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  • 购买点数:10
  • 作 者:谢雯 刘晓毅主编
  • 出 版 社:广州:暨南大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2013
  • ISBN:9787566803726
  • 标注页数:205 页
  • PDF页数:214 页



Module 1 Environment and Environmental Issues 1

Chapter 1 Text A Environment and Environmental Science 1

Text B Global Environmental Problems 4

Chapter 2 Translation Skills 科技英语的构词方法 9

Module 2 Air Pollution and Control Technology 16

Chapter 1 Text A Air Pollution 16

Text B Air Pollution Sources 18

Chapter 2 Text A Acid Rain 21

Text B Ozone Depletion 23

Chapter 3 Text A Indoor Air Pollution 27

Text B Indoor Air Quality Concern 29

Chapter 4 Text A Air Quality Monitoring Methods 33

Text B Particle Pollution and Your Health 36

Chapter 5 Text A Technology of Air Pollution Control 40

Text B Flue-gas Desulfurization 45

Chapter 6 Translation Skills 科技英语翻译概述,词义的选择和引申 50

Module 3 Water Pollution and Wastewater Treatment Technology 55

Chapter 1 Text A Classification of Water Pollutants 55

Text B Water Pollution and Its Harm 59

Chapter 2 Text A Self-purification of Natural Water 62

Text B Biochemical Oxygen Demand & Dissolved Oxygen 64

Chapter 3 Text A Key Factors in Water Analysis 68

Text B COD Monitoring 75

Chapter 4 Text A Water Treatment Process 78

Text B Aerobic Treatment 82

Chapter 5 Translation Skills 科技英语翻译中词量的增减 85

Module 4 Noise and Noise Control 90

Chapter 1 Text A Noise Pollution Effects 90

Text B Noise Control 92

Chapter 2 Translation Skills 科技英语翻译中的词类转换 96

Module 5 The Disposal and Comprehensive Utilization of Solid Waste 102

Chapter 1 Text A What is Solid Waste? 102

Text B What is Hazardous Waste? 106

Chapter 2 Text A Treatment and Disposal of Municipal Waste 110

Text B A Landfill Construction 114

Chapter 3 Text A Recycling and Reuse 118

Text B Canteen or Catering Waste Reduction and Recycling in Suney 120

Chapter 4 Translation Skills 科技英语翻译中成分转译及成分分译 123

Module 6 Other Pollution and Control Technologies 131

Chapter 1 Text A Soil Pollution 131

Text B Soil Conservation 135

Chapter 2 Text A Thermal Pollution 141

Text B Light Pollution 143

Chapter 3 Text A Hazards of Heavy Metal Contamination 147

Text B New Methods of Cleaning Up Heavy Metal in Soil and Water 150

Chapter 4 Translation Skills 被动语态的翻译 154

Module 7 Environmental Assessment 159

Chapter 1 Text A Process of Environmental Impact Assessment 159

Text B The Content of Environmental Impact Assessment Report 162

Chapter 2 Text A Environmental Management Systems 165

Text B EMS under ISO 14001 167

Chapter 3 Text A Strategic Environmental Assessment(Ⅰ) 172

Text B Strategic Environmental Assessment(Ⅱ) 175

Chapter 4 Translation Skills 定语从句的翻译 179

Module 8 Sustainable Development 184

Chapter 1 Text A Sustainable Development 184

Text B Clean Production 185

Chapter 2 Translation Skills 英语产品说明书的翻译 189

附录 197

参考文献 204

