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考研英语阅读题源  2  纽约时报分册

考研英语阅读题源 2 纽约时报分册PDF格式文档图书下载


  • 购买点数:12
  • 作 者:江涛 郭敏 付承梅主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:石油工业出版社
  • 出版年份:2011
  • ISBN:9787502181628
  • 标注页数:305 页
  • PDF页数:317 页

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社会类 2

Passage 1 California Seeks Thermostat Control 2

Passage 2 As Jobs Vanish and Prices Rise,Food Stamp Use Nears Record 8

Passage 3 Study Gives High Marks to U.S.Internet 14

Passage 4 Asian Food Crisis Has Political and Civil Implications 20

Passage 5 PolarBearIs Made a Protected Species 27

Passage 6 Sweden Turning Sewage into a Gasoline Substitute 34

Passage 7 Frustration in the South as a Gasoline Shortage Drags on 40

Passage 8 Transit Use Hit Five-Decade High in 2008 as Gas Prices Rose 45

Passage 9 Road Deaths Nationwide Fell Sharply in 2008 50

Passage 10 Britain Responds to Criticism of Its Universal Health System 55

文教类 62

Passage 1 Applications to Colleges Are Breaking Records 62

Passage 2 Online Schooling Grows,Setting Off a Debate 68

Passage 3 East and West:Seeing the World through Different Lenses 76

Passage 4 Report Urges Changes in Teaching Math 83

Passage 5 Top Colleges Dig Deeper in Wait Lists for Students 89

Passage 6 Study Finds Little Benefit in New SAT 95

Passage 7 New Vision for Schools Proposes Broad Role 100

Passage 8 College May Become Unaffordable for Most in U.S 106

Passage 9 Arts Leaders Urge Role for Culture in Economic Recovery 112

Passage 10 In a Digital Future,Textbooks Are History 119

经济类 128

Passage 1 Oil Hits $100 a Barrel for the First Time 128

Passage 2 Fed Acts to Rescue Financial Markets 134

Passage 3 Germany Debates Subsidies for Solar Industry 141

Passage 4 Nissan Says Electric Cars Will Be Quickly Profitable 149

Passage 5 Greenspan Concedes Error on Regulation 154

Passage 6 Fifty Herbert Hoovers 161

Passage 7 In Asia,Hints of a Distant and Fragile Recovery 167

Passage 8 China's Economy Takes a Sharp Domestic Turn 172

Passage 9 Airbus Warns Output Could Drop asMuch as 25%in2010 and2011 177

Passage 10 For Asia,Data Shows a Slow Climb Out of Recession 183

科技类 190

Passage 1 Scientists Would Turn Greenhouse Gas into Gasoline 190

Passage 2 New Ways to Store Solar Energy for Nighttime and Cloudy Days 196

Passage 3 Home Brew for the Car,Not the Beer Cup 201

Passage 4 In a New Climate Model,Short-Term Cooling in a Warmer World 207

Passage 5 Country,the City Version:Farms in the Sky Gain New Interest 212

Passage 6 TheMysteriousCough,CaughtonFilm 218

Passage 7 Google Uses Searches to Track Flu's Spread 223

Passage 8 OnWeb andiPhone,aTooltoAid Careful Shopping 230

Passage 9 Panels of Light,Not Just Points,Fascinate Designers and Industry 236

Passage 10 Pursuing a Battery So Electric Veh-icles Can Go the Extra Miles 242

健康类 248

Passage 1 The Claim:Identical Twins Have Identical DNA 248

Passage 2 Yes,Running Can Make You High 253

Passage 3 Life Expectancy Is Declining in Some Pockets ofthe Country 260

Passage 4 Taste for Quick Boost Tied to Taste for Risk 265

Passage 5 Panel Sees Role for Smoking in Breast Cancer 271

Passage 6 G.O.P. Senators Question Obama's Health Reforms 276

Passage 7 Discovery May Help Treat Obesity 281

Passage 8 Stealing in Childhood Does Not a Criminal Make 286

Passage 9 Survey Finds High Fees Common in Medical Care 292

Passage 10 Genes Tied to Gap in Treatment of Hepatitis C 299

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