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研究生英语听说教程  第3版

研究生英语听说教程 第3版PDF格式文档图书下载


  • 购买点数:11
  • 作 者:任林静 罗立胜主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国人民大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2008
  • ISBN:9787300090429
  • 标注页数:256 页
  • PDF页数:264 页

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Unit 1 First Meetings 1

Unit 2 Building Friendships 9

Unit 3 Marriage Matters 17

Unit 4 Holiday Celebrations 25

Unit 5 Vacationing 33

Unit 6 Travel 41

Unit 7 Hotel Stay 49

Unit 8 Weather 57

Unit 9 Leisure-time Activities 65

Unit 10 Sports 73

Unit 11 The Olympic Games 81

Unit 12 Shopping 89

Unit 13 Marketing Strategies 95

Unit 14 About Health 103

Unit 15 You Are What You Eat 109

Simulated Listening Test 1 115

Simulated Listening Test 2 119

Unit 16 Personality 123

Unit 17 Family Life 131

Unit 18 Talking about People 139

Unit 19 Animals 149

Unit 20 Music 159

Unit 21 Money Matters 167

Unit 22 Undergraduate Education 177

Unit 23 Graduate Education 185

Unit 24 Language and Literature 191

Unit 25 Government and Citizenship 199

Unit 26 Looking for a Job 207

Unit 27 Employment Matters 217

Unit 28 Science and Technology 225

Unit 29 Man and Environment 233

Unit 30 Space Exploration 239

Simulated Listening Test 3 249

Simulated Listening Test 4 253

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