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商务英语阅读 下PDF格式文档图书下载


图书介绍:本教材编写宗旨为充分考虑学生对商务专业知识的需求,力图将英语阅读技能和商务专业知识有机结合,培养复合型、应用型商务英语人才。教材从世界著名经济报刊、论著、网站中精选与经济和商务相关的文章,如New York Times, Financial Times, Business Week, Newsweek, Harvard Business Review, Time, The Wall Street Journal, The Economist等。所选文章涉及国际贸易、金融、管理、营销、物流、跨文化交际等多个领域。所选文章不仅涵盖各类文体,而且体现内容的时效性和语言的典型性。教材坚持以英语阅读技能的培养和提高为重点,语言知识和商务知识与跨文化交际能力并重的原则,并按照“综合或交替”模式设计多种训练形式。本教材下册设计16个单元。每个单元的名字由所选文章而定,但要体现完整的商务过程。

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Chapter One Establishment of Business Relations&Status Inquiries 1

Chapter Two International Trade Terms 17

Chapter Three General Inquiries,Specific Inquiries,Offers&Counter-offers 33

Chapter Four Order&Rejection 49

Chapter Five Shipment,Insurance&Payment 65

Chapter Six Complaints and Claims 89

Chapter Seven Agency 103

Chapter Eight Bidding Trade 117

Chapter Nine Leasing Trade 133

Chapter Ten Processing Trade 149

Chapter Eleven Compensation Trade 163

Chapter Twelve Abstracts from Articles on Consignment&Auction 177

Chapter Thirteen Abstracts from Articles on Joint Ventures 195

Chapter Fourteen Abstracts from Articles on Recruitment Ads 211

Chapter Fifteen Abstracts from Articles on Application Letters and Resumes 225

Chapter Sixteen Abstracts from Articles on Invitation,Congratulation Consolation&Acknowledgement Letters 237

Appendix 249

全国国际商务英语考试(二级)阅读部分模拟题1 249

全国国际商务英语考试(二级)阅读部分模拟题2 258

全国国际商务英语考试(二级)阅读部分模拟题3 268

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