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新视野大学英语同步积极词汇详解  中

新视野大学英语同步积极词汇详解 中PDF格式文档图书下载


  • 购买点数:8
  • 作 者:张慧琴主编 罗冰 訾韦力编
  • 出 版 社:北京:北京交通大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2012
  • ISBN:9787512111943
  • 标注页数:114 页
  • PDF页数:122 页
图书介绍:词汇是语言的核心和基础。本套丛书目的在于帮助学生扩大和巩固教育部2007年颁发的《大学英语课程教学要求》中列出的2 364个大学英语积极词汇。全套书以单元为单位编排,各单元所列积极词汇完全与外语教学与研究出版社出版的《新视野大学英语》(第二版)每册中各单元的积极词汇同步,配以专门练习。这种在大学英语课堂中将词汇学习、语法巩固及翻译实践能力的培养融为一体的教学方法,既符合目前大学英语教学改革中培养学生英语应用能力的要求,也是课程建设中操作性和实用性相互结合的一种尝试。

查看更多关于新视野大学英语同步积极词汇详解 中的内容


Unit 1 3

Section A 3

Active Words 3

Exercises 3

Keys and Explanations 5

Section B 12

Active Words 12

Exercises 12

Keys and Explanations 15

Unit 2 24

Section A 24

Active Words 24

Exercises 24

Keys and Explanations 25

Section B 27

Active Words 27

Exercises 28

Keys and Explanations 30

Unit 3 37

Section A 37

Active Words 37

Exercises 37

Keys and Explanations 39

Section B 45

Active Words 45

Exercises 45

Keys and Explanations 46

Unit 4 50

Section A 50

Active Words 50

Exercises 50

Keys and Explanations 51

Section B 55

Active Words 55

Exercises 56

Keys and Explanations 57

Unit 5 61

Section A 61

Active Words 61

Exercises 61

Keys and Explanations 61

Section B 62

Active Words 62

Exercises 62

Keys and Explanations 65

Unit 6 71

Section A 71

Active Words 71

Exercises 71

Keys and Explanations 72

Section B 78

Active Words 78

Exercises 78

Keys and Explanations 79

Unit 7 84

Section A 84

Active Words 84

Exercises 84

Keys and Explanations 85

Section B 87

Active Words 87

Exercises 87

Keys and Explanations 88

Unit 8 92

Section A 92

Active Words 92

Exercises 92

Keys and Explanations 93

Section B 95

Active Words 95

Exercises 96

Keys and Explanations 97

Unit 9 102

Section A 102

Active Words 102

Exercises 102

Keys and Explanations 103

Section B 105

Active Words 105

Exercises 106

Keys and Explanations 107

Unit 10 111

Section A 111

Active Words 111

Exercises 111

Keys and Explanations 111

Section B 112

Active Words 112

Exercises 112

Keys and Explanations 113

查看更多关于新视野大学英语同步积极词汇详解 中的内容
