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  • 购买点数:9
  • 作 者:LiveABC编著
  • 出 版 社:北京市:科学出版社
  • 出版年份:2010
  • ISBN:9787030287731
  • 标注页数:198 页
  • PDF页数:208 页



典故 2

01.a brave new world 2

02.a far cry from 3

03.a hacker 4

04.a snow job 5

05.behind the eight ball 6

06.bellwether 7

07.best thing since sliced bread 8

08.bring together the alphabet soup of 9

09.call a spade a spade 10

10.cut corners 11

11.Deep Throat 12

12.divide and conquer 13

13.Dixie cup 14

14.Enron's stock 15

15.flagship 16

16.forbidden fruit 17

17.ground zero 18

18.hokey-pokey 19

19.in the ballpark 20

20.keep a stiff upper lip 21

21.leap tall fences in a single bound 22

22.let-the-chips-fall-where-they-may 23

23.make one's debut 24

24.marry money 25

25.on course for 26

26.peanut gallery 27

27.rank-and-file 28

28.ride off into the sunset 29

29.Snow White Jacko 30

30.Spartan 31

31.the Big Easy 32

32.the little search engine that could 33

33.the tip of the iceberg 34

34.the unbearable lightness of being...rich 35

35.Toto,I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore 36

36.writing on the wall 37

37.zero in on 38

比喻 40

01.a bit of meat with my gravy 40

02....a client base growing as fast as the vines 41

03.a cul-de-sac 42

04.a slippery slope 43

05.an itch that needs to be scratched 44

06.an oasis 45

07.an uphill battle 46

08.be comfortable in one's own skin 47

09.beat Mother Nature to the punch 48

10.breakneck-paced 49

11.buzzing 50

12.career overdrive 51

13.daily despair 52

14.dip one's toes in the dot-com ocean 53

15.drop off the radar 54

16.Fluffy and Spot 55

17.go according to script 56

18.in the field 57

19.kiss-and-tell 58

20.on one's toes 59

21.pass the baton...to 60

22.pencil pushers 61

23.precious little 62

24.push...in(to) a tight corner 63

25.road warriors 64

26.softball questions 65

27.squirm 66

28.the cream has risen to the top 67

29.the passing of the torch 68

30.The pendulum is swinging back the other way 69

31.treacherous waters 70

32.tuna casserole 71

33.velvet hammer 72

34.walk-ins 73

35.warm and fuzzy 74

惯用语 76

01.a cutting edge 76

02.a flop 77

03.a melting pot 78

04.at one's fingertips 79

05.at the helm 80

06.be riddled with 81

07.bells and whistles 82

08.big guns 83

09.blow one's stack 84

10.boil down to 85

11.bounce back 86

12.break ground 87

13.breathe down one's neck 88

14.cash cows 89

15.come with a high price tag 90

16.comfort food 91

17.deep-pocketed 92

18.go behind the camera 93

19.groan under the weight of 94

20.have one's work cut out 95

21.head-to-head 96

22.hold water 97

23.in one piece 98

24.miss the mark 99

25.money in the bank 100

26.music to(someone's)ears 101

27.no-frills 102

28.off the hook 103

29.on the drawing board 104

30.pale next to 105

31.pop out(from/of) 106

32.rake in 107

33.ruffle(someone's)feathers 108

34.shove...down someone's throat 109

35.sink one's teeth into 110

36.smoking gun 111

37.spit someone out 112

38.spread oneself too thin/thinly 113

39.stand by 114

40.surf the net 115

41.take...by storm 116

42.teacher's pet 117

43.turn one's back on 118

44.be dressed to kill 119

45.fork out 120

46.mentally challenged 121

47.throw up 122

48.tip 123

49.win critical acclaim 124

双关语 126

01.a crash course 126

02.a double eyelid 127

03.a high note 128

04.a highflier 129

05.a lemon 130

06.a rough ride 131

07.a wanted man 132

08.a woman's place 133

09.absorb 134

10.band Aid 135

11.bangs for one's buck 136

12.be burned in every sense 137

13.be stuck on 138

14.bruise 139

15.bullish 140

16.chug along 141

17.clean out 142

18.C-Leg 143

19.Decaf Web,anyone? 144

20.do the dirty work 145

21.don't hold one's breath 146

22.double vision 147

23.duke it out 148

24.economic recovery 149

25.fair game 150

26.fish and chips 151

27.food for thought 152

28.for a rainy day 153

29.from the same page 154

30.get lost in the shuffle 155

31.get one's wings 156

32.go to the dogs 157

33.good grief! 158

34.head-turning 159

35.heavy petting 160

36.hit below the belt 161

37.hook 162

38.hot stuff 163

39.It doesn't pay to be a potty mouth 164

40.it's got sole 165

41.jaw dropping 166

42.kick the habit 167

43.light one's fire 168

44.make the cut 169

45.nose around 170

46.off the ground 171

47.on the hit list 172

48.one too many 173

49.party animal 174

50.push someone's buttons 175

51.re-possessed 176

52.ride on 177

53.roll out the final mile 178

54.run rings around 179

55.say no to crack 180

56.shaken,not stirred 181

57.shatter one's stone-cold determination 182

58.shift gears 183

59.small world 184

60.speak a language of one's own 185

61.stand tall 186

62.take a shot at 187

63.talk about having a fling at a hotel 188

64.Technofile 189

65.things are looking up 190

66.tip of the iceberg 191

67.toss one's cookies 192

68.towering strength 193

69.turn heads 194

70.two-dimensional 195

71.virtually 196

72.wash up 197

