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Unit Ⅰ 政经热点 1

Lesson 1 中国政治经济新成就 3

Section A:Text Comprehension中国,新王朝的曙光 3

Section B:Exercises 17

Section C:Journals'Overview《时代周刊》简介 19

Section D:Reading Acquisition什么是新闻? 20

Section E:Extended Reading 21

Ⅰ.Crowning the Dragon 21

Ⅱ.China:On Top ofthe World 22

Lesson 2 世界舞台上的中国 26

Section A:Text Comprehension中国:机遇来临,一展身手 26

Section B:Exercises 35

Section C:Journals'Overview《经济学家》简介 36

Section D:Reading Acquisition新闻英语的特色 37

Section E:ExtendedReading 38

Ⅰ.When Exactly Will China Rule the Economic World?——It may already.Here's why you shouldn't care. 38

Ⅱ.How China Should Rule the World 39

Lesson 3 两国集团,世界新秩序的奠基石? 43

Section A:Text Comprehension布热津斯基论全球大战略:缔造两国集团 43

Section B:Exercises 56

Section C:Journals'Overview《亚洲时报》简介 58

Section D:ReadingAcquisition网络英语新闻的特点 59

Section E:ExtendedReading 60

Ⅰ.China,the U.S.and a Special Relationship in the Making 60

Ⅱ.Catching the Eagle 62

Lesson 4 中美战略与经济对话 65

Section A:Text Comprehension 66

Text 1:贝拉克·奥巴马:中美联合引领21世纪 66

Text 2:美中战略与经济对话观察 67

Section B:Exercises 76

Section C:Journals'Overview《每日电讯报》简介 78

Section D:Reading Acquisition网络英语新闻的阅读技巧 79

Section E:ExtendedReading 80

Ⅰ.Statement by President Obama to the U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue 80

Ⅱ.3 Takeaways from the 2014 US-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue 82

Unit Ⅱ 商贸聚焦 85

Lesson 5 中国,正在崛起的世界工厂 87

Section A:Text Comprehension中国制造风靡世界 88

Section B:Exercises 106

Section C:Journals'Overview《大西洋月刊》简介 108

Section D:Reading Acquisition美国著名报纸杂志介绍 109

Section E:Extended Reading 111

Ⅰ.China:Building the Dream 111

Ⅱ.China's Struggle for a New Economy 114

Lesson 6 中国贸易新发展 117

Section A:Text ComprehensionText 1:中国在拉丁美洲的经济布局 118

Text 2:龙在后院 119

Section B:Exercises 129

Section C:Journals'Overview《华尔街日报》简介 131

Section D:Reading Acquisition英国报纸杂志介绍 132

Section E:Extended Reading 134

Ⅰ.The Tricks of China's Trade 134

Ⅱ.China Got Into Bed with the U.S.Treasury and Can't Get Out 136

Lesson 7 世界贸易新趋势 139

Section A:Text Comprehension 139

Text 1:亚洲经济复苏,引领世界摆脱危机 139

Text 2:世界贸易前景未明 141

Section B:Exercises 149

Section C:Journals'Overview《商业周刊》简介 151

Section D:Reading Acquisition新闻英语标题的特点——省略 151

Section E:Extended ReadingWTO Lowers Forecast after Sub-par Trade Growth in First Half of 2014 153

Lesson 8 世界贸易争端 159

Section A:Text Comprehension 160

Text 1:世界贸易组织否决中国进口限制 160

Text 2:中国拥抱新信条——商业优先 162

Section B:Exercises 168

Section C:Journals'Overview《纽约时报》简介 170

Section D:Reading Acquisition英语报刊常见栏目名称 171

Section E:Extended ReadingⅠ.China Investigating Microsoft for“Monopolistic Behavior” 171

Ⅱ.U.S.Companies Fear Growing Protectionism in China 172

Unit Ⅲ 财经纵横 175

Lesson 9 全球危机冲击金融部门 177

Section A:Text Comprehension(经济复苏的)前景紧依全球市场 178

Section B:Exercises 185

Section C:Journals'Overview《金融时报》简介 187

Section D:Reading Acquisition借代(Metonymy) 189

Section E:Extended ReadingCan China Escape the Middle-Income Trap? 190

Lesson 10 世界金融形势展望 194

Section A:Text Comprehension全球金融稳定报告 194

Section B:Exercises 204

Section C:Journals'Overview货币基金组织出版物简介 206

Section D:Reading Acquisition金融英语缩略语 208

Section E:Extended Reading 209

Ⅰ.No One Is Winning Today's Currency Wars 209

Ⅱ.The Cautious Approach to Fixing Banks Will Not Work 211

Lesson 11 中国在世界金融市场上的新动向 215

Section A:Text Comprehension 216

中国口袋满满,美国口袋空空Section B:Exercises 225

Section C:Journals'Overview《福布斯》杂志简介 228

Section D:Reading Acquisition报刊英语中的派生构词(Derivation) 229

Section E:Extended Reading 230

Ⅰ.The World's Next Gold Standard Will Come Through China and Africa.Not America 230

Ⅱ.China's Yuan Internationalization:Made In Africa,Not Hong Kong 233

Unit Ⅳ 股市风云 237

Lesson 12 新兴市场前景如何? 239

Section A:Text Comprehension 239

Text 1:天还没有塌下来 239

Text 2:新兴股市:非理性繁荣? 241

Section B:Exercises 249

Section C:Journals'Ouerview《新闻周刊》简介 251

Section D:Reading Acquisition金融英语阅读:财经报道的特点 252

Section E:Extended Reading 254

Ⅰ.The Brics Bank is a Glimpse of the Future 254

Ⅱ.Optimism over China Proves Infectious with Its Neighbours 256

Lesson 13 股市反弹能持续吗? 259

Section A:TextComprehension 260

Text 1:美联储:股市复苏的命运系于消费者 260

Text 2:双“市”记 262

Section B:Exercises 268

Section C:Journals'Oueruiew路透社简介 270

Section D:Reading Acquisition外刊中的习语活用 271

Section E:Extended Reading 273

Ⅰ.China Private Sector Listings Trump State Fees for First Time 273

Ⅱ.Dow Nears One-year Highs 274

Lesson 14 牛熊之战,永不休止 277

Section A:Text Comprehension 278

Text 1:股市中的世纪之战 278

Text 2:当10000点近在咫尺 281

Section B:Exercises 290

Section C:Journals'Oueruiew(S&P)标准普尔简介 292

Section D:Reading Acquisition美国证监会掠影 293

Section E:Extended Reading 293

Ⅰ.Americans'Optimism is Dying 293

Ⅱ.Beyond The IPO Buzz:Alibaba's Advantages 295

Unit Ⅴ 管理和营销 299

Lesson 15 21世纪中的管理 301

Section A:Text Comprehension 302

管理革新的原因、内容与策略Section B:Exercises 313

Section C:Journals'Oueruiew《哈佛商业评论》简介 315

Section D:Reading Acquisition英语报刊中的复合词(Compounds) 316

Section E:Extended Reading 317

Ⅰ.The Skills Leaders Need at Every Level 317

Ⅱ.How Google Has Changed Management,10 Years After its IPO 319

Lesson 16 21世纪的人才管理 322

Section A:Text Comprehension21世纪的人才管理 323

Section B:Exercises 334

Section C:Journals'Oueruiew《华盛顿邮报》简介 336

Section D:Reading AcquisitionReading Skills Development(Ⅰ) 337

Section E:Extended Reading 338

Ⅰ.eHarmony Wants to Match You with the Perfect Boss 338

Ⅱ.Do Not Split HR—At Least Not Ram Charan's Way 340

Ⅲ.It's Time to Retool HR,Not Split It 342

Lesson 17 服务与消费 345

Section A:Text Comprehension 346

Text 1:英国航空公司启动至纽约的奢华服务 346

Text 2:中国暴富者的购物习惯 347

Section B:Exercises 354

Section C:Journals'Overview《卫报》简介 355

Section D:Reading Acquisition营销英语的词汇特征及其翻译 356

Section E:Extended Reading 358

Ⅰ.China Has the World's Best Consumer Story 358

Ⅱ.Loeal Business With Global Connections 361

Lesson 18 营销策略 364

Section A:Text Comprehension 365

Text 1:谷歌的赞助商链接如何帮助你的生意起步 365

Text 2:品牌合作的利与弊 368

Section B:Exercises 376

Section C:Journals'Overview《每日快报》简介 379

Section D:Reading AcquisitionReading Skills Development(Ⅱ) 380

Section E:Extended Reading 382

Ⅰ.Auto Winners and Losers in the First Half of 2014 382

Ⅱ.Apple Reports$7.7 Billion Profit on Strong iPhone Sales 384


