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  • 购买点数:9
  • 作 者:乔爱玲主编
  • 出 版 社:上海:上海交通大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2006
  • ISBN:7313043821
  • 标注页数:200 页
  • PDF页数:210 页



Part Ⅰ Global Statements on Listening Skills and Ways(听力技巧与方法综述) 1

一、先看后听 1

二、先听后看 2

三、边听边看 2

Exercise 4

Part Ⅱ Listening Skills Explanation and Practice(听力技巧解析与实践) 6

Section A Short Conversations(短对话) 6

一、Number Calculation and Sound Identification(计算与数字辨音类) 6

1.Number Calculation(问数字) 7

Exercise 1 8

2.Asking Time(问时间) 9

Exercise 2 11

二、Places/Occasions(地点/场所类) 12

Asking about Places/Occasions(问地点/场所) 12

Exercise 3 13

三、Information(信息类) 14

1.What/What for(问干什么/要什么) 14

Exercise 4 15

2.Asking One's Way(问路) 16

Exercise 5 17

3.Asking about Opinions(问看法) 19

Exercise 6 20

四、Judgment/Inference(判断/推理类) 21

1.Cause/Result(推断原因/结果) 22

Exercise 7 23

2.Intention/Inclination(推断意图/意向) 25

Exercise 8 26

3.Attitude/Feeling/Opinion(推测态度/感受/看法) 28

Exercise 9 29

4.Identification/Relation(推测身份/关系) 30

5.Purpose/Implication(推测目的/含义) 32

Exercise 10 32

Exercise 11 33

6.Information/Conclusion(推测信息/结论) 35

Exercise 12 36

7.Fashion/Ways(推测做事方式/方法) 37

Exercise 13 39

8.Places/Occasions(推测场所/地点) 40

Exercise 14 41

五、Vocabulary/Grammar(词汇/语法类) 42

1.Vocabulary(词汇类) 42

Exercise 15 43

2.Grammar(语法类) 45

Exercise 16 46

六、Comparison(比较类) 47

Exercise 17 49

七、Cause Effect(因果关系类) 50

Exercise 18 51

八、Negation(否定类) 52

Exercise 19 54

Section B Long Conversations(长对话) 55

Exercise 58

Section C Short Passages(短文理解) 63

1.Indution(归纳类试题) 64

Exercise 1 65

2.Information(信息类试题) 66

Exercise 2 68

3.Inference(推导/推测类试题) 70

1)Interpretation(推导信息内涵) 70

Exercise 3 71

2)Guessing(猜测信息) 74

Exercise 4 75

Section D Compound Dictation(短文听写/复合式听写) 77

Exercise 79

Part Ⅲ Comprehensive Listening Practice(综合听力实践) 84

Test One 84

Test Two 88

Test Three 93

Test Four 98

Test Five 103

Part Ⅳ Keys and Tapescript(参考答案与原文) 108

Part Ⅰ 108

Section A Short Conversations 109

Part Ⅱ 109

Section B Long Conversations 135

Section C Short Passages 146

Section D Compound Dictation 164

Part Ⅲ 168

Test One 168

Test Two 174

Test Three 181

Test Four 188

Test Five 194

