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汉英翻译指要  核心概念与技巧

汉英翻译指要 核心概念与技巧PDF格式文档图书下载


  • 购买点数:11
  • 作 者:叶子南主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
  • 出版年份:2011
  • ISBN:9787513510219
  • 标注页数:252 页
  • PDF页数:261 页
图书介绍:本书由翻译(口译)界名师撰写,属汉译英教程, 并用译入语英文进行讲解,以便读者在英文环境中,对翻译理论与技巧能够有更深刻的认识。全书分按句型、语篇讲解,脉络清晰,并配有练习及答案,供读者参考。适用于英语专业高级水平及研究生学习。

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Part One: Basic Issues in Chinese-to-English Translation 1

Chapter 1 Basic Concepts of Translation 3

Chapter 2 Some Comparisons between English and Chinese 18

Part Two: Basic Techniques 31

Chapter 3 Conversion 33

Chapter 4 Amplification 40

Chapter 5 Omission 47

Chapter 6 Changing the Perspective 52

Chapter 7 Division and Combination 56

Chapter 8 Syntax—Repositioning Components 64

Chapter 9 Relative Clauses 69

Chapter 10 Adverbial Clauses 75

Chapter 11 The Passive Voice 80

Part Three: Advanced Issues 87

Chapter 12 Translation of Metaphors 89

Chapter 13 Idioms and Four-Character Expressions 97

Chapter 14 Text Analysis 104

Part Four: Practice Texts 111

Chapter 15 General/Informative Text:《前言》 An Introduction to a Dictionary 113

Chapter 16 Legal Text:《英国法律周欢迎词》A Welcome Speech (Excerpt) 120

Chapter 17 Economic Text:《中美贸易讲话》Speech on China-U.S.Trade 132

Chapter 18 Informative/Culture-Bound Text:《道家与休闲》Daoism and Leisure 144

Chapter 19 Evaluative/Culture-Bound Text:《寻找仙境》In Speech of a Better Place 153

Chapter 20 Vocative Text:《焦点之外》Beyond the Spotlight 160

Chapter 21 Informative/Evaluative/Culture-Bound Text:《一身傲骨,两袖清风》It's Not About Money 167

Chapter 22 Expressive Text:《骆驼祥子》Camel Xiangzi (Excerpt) 176

Conclusion 190

Answer Key 193

Glossary 238

Appendix: Dictionaries and Other Reference Materials 242

Sources Used in the Book 252

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