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  • 购买点数:14
  • 作 者:(美)沙夫里茨等著
  • 出 版 社:北京:北京大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2006
  • ISBN:7301102674
  • 标注页数:423 页
  • PDF页数:438 页



Chapter 1 The Context of Public Policy 1

1. Of the Principle of Utility(1780)&Jeremy Bentham 5

2. The Political System Under Stress(1965)&David Easton 9

3. The Nature and Necessity of Scientific Revolutions(1970)&Thomas S.Kuhn 18

Review Questions 22

Chapter 2 Public Policymaking 23

4. The Science of"Muddling Through"(1959)&Charles E.Lindblom 26

5. Mixed Scanning:A"Third"Approach to Decision Making(1967)&Amitai Etzioni 41

6. Street-Level Bureaucrats as Policy Makers(1980)&Michael Lipsky 51

7. Policy Paradox:The Art of Political Decision Making(1997)&Deborah Stone 62

Review Questions 71

Chapter 3 Interests Groups and Public Policy 72

8. The Federalist No.10(1787)&James Madison 77

9. The Governmental Process(1951)&David Truman 83

10. The Power Elite(1957)&C.Wright Mills 88

11. Who Governs?(1961)&Robert A.Dahl 100

12. American Business,Public Policy,Case-Studies,and Political Theory(1963-1964)&Theodore J.Lowi 107

Review Questions 124

Chapter 4 Agenda Setting 125

13. The Dyramics of Agenda-Building(1972)&Roger W Cobb and Charles D.Elder 128

14. Up and Down with Ecology:The Issue-Attention Cycle(1972)&Anthony Downs 137

15. Agendas,Alternatives,and Public Policies(1995)&John W Kingdon 148

Review Questions 159

Chapter 5 The Political Economy of Public Policy 161

16. An Economic Interpretation of the Constitution(1913)&Charles A.Beard 167

17. The Road to Serfdom(1944)&Friedrich A.Hayek 170

18. The Affluent Society(1958)&John Kenneth Galbraith 180

19. Capitalism and Freedom(1962)&Milton Friedman 185

20. The Zero-Sum Society(1980)&Lester thurow 189

Review Questions 195

Chapter 6 Policymaking By Legislatures 196

21. Speech to the Electors of Bristol(1774)&Edmund Burke 199

22. Congressional Government(1885)&Woodrow Wilson 201

23. Popular Congressmen and Unpopular Congress(1979)&Glenn R.Parker and Roger H.Davidson 209

Review Questions 217

Chapter 7 Policy Implementation by the Executive 218

24. Report of the President's Committee on Administrative Management(1937)&Louis Brownlow,Charles E.Merriam,and Luther Gulick 223

25. Presidential Power:The Power to Persuade(1959)&Richard E.Neustadt 230

26. The Two Presidencies(1966)&Aaron Wildavsky 234

27. Conceptual Models and the Cuban Missile Crisis(1969)&Graham T.Allison 248

Review Questions 277

Chapter 8 Policy Reviewing by the Judiciary 279

28. The Federalist No.78(1778)&Alexander Hamilton 285

29.Marbury v.Madison(1803) 291

30.Brown v.Board of Education(1954) 297

31.Griswold v.Connecticut(1965) 300

32.Miranda v.Arizona(1966) 302

33.Roe v.Wade(1973) 310

Review Questions 312

Chapter 9 Foreign Policy 314

34. History of the Peloponnesian War:The Melian Debate(5th century B.C.E.)&Thucydides 320

35. On War:War as an Instrument of Policy(1832)&Carl von Clausewitz 327

36. The Sources of Soviet Conduct(1947)&X(George F.Kennan) 335

37. The Clash of Civilizations?(1993)&Samuel P.Huntington 342

Review Questions 361

Chapter 10 Public Policy as Public Relations 362

38. Politics and the English Language(1946)&George Orwell 365

39. The Image:A Guide to Pseudo-Events in America(1961)&Daniel J.Boorstin 369

40. Symbols and Political Quiescence(1964)&Murray Edelman 375

Review Questions 390

Chapter 11 Policy Analysis 391

41. The Tragedy of the Commons(1968)&Garrett Hardin 396

42. The Seven Deadly Sins of Policy Analysts(1976)&Arnold J.Meltsner 409

43. The Art of Policy Analysis(1979)&Aaron Wildavsky 415

Review Questions 419

