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  • 购买点数:16
  • 作 者:(美)汤普森主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:北京大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2006
  • ISBN:7301108729
  • 标注页数:532 页
  • PDF页数:554 页



PART Ⅰ Beginnings:Politics and Public Personnel Policy 1

1 Americanizing a Foreign Invention:The Pendleton Act of 1883&Paul P.Van Riper 11

2 The Pendleton Act&U.S.Congress 26

3 Merit Systems and Politics&Frank J.Goodnow 31

4 Merit,Morality,and Democracy&Frederick C.Mosher 34

PART Ⅱ Merit Systems:Triumph,Discontent,and the Shadow 47

5 The Silent Revolution in Patronage&Frank J.Sorauf 63

6 Rutan v.Republican Party of Illinois&U.S.Supreme Court 72

7 The Civil Service:A Meritless System?&E.S.Savas and Sigmund G.Ginsburg 87

8 Position Classification:A Behavioral Analysis for the Public Service&Jay M.Shafritz 100

9 Merit Pay in the Public Sector:The Case for a Failure of Theory&James L.Perry 121

10 The Personnel Office:Friend or Foe?&Carolyn Ban 135

11 The Illusion of Smallness&Paul C.Light 157

12 The Supreme Court and Private Contractors:Extracts from O'Hare Truck Service v.City of Northlake and Board of County Commrs.v.Umbehr&U.S.Supreme Court 178

PART Ⅲ Merit Systems and Executive Leadership 187

13 The Idea of a Civil Service:A Third Force?&Hugh Heclo 199

14 The Malek Manual&White House Personnel Office 212

15 Testimony on Civil Service Reform and Organization&Alan K.Campbell 227

16 Leadership for Governance&The Volcker Commission 242

17 The Governor as Leader:Strengthening Public Service Through Executive Leadership&Deborah D.Roberts 247

PART Ⅳ Equal Employment Opportunity and Representation 269

18 The Negro and the Federal Service in an Era of Change&Samuel Krislov 281

19 Title Ⅶ of the Civil Rights Act of 1964,As Amended&U.S.Congress(1972) 302

20 Griggs,et al.v.Duke Power Co.&U.S.Supreme Court 320

21 Through the Glass Ceiling:Prospects for the Advancement of Women in the Federal Civil Service&Katherine C.Naff 328

22 Cultural Diversity Programs to Prepare for Work Force 2000:What's Gone Wrong?&Norma M.Riccucci 346

PART Ⅴ Employee Rights and Labor Relations 353

23 Public Personnel Administration and the Constitution:An Emergent Approach&David H.Rosenbloom 367

24 Strikes in the Public Service&Leonard D.White 380

25 The Limits of Collective Bargaining in Public Employment&Harry H.Wellington and Ralph K.Winter,Jr. 392

26 The Impacts of Collective Bargaining on Local Government Services:A Review of Research&David T.Methe and James L.Perry 412

27 Working Together for Public Service&U.S.Department of Labor 432

PART Ⅵ Toward Reinvention 463

28 Hard Truths/Tough Choices:An Agenda for State and Local Reform&National Commission on the State and Local Public Service(The Winter Commission) 479

29 From Red Tape to Results:Creating a Government That Works Better and Costs Less&National Performance Review 497

30 People and Performance:Challenges for the Future Public Servie—the Report from the Wye River Conference&Patricia W.Ingraham,Sally C.Selden,and Donald P.Moynihan 521

