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驾驶英语综合阅读  远洋船舶二、三副适用读本

驾驶英语综合阅读 远洋船舶二、三副适用读本PDF格式文档图书下载


  • 购买点数:10
  • 作 者:金丽 马晓曼主编
  • 出 版 社:大连:大连海事大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2012
  • ISBN:9787563226801
  • 标注页数:216 页
  • PDF页数:224 页

查看更多关于驾驶英语综合阅读 远洋船舶二、三副适用读本的内容


Chapter 1 Nautical Publications 1

Lesson One 1

Text A Admiralty Notices to Mariners(ANM) 1

Text B Admiralty Nautical Publications 8

Lesson Two 14

Text A Navigational Warnings 14

Text B Charts & Their Uses 17

Chapter 2 Logbook 23

Lesson One 23

Text A Introduction to Logbook 23

Text B Standing Orders and Night Orders 33

Lesson Two 38

Text A Marine Accident Reports 38

Text B Samples of Ship's Correspondence 40

Chapter 3 Marine Meteorology 46

Lesson One 46

Text A Introduction in Marine Meteorology 46

Text B Marine Weather Report 51

Lesson Two 57

Text A Marine Weather 57

Text B Hurricane,Typhoon,or Tropical Cyclone 63

Chapter 4 Marine Navigation 67

Lesson One 67

Text A Berthing & Unberthing Operations 67

Text B Hydrodynamic Effects on Ship 71

Lesson Two 75

Text A Tides and Tidal Current 75

Text B IALA Maritime Buoyage System & Types of Marks 81

Chapter 5 Conventions on Marine Regulations 87

Lesson One 87

Text A STCW 87

Text B SOLAS 92

Lesson Two 97


Chapter 6 ISM Code & PSC 103

Lesson One 103

International Safety Management(ISM)Code 103

Lesson Two 107

Port State Control(PSC) 107

Chapter 7 International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea(1972) 112

Lesson One 112

Text A Rules(1-6) 112

Text B Rules (7-13) 119

Lesson Two 126

Text A Rules(14-19) 126

Text B Geographic Navigation 131

Chapter 8 Cargo Work 137

Lesson One 137

Text A Basic Knowledge About Cargo Work 137

Text B Cargo Stowage & Tallying 141

Lesson Two 144

Text A Trim and Stability 144

Text B Cargo Handling Equipments 147

Chapter 9 Ship's Structure and Equipment 154

Lesson One 154

Text A General Arrangement 154

Text B Bulk Carrier 158

Lesson Two 162

Text A Hatch Covers 162

Text B Ventilation Systems 165

Chapter 10 Navigational Equipment & Communication at Sea 169

Lesson One 169

Text A Radar 169

Text B ARPA 173

Lesson Two 177

Text A Magnetic Compass and Gyro Compass 177


Lesson Three 185

Text A GMDSS 185

Text B VHF Communication at Sea 190

Chapter 11 Emergency Responses 196

Lesson One 196

Text A Search and Rescue Operations 196

Text B Fire-fighting at Sea 201

Lesson Two 207

Text A Life-saving & Survival at Sea 207

Text B Oil Pollution Responding & Damage Control 211

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