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移动Web编程  第2版  英文

移动Web编程 第2版 英文PDF格式文档图书下载


  • 购买点数:20
  • 作 者:MaximilianoFirtman著
  • 出 版 社:南京:东南大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2013
  • ISBN:9787564144579
  • 标注页数:746 页
  • PDF页数:768 页

查看更多关于移动Web编程 第2版 英文的内容

标签:编程 移动

1.The Mobile Jungle 1

The Mobile Ecosystem 1

What Is a Mobile Device? 1

Mobile Device Categories 3

Brands,Models,and Platforms 9

Apple iOS 9

Android 13

Windows 17

Nokia 20

BlackBerry 24

Samsung 26

Sony Mobile 27

Motorola Mobililty 27

Amazon 28

LGMobile 28

HTC 29

HP and Palm 29

Firefox OS 30

Ubuntu for Phones 30

Chinese Platforms 31

Other Platforms 31

Smart TV Platforms 31

Technical Information 32

2.Understanding the Mobile Web 35

Myths of the Mobile Web 35

It's Not the Mobile Web:It's Just the Web ! 35

You Don't Need to Do Anything Special About Your Desktop Website 36

One Website Should Work for All Devices(Desktop,Mobile,TV) 36

Just Create an HTML File with a Width of 320 Pixels,and You Have a Mobile Website 37

Native Mobile Applications Will Kill the Mobile Web 37

People Are Not Using Their Mobile Browsers 37

What Is the Mobile Web? 38

Differences 38

Mobile Web Eras 39

WAP 1 39

WAP 2.0 41

The Mobile Browsing Experience 43

Navigation Methods 43

Zoom Experience 45

Reflow Layout Engines 46

Direct Versus Cloud-Based Browsers 47

Multipage Experience 48

WebEngines 49

Fragmentation 50

Display 50

Input Methods 58

Other Features 60

Market Statistics 60

3.Browsers and Web Platforms 63

Web Platforms That Are Not Browsers 64

HTML5 Web Apps 64

Web Views 67

Pseudo-Browsers 68

Native Web Apps,Packaged Apps,and Hybrids 69

Ebooks 72

Mobile Browsers 73

Preinstalled Browsers 73

User-Installable Browsers 82

Browser Overview 87

4.Tools for Mobile Web Development 89

Working with Code 89

Adobe Dreamweaver 89

Adobe Edge Tools 90

Microsoft Visual Studio and WebMatrix 91

Eclipse 91

Native Web IDEs 91

Testing 91

Emulators and Simulators 92

Real Device Testing 114

Remote Labs 116

Production Environment 124

Web Hosting 125

Domain 125

Error Management 125

Statistics 126

5.Architecture and Design 127

Mobile Strategy 127

When to Get Out of the Browser 127

Context 130

Server-Side Adaptation 131

Progressive Enhancement 132

Responsive Web Design 134

RESS 139

Navigation 140

Design and User Experience 141

Touch Design Patterns 145

Tablet Patterns 148

Official UI Guidelines 149

WhatNotto Do 149

6.Markupsand Standards 153

First,the Verv Old Ones 153

WML 154

Current Standards 158

Politics of the Mobile Web 159

Delivering Markup 160

XHTML Mobile Profile and Basic 164

AvailableTags 165

Official Noncompatible Features 166

Creating Our First Compatible Template 167

Markup Additions 169

Mobile HTML5 169

Creating Our First HTML5 Template 170

Syntax Rules 171

New Elements 172

CSSforMobile 172

WCSS Extensions 172

CSS3 176

HTML5 Compatibility Levels 177

Testing Your Browser 177

7.Basics of Mobile HTML5 181

The Document Head 181

Title 181

Website Icons 183

Home Screen Icons 187

The Viewport 200

Changing the Navigation Method 215

Removing Automatic Links 216

Metadata for Sharing 216

Hiding the URL Address Bar 218

Native App Integration 220

The Document Body 224

Main Structure 225

HTML5 Mobile Boilerplate 227

The Content 228

Block Elements 228

Lists 228

Tables 229

Frames 229

Links 230

Accessibility 232

8.HTML5 Forms 235

Form Design 235

Form Elements 238

Select Lists 238

Radio Buttons and Checkboxes 241

Buttons 242

Hidden Fields 243

Text Input Fields 243

Range Slider Fields 254

Date Input Fields 255

File Selection Fields 257

Noninteractive Form Elements 264

Form Control Attributes 266

Placeholder 266

autofocus 267

autocomplete 267

readonly 268

Input Validation Attributes 268

Safari Extensions 268

Firefox Extensions 268

XHTML Mobile inputmode 269

Additional Form Attributes 270

Form Validation 270

HTML5 Validation 271

WAP CSS Validation 275

9.Feature and Device Detection 279

Possible Problems 279

Possible Solutions 280

Informational Websites 281

Can I Use 282

MobileHTML5.org 282

WebPlatform.org 284

Client-Side Detection 284

HTML Fallbacks 284

CSS Fallbacks 285

Vendor Prefixes 286

JavaScript Fallbacks 290

Modernizr 292

Polyfills 297

Platform Detection 298

Server-Side Detection 300

HTTP 300

Detecting the Context 307

Cloud-Based Browsers 309

Mobile Detection 311

Transcoders 312

Device Libraries 313

10.Images and Media 331

Images 331

Image Formats 331

Using the img Element 336

Responsive Images 337

Local Pictograms 340

Dealing with Multiple Screen Densities 342

Using Vector-Based Solutions 343

Providing One Single Image 344

Providing Image Alternatives 346

SVG 350

Canvas 357

Adobe Flash 365

Video 368

Containers and Codecs 368

Delivering Video 370

The HTML5 video Element 370

Streaming 376

Embedding with object 378

Video Compatibility 378

Audio 379

Invisible Audio Player 380

Web Audio API 380

Audio Compatibility 381

11.CSS for Mobile Browsers 383

Where to Insert the CSS 383

Media Queries 384

CSS3 Media Queries 385

Selectors 392

CSS Techniques 393

Reset CSS Files 393

Text Formatting 395

Common Patterns 404

Display Properties 404

Rounded Corners 408

Border Image 409

Pseudoclasses 413

Backgrounds 413

Scrollable Areas 414

Content 415

Opacity 416

Cursor Management 416

Selection Management 417

Touch Callout 420

Highlight Color 421

Appearance Override 421

CSS Sprites 422

Samples and Compatibility 422

CSS Sprites Alternatives 427

CSS3 Modules 427

Gradients 428

Reflection 431

Masks 432

Transforms 433

Transitions 439

Animations 442

CSS Filter Effects 446

CSS Regions and Exclusions 447

New CSS Values and Units 448

12.JavaScript Mobile 451

Coding for Mobile Browsers 452

HTML5 Script Extensions 453

Code Execution 453

Cloud-Based Browsers 454

JavaScript Debugging and Profiling 455

Battery Consumption 455

Background Execution 456

Status Detection 457

Background Tab Notification Trick 460

Background Execution Compatibility 461

Push Notifications 462

Supported Technologies 463

The Document Object Model 463

The Selectors API 463

JSON 464

Binary Data 464

Web Workers 464

HTML5 APIs 466

Native Web App APIs 466

Standard JavaScript Behavior 467

Standard Dialogs 467

History and URL Management 470

Manipulating Windows 471

Focus and Scroll Management 472

Timers 473

Changing the Title 476

Cookie Management 476

Event Handling 477

JavaScript Libraries 484

Mobile Libraries 485

UI Frameworks 487

Sencha Touch 488

jQuery Mobile 489

Enyo 490

Montage 491

iUI 492

jQTouch 493

JavaScript Mobile UI Patterns 495

13.Offline Apps,Storage,andNetworks 501

Offline Web Apps 501

The Manifest File 502

Accessing Online Resources 503

Updating the Package 504

Deleting the Package 505

TheJavaScript API 506

Compatibility and Limits 508

Client-Side Storage 511

Web Storage 511

The Web SQL Database API 514

The IndexedDB API 518

The FileSystem API 520

User Intervention 521

Debugging Storage 521

Network Communication 522

Ajax 522

Server Sent Events 525

WebSockets 527

14.Geolocation and Maps 529

Location Techniques 529

Accuracy 529

Indoor Location 529

Client Techniques 530

Server Techniques 532

Asking the User 533

Detecting the Location 534

The W3C Geolocation API 534

Carrier Network Location APIs 539

IP Geolocation 540

Maps/Navigation App Integration 541

Google Maps for Android 541

iOS Maps 543

Bing Maps 545

Showing a Map 546

Google Maps API v3 546

Google Maps Static API 549

Nokia Here 550

15.Device Interaction 553

Mobile-Specific URIs 553

Making a Call 554

Sending Email 556

Sending an SMS 557

Other Communication Apps 558

Adding a Contact to the Phonebook 559

Integrating with Other Applications 560

JavaScript APIs 564

Touch 564

Gestures 572

Sensors 579

Network Information 583

File Management 585

Full Screen 587

Web Notifications 588

Camera 590

Battery 593

Vibration 593

Other APIs 594

16.Native and Installed Web Apps 597

Web App Pros and Cons 598

Architecture of a Web App 599

Meta Configuration 599

Platform Access 600

Data Storage 600

Network Access 600

Logic 600

User Interfaca 601

Packaging 601

Distribution 601

Standards 601

Packaging and Configuration Standards 601

Omcial Platforms 602

iOS Web Apps 602

Symbian Standalone Web Apps 612

Windows 8 Store Apps 613

Mozilla Open Web Apps 619

Chrome Apps 624

Samsung Web Apps 624

BlackBerry Web Works Apps 624

Nokia S40 Web Apps 632

Nokia Symbian Web Apps 637

Apache Cordova/PhoneGap Apps 644

Template Creation 646

Cordova Web View 646

CordovaJS 647

Plug-ins 650

Distribution 650

iOS App Store 650

Android Stores 651

BlackBerry AppWorld 651

Microsoft Windows Store 651

Microsoft Windows Phone Store 651

Full-Screen App Patterns 652

Multiple Views 652

Layout 652

Input Method 652

One-View Widget 653

Dynamic Application Engine 653

Reload My Web App 653

17.Content Delivery 655

MIME Types 655

Static Definition 655

Dynamic Definition 657

File Delivery 658

Direct Linking 658

Delayed Linking 658

OMA Download 659

Application and Games Delivery 662

iOS Applications 663

Android Applications 665

Windows Applications 666

Java ME 667

18.Debugging and Performance 671

Debugging 671

Server-Side Debugging 671

Markup Debugging 676

Client-Side Debugging 678

Perfcrmance Optimization 686

Measurement 686

Best Practices 689

19.Distribution and Social Web 2.0 695

Mobile SEO 695

Spiders and Discoverability 696

Mobile Sitemaps 696

How Users Find You 698

SMS Invitation 698

Email Invitation 699

Mobile TinyURL 699

QR Codes 699

NFC Tags 701

User Fidelizing 701

Web Shortcuts 702

RSS 702

Open Search 702

Apple Passbook 703

Mobile Web Statistics 704

Google Analytics for Mobile 704

Yahoo!Web Analytics 705

Mobilytics 705

Monetizing Your Website 705

Mobile Advertisements 705

Mobile Web Social Features 706

Authentication and Sharing APIs 706

Sharing Content 707

A.MIME Types for Mobile Content 709

Index 713

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