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增广英文法教科书  附华文释义

增广英文法教科书 附华文释义PDF格式文档图书下载




Ⅰ.—The Sentcnce 1

Ⅱ.—Subject and Predicate 2

Ⅲ.—Substantives (Nouns and Pronouns) 3

Ⅳ.—Verbs and Verb-phrases 7

Ⅴ.—Complete and Simple Subject and Predicate 9

Ⅵ.—The Copula "Is" 12

Ⅶ.—Kinds of Sentences 14

Ⅷ.—Interrogative Sentences 15

Ⅸ.—Imperative Sentences 17

Ⅹ.—Exclamatory Sentences 19

Ⅺ.—The Parts of Speech 22

Ⅻ.—Adjectives 23

?.—Adverbs 26

?.—Prepositions 29

?.—Conjunctions 32

?.—Interjections 34

?.—The Same Word as Different Parts of Speech 37

?.—Compound Subject and Predicate 41

?.—Phrases 45

?.—Modifiers of the Subject 48

?.—Modifiers of the Subject—Possessive Modifiers 50

?.—Modifiers of the Subject—Appositive 52

?.—Modifiers of the Predicate—Adverbial Modifiers 55

?.—Modifiers of Other Modifiers 58

?.—Complements—The Direct Object 60

?.—Analysis—The Direct Object 63

?.—Active and Passive Verbs 64

?.—Complements—Predicate Objective 67

?.—Complements—Predicate Adjective 69

?.—Complements—Predicate Nominative 72

?.—Direct Object and Predicate Nominative Distin-guished 74

?.—Pronouns as Predicate Nominatives 77

?.—Complements Modified 78

?.—Indirect Object 80

?.—Independent Elements in the Sentence—Inter-jections, Vocatives, and Exclamatory Sub-stantives 83

?.—Independent Elements—Parenthetical Expres-sions 86

?.—Clauses—Compound Sentences 88

?.—Complex Sentences—Adverbial Clauses 90

?.—Complex Sentences—Adjective Clauses 92

?.—Noun or Substantive Clauses 94

?.—Compound and Complex Clauses—Compound Complex Sentences 97

?.—Elliptical Sentences 100

?.—Structure of Sentences 102


?.—Inflection 105

?.—Summary of Inflections 106

?.—Proper Nouns and Common Nouns 108

?.—Personification 110

?.—Special Classes of Nouns 111

?.—Gender of Substantives 113

?.—Special Rules of Gender 116

?.—Nouns—Number 118

?.—Nouns—Irregularities in Number 121

?.—Case of Substantives 125

?.—Uses of the Nominative 126

?.—Form of the Possessive Case of Nouns 129

?.—Declension of Nouns 132

?.—Uses of the Objective Case 133

?.—Cognate Object and Adverbial Objective 135

?.—Case of Appositives 137

?.—Personal Pronouns 138

?.—Gender and Number of Personal Pronouns 140

?.—The Self-Pronouns (Compound Personal Pro-nouns) 143

?.—Demonstrative Pronouns 146

?.—Indetinite Pronouns 148

?.—Relative Pronouns 150

?.—Gender of Relatives 155

?.—Descriptive and Restrictive Relatives 156

?.—The Relative Pronoun "What" 157

?.—Compound Relative Pronouns 158

?.—Interrogative Pronouns 160

?.—Adjectives—Classification 161

?.—Adjectives—The Articles 165

?.—Comparison of Adjectives 168

?.—Comparison of Adjectives 171

?.—Irregular Comparison of Adjectives 172

?.—Adverbs—Use and Classification 175

?.—Relative and Interrogative Adverbs 179

?.—Comparison of Adverbs 181

?.—Use of Comparative and Superlative 183

?.—Numerals—Nouns, Adjectives, and Adverbs 185

?.—Verbs 188

?.—Inflection of Verbs—Tense 190

?.—Tense—The Present and the Past 191

?.—Past Tense of Weak Verbs 193

?.—Person and Number of Verbs—The Personal Endings 196

?.—Verbs—Conjugation of the Present and the Past 200

?.—Special Rules of Number and Person 201

?.—Verbs—The Infinitive 204

?.—Verbs—The Participle 207

?.—Participles—Present and Past 209

?.—Past Participle of Weak Verbs 209

?.—Past Participle of Strong Verbs 211

?.—Principal Parts of Verbs 212

?.—Future Tense 213

?.—Complete or Compound Tenses 217

?.—Voice—Active and Passive 219

?.—Progressive Verb-Phrases 224

?.—Emphatic Verb-Phrases 225

?.—Mood of Verbs—Indicative Mood 227

?.—Imperative Mood 228

?.—Forms of the Subjunctive Mood 230

?.—Subjunctive in Wishes and Exhortations 231

?.—Subjunctive in Concessions, Conditions, etc 232

?.—Potential Verb Phrases 235

?.—The Infinitive as a Noun 239

?.—The Infinitive as a Modifier 241

?.—Infinitive Clauses 244

?.—Construction of Participles 246

?.—Modifiers and Object of Infinitive or Participle 247

?.—Participles—The Nominative Absolute 249

?.—Verbal Nouns in ing 252

?.—Prepositions 254

?.—Conjunctions 257

?.—Interjections 259

?.—The Thought in the Sentence 260

?.—Classification of Subordinate Clauses according to Meaning 262

?.—Clauses of Place and Time 263

?.—Causal and Concessive Clauses 264

?.—Causal of Purpose and of Result 265

?.—Conditional Sentences 266

?.—Clauses of Comparison 267

?.—Direct and Indirect Questions 269

?.—Indirect Questions 271

?.—Miscellaneous Idioms 274


Rules for Punctuation 277

Period, Interrogation and Exclamation Point, Comma 277

Colon, Semicolon 278

Hyphen, Marks of Parenthesis, Quotation Marks, Dash 279

Apostrophe 280

Rules for Capitals 280

Conjugation of the Verb to be 281

Conjugation of the verb to strike 283

List of Irregular Verbs 286

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