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  • 购买点数:14
  • 作 者:博絮埃著
  • 出 版 社:北京市:中国政法大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2003
  • ISBN:7562023484
  • 标注页数:416 页
  • PDF页数:498 页



First Book.Of the principles ofhuman society 3

First Article.Man is made to live in society 3

Article Ⅱ.The society of mankind gives birth to civil society,that is to say,to states,peoples,and nations 8

Article Ⅲ.To form nations and unite the people,it is necessary to have a government 14

Article Ⅳ.On laws 19

Article Ⅴ.Consequences of the general principles of humanity 24

Article Ⅵ.On the love of country 27

Conclusion.To conclude this book,and to reduce it to an abstract 36

Second Book.On authority:that the royal and hereditary [type] is the most proper for government 39

First Article.By whom authority has been exercised since the beginning of the world 39

Article Ⅱ[on the right of conquest] 52

Conclusion 54

Third Book.In which one begins to explain the nature and the properties of royal authority 57

First Article.Taking notice of the essential characteristics 57

Article Ⅱ.Royal authority is sacred 57

Article Ⅲ.Royal authority is paternal,and its proper character is goodness 62

Fourth Book.On the characteristics of royalty(continuation) 81

First Article.Royal authority is absolute 81

Second Article.On softness,irresolution and false firmness 96

Fifth Book.Fourth and final characteristic of royal authority 103

First Article.Royal authority is subject to reason 103

Article Ⅱ.Means by which the prince can acquire necessary knowledge 129

Article Ⅲ.On dangerous curiosities and kinds of knowledge:and on the confidence one must place in God 154

ArticleⅣ.Consequences of the preceding doctrine:concerning majesty and its adjuncts 160

Sixth Book.The duties of subjects toward the prince,based on the preceding doctrine 167

First Article.On the service one owes to the king 167

Article Ⅱ.On the obedience due to the prince 173

Article Ⅲ.Two difficulties drawn from Scripture:David and the Maccabees 184

Seventh Book.On the particular duties of royalty 191

First Article.General division of the prince's duties 191

Article Ⅱ.On religion,inasmuch as it is the good of nations and of civil society 192

Article Ⅲ.That the true religion is known through perceptible marks 196

Article Ⅳ.Errors of men of the world and statesmen concerning the affairs and practices of religion 211

Article Ⅴ.What care great kings have taken for the worship of God 223

Article Ⅵ.Religious motives peculiar to kings 244

Eighth Book.The particular duties of royalty,continued:of justice 259

First Article.That justice is founded on religion 259

Article Ⅱ.On government which is called arbitrary 263

Article Ⅲ.On legislation and on iudgments 268

Article Ⅳ.On the virtues which must accompany iustice 273

Article Ⅴ.Obstacles to iustice 281

Ninth Book.The supports ofroyalty:arms,riches or finances,and counsels 287

Article Ⅰ.On war and its just motives,general and particular 287

Article Ⅱ.On unjust motives for war 293

Article Ⅲ.On wars between citizens,together with their motives,and the rules which must be followed 302

Article Ⅳ.Though God made war for his people in an extraordinary and miraculous fashion,he wanted to harden them by giving them warlike kings and great captains 315

Article Ⅴ.On military virtues,institutions,orders,and exercises 322

Article Ⅵ.On peace and war:various observations on both of them 333

Tenth and Final Book.Continuation of helps to royalty:Riches or finances;Counsel;the inconveniences and temptations which accompany royalty:and the remedies that one can bring to them 345

Article Ⅰ.On riches or on finances.On commerce,and on taxes 345

Article Ⅱ.On counsel 357

Article Ⅲ.The prince is reminded of different characters of ministers or counselors:good,mixture of good and bad,and wicked 371

Article Ⅳ.To help the prince to know men well,one shows him,in a general way,some characters drawn by the Holy Spirit in the Books of Wisdom 383

Article Ⅴ.On the conduct of the prince in his family,and on the care he must have for his health 389

Article Ⅵ and Last.The disadvantages and temptations which accompany royalty,and the remedies that one can bring to them 394

Conclusion.In what the true happiness of kings consists 409

Index 411

