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21世纪大学英语泛读  2

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Unit One 1

Text A Winston Churchill 1

Text B Mother Teresa 9

Text C Eulogy to Princess Diana 15

Unit Two 24

Text A College Enrollment and Asian Americans 24

Text B Education:Values and Expectations 32

Text C Cheating 41

Unit Three 49

Text A Work:Practices and Attitudes 49

Text B Ways of Reasoning 57

Text C Differences in Customs 65

Unit Four 73

Text A Have Today's Schools Failed Male Students? 73

Text B My Successful Online Business 80

Text C I Got My B.A.by Sheer Luck 88

Unit Five 95

Text A Live Your Dream 95

Text B Is Jack Really a Dull Boy? 102

Text C Three Big Career Mistakes 109

Text A One Need Not Lose Hope 117

Unit Six 117

Text B Terry's Story 126

Text C The Plight of Living with a Learning Disability 133

Unit Seven 142

Text A Thoughts about Thinking 142

Text B Understanding How the Brain Works 148

Text C Train Your Mind to Support Your Will 154

Unit Eight 160

Text A The Law of Human Nature 160

Text B Driving around the World 167

Text C How Close Are We? 175

Unit Nine 181

Text A El Ni?o 181

Text B How Hurricanes Get Their Names 189

Text C Weather Prediction 195

Unit Ten 203

Text A Obstacles to 21st Century Technology 203

Text B Not Just a Game Any More 211

Text C Trends Make Education's Future a Mystery 218

Key to Extensive Reading 2 227

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