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  • 购买点数:12
  • 作 者:夏铁华 周洁主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:商务印书馆
  • 出版年份:2004
  • ISBN:7100037565
  • 标注页数:346 页
  • PDF页数:360 页



目录 1

前言 1

Unit 1 Autobiography 1

Intensive Reading Elvis Presley 1

New Words Expressions 2

Translation of the Text 猫王——埃尔维斯·普雷斯利 4

Translation Skills(1) 英译汉概述 5

Exercises 7

Unit 2 Tourism 16

Intensive Reading East or West,Home is the Best 16

New Words Expressions 17

Translation of the Text 外面再好,也不如家好 18

Grammar Subjunctive Mood(1) 虚拟语气(一) 19

Exercises 21

Unit 3 Entertainment 33

Intensive Reading Scent of a Woman 33

New Words Expressions 35

Translation of the Text 闻香识女人 37

Translation Skills(2) 语序调整 39

Exercises 40

Unit 4 Literature Art 51

Intensive Reading Out of My Eden 51

New Words Expressions 52

Translation of the Text 失乐园 54

Grammar Subjunctive Mood(2) 虚拟语气(二) 55

Exercises 57

Intensive Reading I have a Dream 69

Unit 5 History 69

New Words Expressions 71

Translation of the Text 我有一个梦想 73

Translation Skills(3) 被动语态的译法 74

Exercises 76

Unit 6 Geography 86

Intensive Reading The Great Pyramid at Giza 86

New Words Expressions 87

Translation of the Text 吉萨大金字塔 89

Grammar Emphatic Sentence Elliptical Sentence强调句和省略句 90

Exercises 93

Intensive Reading Three Economic Systems 105

Unit 7 Economy 105

New Words Expressions 106

Translation of the Text 三个经济学理论 107

Translation Skills(4) 词性转换 108

Exercises 109

Unit 8 Sports 119

Intensive Reading Prospects for the Greatest Olympic Games—2008,Beijing 119

New Words Expresslons 121

Translation of the Text展望最出色的奥运会——2008,北京 122

Grammar Agreement一致性 124

Exercises 126

PETS第四级模拟试题(一) 136

Intensive Reading The Dual Roles of a Woman 152

Unit 9 Society Culture 152

New Words Expressions 153

Translation of the Text 女人的双重角色 154

Translation Skills(5) 增词法与省词法 155

Exercises 158

Unit 10 Jobs and Occupations 168

Intensive Reading The First Four Minutes 168

New Words Expressions 170

Translation of the Text 重要的前四分钟 172

Grammar Inversion 倒装句 173

Exercises 175

Unit 11 Current Affairs 186

Intensive Reading What A Difference A Day Makes 186

New Words Expressions 187

Translation of the Text 一天改变了一切 189

Translation Skills(6) 分译法与融合法 190

Exercises 191

Unit 12 Education 201

Intensive Reading Three Days to See 201

New Words Expressions 202

Translation of the Text 假如我拥有三天光明 204

Grammar Word Formation(1) 构词法(一) 205

Exercises 206

Unit 13 Popular Science 217

Intensive Reading New Hope for Curing AIDS 217

New Words Expressions 218

Translation of the Text 治疗艾滋病的新希望 220

Translation Skills(7) 反译法 221

Exercises 224

Unit 14 Manners Customs 233

Intensive Reading How Do the Americans Get Married? 233

New Words Expressions 234

Translation of the Text 美国人的婚姻方式 236

Grammar Word Formation(2) 构词法(二) 237

Exercises 239

Unit 15 Environment 251

Intensive Reading A River Runs Through It 251

New Words Expressions 253

Translation of the Text 一条奔流的大河 255

Exercises 256

Unit 16 Computer Information Technology 265

Intensive Reading How the Gates Years Symbolized High Tech 265

New Words Expressions 266

Translation of the Text “盖茨时代”象征高科技 268

Exercises 269

PETS第四级模拟试题(二) 278

附录一 练习答案 295

附录二 模拟试题答案 308

附录三 词缀表 318

附录四 功能意念表 319

附录五 语言技能表 330

附录六 全国英语等级考试四级词汇总表 332

