see about 163

51.Store up 163

52.roll by 163

58.sign off 164

54.read up 164

55.put in for 164

56.pull together 164

57.stumble over 164

62.play second fiddle 165

59.sigh for 165

60.rule of thumb 165

61.rub someone's nose in it/the dirt 165

67.subsist on 166

63.play fair 166

64.make fun of 166

65.make for 166

66.simmer down 166

71.be pleased with oneself 167

68.sight for sore eyes 167

69.round trip 167

70.play about/around 167

75.goof off 168

72.be superior to 168

73.do without 168

74.to feel sorry for 168

附例50 169

3.cap in hand 173

俗语谚语存疑解 173

1.a night bird 173

2.a silk tongue 173

8.sugar the pill 174

4.all at sea 174

5.ask for the moon 174

6.the apple of one's eye 174

7.just off the line 174

13.the salt of life 175

9.bell the cat 175

10.at sixes and sevens 175

11.beat one's brains out 175

12.big head 175

18.a constant feast 176

14.earn one's grub 176

15.bone up 176

16.cat's meow 176

17.rule out 176

23.cup of tea 177

19.false accusation 177

20.a foul heart 177

21.climb the wall 177

22.closed book 177

28.buy sb.off 178

24.Let one's hair down 178

25.cut ice 178

26.for a song 178

27.like a book 178

34.dog's age 179

29.own up to it 179

30.greatness to goodness 179

31.dead to the world 179

32.dish the dirt 179

33.do it up brown 179

39.fair and square 180

35.down the drain 180

36.drop a line 180

37.eat one's heart out 180

38.eat out of another's hand 180

44.get a life 181

40.fair-weather friend 181

41.fall down on 181

42.fall in with 181

43.get a hand with something 181

49.have it coming 182

45.get on the good side of someone 182

46.get something straight 182

47.go places 182

48.have it both ways 182

54.hold forth 183

50.have it in for 183

51.have money to burn 183

52.have one's nose ina book 183

53.have the shoe on the otherfoot 183

59.knock off 184

55.hold water 184

56.in a fix 184

57.keep an aye on照应 184

58.keep the ball rolling 184

63.awful nuisance 185

60.lead a cat-and-dog life 185

61.let it all hang out说实话 185

62.let it go at that 185

67.asleep on the job 186

64.make/drive someone mad 186

65.An inch given,a mile taken 186

66.cut it fine 186

73.feel hemmed in 187

68.water over the dam 187

69.once for all 187

70.let up on 187

71.first things first 187

72.hit the roof/ceiling 187

76.eat like a horse 188

74.be wet behind the ears 188

75.take it or leave it 188

82.mind your p's and q's 189

77.play monkey see,monkey do 189

78.find God 189

79.down-to-earth 189

80.Know the name of the game 189

81.run-of-the-mill 189

87.in hot water 190

83.gonna pop 190

84.pop the question 190

85.fast talker 190

86.know one's onions 190

90.climb the ladder 191

88.out of the question 191

89.an old saying 191

94.The pot calls the kettle black 192

91.looking for a needle in a haystack 192

92.locking the stable door after the horse has been stolen 192

93.A little pot is soon hot 192

附例40 193

95.That is a storm in a teacup 193

4.tart up 197

俚语存疑解 197

1.stump up 197

2.suck up to 197

3.tank up 197

8.frame up 198

5.split on 198

6.lay off 198

7.freeze on to 198

13.bump off 199

9.drive in 199

10.clue in 199

11.chuck out 199

12.buzz off 199

18.turf out 200

14.cheek up 200

15.cruise up 200

16.pitch into 200

17.stash away 200

23.chip in 201

19.wade in 201

20.swan off 201

21.pack in 201

22.chew up 201

28.Keep in 202

24.come over 202

25.cover up for 202

26.dig in 202

27.hop off 202

33.give over 203

29.lam into 203

30.louse up 203

31.muck about 203

32.play up 203

38.Greenbacks 204

34.button up 204

35.bum along/about/around 204

36.blab out 204

37.cook the book 204

42.hard cheese 205

39.have it 205

40.sit on one's behind 205

41.elbow grease 205

47.pinch money 206

43.happy as a clam 206

44.buddy 206

45.gonna 206

46.get with it 206

52.dish it out 207

48.all wet 207

49.gabby 207

50.gadget 207

51.futz around 207

57.fifth wheel 208

53.eat up 208

54.have had it 208

55.knock it off 208

56.crocodile tears 208

61.dump 209

58.all ears 209

59.go to bat for 209

60.stand somebody up 209

65.gag 210

62.cop 210

63.flunk 210

64.gaffer 210

70.dandy 211

66.fun and games 211

67.fuck around with 211

68.fuddy-fuddy 211

69.cut out paper dolls 211

73.spikes 212

71.mell of a hess 212

72.savvy 212

4.empty nest syndrome 213

其他常用口语疑难短语解 213

1.May-December Marriage 213

2.Break your camera! 213

3.Jet lag 213

7.gal friday 214

5.Easy does it 214

6.John Doe 214

10.left-handed compliment 215

8.odds and ends 215

9.brain drain 215

13.for good 216

11.concession speech 216

12.heavy-set 216

18.to roll with the punches 217

14.hunky-dory 217

15.In business,bottom line is the name of the game 217

16.stop throwing curve balls 217

17.to pull out all the stops 217

22.Give me five! 218

19.There you go again,Monday morning guarterback 218

20.to cost an arm anda leg 218

21.Dead End 218

26.Get lost!与Got lost! 219

23.3-Legged race 219

24.What is your game plan? 219

25.Beer belly 219

30.rank and file 220

27.under the table 220

28.smoke screen 220

29.far cry 220

33.cold feet 221

31.free-lance 221

32.cold fish 221

36.go-between 222

34.cold shoulder 222

35.couch potato 222

38.down the hatch 223

37.pot luck 223

41.pichet line(s) 224

40.over the hump 224

44.sugar daddy 225

42.baby kisser 225

43.serial killer 225

47.affirmative action 226

45.crystal ball 226

46.jerkwater school 226

50.even-handed 227

48.rainy day 227

49.Indian summer 227

53.cut-and-dry 228

51.loop hole 228

52.coup de'tat 228

56.horse trading 229

54.hate speech 229

55.hot number 229

1.略语字 230

电文疑难解 230

2.电文惯用略词 231

3.电文惯用略句 233

4.电文文型转换 234

8.电文接受订货常用句型 236

5.电文询价常用句型 236

6.电文报价常用句型 236

7.电文订货常用句型 236

9.电文常用片语 237

We know Eggsactly how to sell Eggs 239

广告疑难解(附告示语) 239

Secretary Needed Immediately for Nike 239

附:英文告示语 242

CEO(Chief Executive Officer) 244

一些常用英文缩写 244

EOE(Equal Opportunity Employer) 244

PR(public Relation) 244

SOA(Sexually Oriented Advertisement) 245

CPA(Certified Public Accountant) 245

COLA(Cost of Living Adjustment) 245

STD(Sexually Transmitted Disease)=VD=Venereal Disease 245

AIDS(Acquired Immune Deficiency Sydrome) 246

GOP(Grand Old Party) 246

PMS(Pre-menstrual Syndrome) 246

ADHD(Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) 246

RSVP(Respondez sil vous plait) 246

BYOB(bring your own bottle) 246

DWI(driving while intoxicated)或DUI(driving under influence) 247

CPR(Cardiopulmonary resuscitation) 247

EKG(Electrocardiography) 247

IV(intravenous injection) 247

RN(registersd nurse)或LPN(licensed practical nurse) 247

GPA(Grade point Average) 248

ASAP(as soon as possible) 248

FYI(for your information) 248

TGIF(Thank God It's Friday)或(Thanks Goodness It's Friday) 248

SAT(scholastic Aptitude Test) 248

MCAT(Medical College Admission Test) 249

GED(General Equivalent Diploma) 249

GMAT(Graduate Management Admission Test) 249

LSAT(Law School Admission Test) 249

ESOL(English for Speakers of Other Languages) 250

GRE(Graduate Record Exam) 250

TOEFL(Test of English as a Foreign Language) 250

CLEP(College Level Exam Program) 250

SARS(severe Acutre Respiratory Syndrome) 251

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