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  • 购买点数:9
  • 作 者:赵政清主编 党会莉编写
  • 出 版 社:成都:西南交通大学出版社
  • 出版年份:1993
  • ISBN:7810226029
  • 标注页数:178 页
  • PDF页数:212 页

2 abdominal,abdominous 1

3 abed,abet 1

1 a、an 1

7 abound:abound in,abound with 2

6 aboard,abroad 2

5 abnormal,subnoumal 2

11 acceptance,acceptation 3

10 accept,except 3

8 academic,academicai 3

9 accede,exceed 3

15 according:according to,according as 4

14 accord,accordance 4

12 access,excess 4

13 accompanied:accompanide by,accompanide with 4

18 adapt,adopt 5

16 acquiaition,acquirement 5

22 admit,admit of 6

21 admission,admittance 6

19 adherence,adhesion 6

20 adhesive,coheaive 6

25 affect1,affectation,affection 7

24 adverse,averse 7

23 advance,advancement 7

29 aged1,aged2 8

28 afraid:afraid ot do,afraid of 8

26 affect2,effect 8

27 affluent,effluent 8

33 alike,like 9

32 air:in the air,on the air 9

30 agree:agree about(on,to,with) 9

31 aim:aim at doing,aim to do 9

36 allusion,illusion 10

35 allow,allow of 10

34 alive,live 10

40 altar,alter 11

39 alone,londly 11

37 almond,salmon 11

38 alms,calm 11

44 a.m.,A.M,;p.m.,P.M. 12

43 alumna,alumnus 12

41 altogether,alternative 12

42 altogether,all together 12

48 ancestor,ancestry 13

47 amiable,amicable 13

45 amateur,armatrue 13

46 amend,emend 13

52 anyone,any one 14

51 answer:answer for,answer to 14

49 anecdote,antidote 14

50 another,other 14

55 arise,rise,raise,arouse 15

54 approve,approve of 15

53 apiece,piece 15

59 as from,as of 16

58 ascend,descend 16

56 arrive:arrive in,arrive at 16

62 assume,presume 17

61 assent,ascent 17

60 as it were,as it is,as it was 17

66 auger.augur 18

65 attempt,tempt 18

63 astronomy,astrology,astronaut 18

64 at ontce,all at once 18

71 auxiliary,axillary 19

70 autumn,autumnal 19

67 August.august 19

68 auricula,auricular 19

69 Australis,Australian,Austria,Austrian 19

76 azoic,azonic 20

75 axis,axle 20

72 aviatrix,aviator 20

73 await,wait 20

74 aweless,awnless 20

79 backward,backwards 21

78 backteria,backterium 21

77 back:keep sb back,keep sth back 21

83 ballad,ballot 22

82 baleful,baneful 22

80 bad,badly 22

81 baggage,luggage 22

87 base,basis, 23

86 barbaric,barbarous 23

84 ballad.ballot 23

85 barbarism,barbarity 23

90 battle,battle 24

89 baton,batten 24

88 bath,bathe,baths 24

94 bellow,below 25

93 believe,believe in 25

91 bear,bare 25

92 begin with,to begin with 25

97 berth,birth 26

96 bereaved,bereft 26

95 beneficent,benevolent 26

101 biogrphy,autobiography 27

100 bid,bade 27

98 beside,besidds 27

102 bizarre,bazaar 27

104 blush,flush,ablush 28

105 boar,bore 28

103 blessde1,blessde2 28

107 boned,bony,bonny 29

108 border,boarder 29

106 bona fide,bony 29

111 bough,bow1,bow2,bow3 30

112 bowel,vowel 30

110 botanic,botanical 30

109 born,borne 30

117 breath,breathe 31

118 bridal,bridle 31

116 breach,breech 31

113 bowel,wowel 31

114 brake,break 31

115 brawn,brown 31

121 brdding,pudding 32

123 buoy.boy 32

120 brunet,brunette 32

119 bright,brightly 32

126 burned,burnt 33

127 burnish,frunish 33

125 burley,burly 33

124 burger,burgher 33

130 bury,berry 34

131 calendar,calender 34

129 bursa,bursar 34

128 burro,burrow,furrow 34

135 carnal,carnival 35

136 carnivore,carnivorous 35

134 captal,capitol 35

133 canvas,canvass 35

139 censor,censer,sensor 36

140 cercal,serial,cerebral 36

138 cellar,seller 36

137 carry:carry on ,carry,out 36

145 clash,crash,crush 37

99 biannual,biennial 37

144 chord,cord 37

141 chicken,kitchen 37

142 childish,childlike 37

143 China,china 37

149 clench,clinch 38

148 clench,clinch 38

147 cleanly1.cleanly2 38

152 coherence,cohesion 39

151 clown,crown 39

150 cloth,clothes,clothing 39

156 common sense,commonsense 40

155 comic,comical 40

153 collar,color(或colour) 40

154 colonial,colonialist,colonist 40

160 compliment,complement 41

159 complexionde,complected 41

157 compare:compare to,compare with 41

158 complacent,complaisant 41

163 condescend,condescension 42

162 concept,comception 42

161 comprehensible,comprehensive 42

166 congenial,congenital 43

165 confirm,conform 43

164 confidant.confidante,confident 43

170 consider,consider sa 44

169 consequent on ,subsequent to 44

167 congregation,congregate 44

168 conscious,conscientious 44

174 constituent,constitute 45

173 consistency,consistence 45

171 considerable,considerate 45

172 consist:consist of,consist in ,consist with 45

190 course,coarse 46

177 contend,contenten 46

175 contemporary,contemporanecous 46

176 contemptible,contemptuous 46

181 controller,comptroller 47

178 continual,continuous 47

179 continually,continuously 47

180 contintence,continuation,continuity 47

188 council,counsel 48

182 cooperation,corporation 48

183 corespondent,correspondent 48

184 corner:in the corner,at(或on)the corner 48

185 corporal,corporeal 48

186 corps,corpse 48

187 costume,custom 49

189 council(1)or,counsel(1)or 49

193 credible,creditable,credulous 50

192 craniometry,craniotomy 50

191 coz,coze,cozen 50

191 craniometry,craniotomy 50

197 dam damn 51

196 daily,dairy,diary 51

194 crevice,crevasse 51

195 currant,current 51

202 deceit,deception 52

201 deceasde,diseased 52

198 data,datum 52

199 day:any day,some day 52

200 dear,deer 52

206 dependent,dependable 53

205 demure,demur 53

203 deep,deeply 53

204 defective,deficident 53

209 despair,desperation 54

208 desirable,desirous 54

207 desert1,desert2,dessert 54

214 device,devise 55

213 detection,detention 55

210 despise,despite 55

211 destination,destiny 55

212 destruction,construction 55

217 direct,directly 56

216 dingy,dingy 56

215 die:die of(或from)die from,die by,die for ,die in 56

220 discreet,discrete 57

219 discomfortable,uncomfortable 57

218 disability,inability 57

224 dose,doze 58

223 distint,distinctive 58

221 disinterested,uninterested 58

222 dissent,descent 58

228 earthly,earthy 59

227 dyeing,dying 59

225 draught,drought 59

226 drunk,drunken 59

233 educational,educative 60

232 educational,educative 60

229 easy,easily 60

230 eatable,edible 60

231 economical,economic 60

237 elemental,electrical 61

236 electric,electrical 61

234 egoist,egotist 61

235 elect,select 61

240 eminent,imminent 62

239 emigrant,immingrant 62

238 emerge,merge 62

244 envelope,envelop 63

243 ensure,insure 63

242 engage:be engaged to,be engaged with 63

248 except,excepting 64

247 every day ,eeryday 64

245 essay,assay 64

246 euphemism,eupusim,euphony 64

252 extend,extent 65

251 explicit,implicit 65

249 exhausting,exhaustive 65

250 expand,expend 65

255 factious,facetious,factitious,fictitious 66

254 exult,exalt 66

253 extinguish,sistinguish 66

258 familiar:familiar with,familiar to 67

257 fair,fare 67

256 faint,feint 67

262 female,feminine 68

261 feather,leather 68

259 farther,further 68

260 feat,feet 68

266 first,firstly 69

265 field:in the field,on the field 69

263 fertile,futile 69

264 few,a few 69

270 flammable,inflammable 70

269 flame,blame 70

267 flagrant,fragrant 70

268 flair,flare 70

273 flatter,flutter 71

272 flash,flush 71

271 flank,frank 71

276 flesh,fresh 72

275 flea,flee 72

274 flea,flout 72

279 flour,flower 73

278 flounder,founder 73

277 flight,fright 73

282 foment,ferment 74

281 foggy,fogy 74

280 flow,blow 74

285 formerly,formally 75

284 forget doing,forget to do 75

283 forceful,forcible 75

289 free,freely 76

288 fowl,foul 76

286 forth,fourth 76

287 forward,foreword 76

293 gabble,gable 77

292 fur,fir 77

290 front:in front of ,in the front of 77

291 fun,fan 77

296 glide,slide 78

295 gaol,jail 78

294 gaggle,giggle 78

299 goggle,boggle 79

298 glow,grow 79

297 globd,golve,grove 79

303 grisly,gristly 80

302 gourment gourmand 80

300 gole,golden 80

301 go on doing,go on to do 80

307 hate doing,hate to do 81

306 hare,hair 81

304 hall,haul,hole 81

305 hard,hardly 81

310 healthful,healthy 82

309 hear:heel 82

308 have:have sb do sth,have sth done 82

315 here,hear 83

314 herd,heard 83

311 hear:hear from,hear of 83

312 height,highness 83

313 heir,air 83

319 hoard,horde 84

318 historic,historical 84

316 heredity,heritage 84

317 hiht,highly 84

322 how long,how soon,how often 85

321 hono(u)rable,honorary 85

320 hoarse,horse,hose 85

324 hurdle,hurtle 86

323 human,humane 86

327 illicit,elicit 87

326 ignoble,ignorant 87

325 idle,idol 87

329 immoral,amoral,immortal 88

328 imaginable,imaginary,imaginative 88

333 imprudent,imprdent 89

332 improve:improve in,improve on 89

330 imperial,imperious 89

331 impracticable,impractical 89

338 ineffable,ineffaceable 90

337 industrial,industrinous 90

334 imcident,accident 90

335 incrdeible,incredulous 90

336 indoor,indoors 90

341 infanta,infante 91

340 infant,infantry 91

339 ineffective,ineffectual,inefficacious,ineficient 91

345 intend,intent 92

344 injection,interjection 92

342 infirm,inform 92

343 ingenious,ingenuous 92

347 interested in doing,interested to do 93

352 judicial,judicious 94

351 joyfur,joyous 94

348 inward,inwards 94

349 isle,aisle 94

350 Japan,japan 94

356 kudo,kudos 95

355 knight,night 95

353 kind,kindly 95

354 knew,new 95

360 ledge,sledge 96

359 leak,leek 96

357 later,latter 96

358 laudable,laudatory 96

363 liable,libel 97

362 lessen,lesson 97

361 legislative,legitimate 97

365 lightning,lightening,lighting 98

370 live:live by,live on 99

369 little,a little 99

366 like:like doing,like to do 99

367 liquor,liqueur 99

368 literal,literary 99

375 loose,loudly,aloud 100

374 loose,lose 100

371 lone,loan 100

372 long before,before long 100

373 lonk:look on(或upon),look down on(或upon) 100

376 lovable,lovely 101

381 lump,bump 102

380 lump,lumber 102

377 love doing, love to do 102

378 loyal,royal 102

379 lumbar,lumber 102

384 magistrate,majesty 103

M 103

382 lure,allure 103

383 luxuriant,luxurious 103

387 mantel,mantle 104

386 mannequin,manikin 104

385 make:make…of,make…from 104

391 meddle,medal 105

390 material,materiel 105

388 mask,masque 105

389 masterfur,masterly 105

395 mettle,metal 106

394 metric,metrical 106

392 meet,meet with 106

393 melted,molten 106

399 model,modal 107

398 mistrust,distrust 107

396 minor,miner 107

397 minute1,minute2 107

402 monitory,monetary,monitorial 108

401 momentary,momentous 108

400 moment:fora moment,for the moment,in a moment,athe moment 108

406 mourn,moan 109

405 mourning,morning 109

403 monogram,monograph 109

404 morale,moral 109

410 Nantes,Nantz 110

N 110

407 mowed,mown 110

408 mummy,mammy 110

409 mustard,bustard 110

416 necrolatry,necrology 111

415 nebula,nebular 111

411 naturopath,naturopathy 111

412 naught,nought 111

413 naval,navel 111

414 navvy,navy 111

420 nil,nill 112

419 nice Nice-Nelly 112

417 nice Nelly,nice-Nelly 112

418 neglectfur,negiectable,negligeable,negligent,negligible 112

425 nook,hook 113

424 nonllammable,noninflammable 113

421 noggin,nogging 113

422 no less than,not less than 113

423 no more than,not more than 113

428 not to say,to say nothing of,not to speak of,not to mention 114

427 nothing:nothing to do,nothing to be done 114

426 nosology,nostology 114

431 obedience,obeisance 115

430 oarage,orange 115

429 number:the number of ,a number of 115

O 115

435 oneself:say ot oneself,talk to oneself 116

434 occupant,occupier 116

432 observation,observance 116

433 Occident,accident 116

438 opulent,corpulent 117

437 oppress,suppress 117

436 onward,onwards 117

443 pail,pale 118

P 118

440 ordinance,ordnance 118

441 ore,oar 118

442 outward,outwards 118

447 pane,pain 119

446 pandemic,epidemic 119

444 pair,pare,pear 119

445 panda,pander 119

452 parlay,parley 120

451 parlay,parley 120

448 parachute,parashoot 120

449 parados,paradox 120

450 paragraph,harograph 120

455 peal,peel 121

454 peace,piece 121

453 pathos,bathos 121

460 personal,personnel 122

459 person,personage,personality 122

456 peasnt,pheasant 122

457 pedal,petal 122

458 permissible,permissive 122

463 pitiable,pitiful 123

462 phenomenon,phenomena,phenomenons 123

461 perspicuous,perspicacious 123

467 poem,poetry 124

466 plenty,aplenty 124

465 pleased,pleasing 124

471 possession:in possession of,in the possession of 125

470 pore,pour 125

468 pole,poll 125

469 police,policeman 125

476 precede,proceed 126

475 prayer1,prayer2 126

472 potent,potential 126

473 practicable,practical 126

474 pray,prey 126

478 prescribe,proscribe 127

477 prefer doing,prefer to do 127

482 proproety,property,prosperity 128

481 proportional,proportionate 128

479 pretence,pretension 128

480 principal,principle 128

487 pundit,pandit 129

486 pumpkin,bumpkin 129

483 prosecute,persecute 129

483 prosecute,persecute 129

484 psslm,palm 129

485 pumice,pomace 129

490 quaere,query 130

Q 130

488 purposely,purposefully,purposively 130

489 purse,burse 130

494 question:out of question,out of the question 131

493 quiet.quite 131

491 quality,quantity 131

492 qualm,Guam 131

499 rain,reign,rein 132

498 radical,radicle 132

495 quiver,shiver 132

R 132

496 rabber.rabbit 132

497 redar,raider 132

502 ravage,ravish 133

501 rate,ratio 133

500 rash,rush 133

506 remember doing,remember to do 134

505 regretfur,regretable 134

503 raw,row 134

504 regret doing,regret to do 134

509 respectable,respectful 135

508 reseve,preserve,conserve 135

507 remind:remind sb to do,remind sb of 135

513 rest home,rest house,rest room 136

512 responsible,responsive 136

510 respectfully,respectively 136

511 respiration,inspiration 136

518 ridge,bridge 137

517 rhyme,rhythm 137

514 result:result from,result in 137

515 revenge,avenge 137

516 reward,award 137

521 riot ,ryot 138

520 rim,brim 138

519 right,rite,write 138

526 round,around 139

525 root,route,rote 139

522 rival,rivel 139

523 road,rode 139

524 role,roll 139

530 sacred,seccret 140

529 saccharin,saccharine 140

527 rumble,ramble 140

528 ruttish,rattish 140

S 140

534 sanguine,sanguinary 141

533 salubrous,salutary 141

531 salary,celery 141

532 salon,saloon 141

538 sauce,source 142

537 satisfactory,satiafied 142

535 Satan,Saturn 142

536 satire,satyr 142

542 scrap,scrub 143

541 Scot,Scotch,Scottish 143

539 sceptic,septic 143

540 sceptic,septic 143

546 second:the second,a decond 144

546 second:the second,a escond 144

543 sea:go to sea,go to the sea 144

544 seam,seem 144

545 esasonal,seasonable 144

549 sensible,sensitive 145

548 sensation,sentiment 145

547 sell:sell off,sell out 145

552 sew,sow,saw 146

551 sergeant,surgeon 146

550 sensual,sensuous 146

557 shrunk,shrunken 147

556 short:short for,short of 147

553 sewage,sewerage 147

554 shameful,ashamed 147

555 shear,sheer 147

561 sledgte,sled,sleigh 148

560 sledge,slkd,sleigh 148

558 sick,sickly 148

559 simulate,dissimulate 148

565 some time,sometime,sometimes 149

564 sole,soul 149

562 sleep,asleep,sleepy 149

563 sociable,social 149

569 speciallyecially 150

568 sound,soundly 150

566 son,sun 150

567 sore,sour 150

573 stalactite,stalagmite 151

572 stake,steak 151

570 spiritual,spirituous 151

571 staff,stuff 151

576 steal,steel 152

575 statue,stature,statrte 152

574 stationary,stationery 152

580 stroke,strike 153

579 straight,strait 153

577 stimulant,stimulus 153

578 stop to do ,stop doing 153

584 suspicious,auspicious 154

583 sun:in the sun,under the sun 154

581 such:no such,not such a 154

582 suit,suite 154

586 table:at table,at a(或the)table 155

T 155

585 sweat,sweet 155

588 tail,tale 156

587 tag,tug 156

592 tear2,tear at 157

591 tear1,tare 157

593 technology,technique 157

590 team,teem 157

597 thrash,thresh 158

598 throw:throw…at…,throw…to 158

596 thermometer,barometer 158

594 temporal,temporary 158

595 terminal,terminus 158

601 tired:tired from,tired of 159

602 titillate,tit(t)ivate 159

600 time:in time,on time 159

599 tight,tightly 159

604 tortious,tortuous,torturous 160

605 track,truck 160

603 tolerable,tolerant 160

608 transparent,translucent 161

609 tree:in a(the)tree,on a (the)tree 161

607 transient,transitory 161

606 trader,tradesman 161

612 truthful,faithful 162

613 try doing,try to do 162

611 troop,troupe 162

U 163

617 unable,disable 163

616 turtle,tortoise 163

614 turbid,turgid 163

615 turn:in turn,by turns 163

618 unconscious,subconscious 164

619 underneath,beneath 164

621 unequal,inequality 165

622 unjust,injustice 165

620 understandable,understanding 165

624 urbane,urban 166

625 used:used to,be used to 166

623 unorganized,disouganized 166

628 variable,varied,various 167

629 variation,variance,variety 167

627 valueless,invaluable 167

V 167

626 vain,vein vane 167

632 vertical,vortical 168

633 vicious,viscous 168

631 venture,adventure 168

630 venal,venial 168

636 violent,violet 169

637 virtual,virtuous 169

635 vilify,vifify 169

634 vigorous,rigorous 169

635 vilify,vivify 169

636 violent,violet 169

W 170

642 wabble,wobble,waddle 170

641 vuinerable,vulnerary 170

638 visit,visitation 170

639 vitellin,vitelline 170

640 vocation,avocation 170

645 waive,wave 171

646 wake,waken,awake,awaken 171

644 waist,waste 171

643 wail,wale,whale 171

647 wander,wonder 172

648 wangle,wrangle 172

650 ware,wear 173

651 warm,worm 173

649 want doing,want to do 173

654 welcome,welcomed 174

655 what with what by 174

653 weather,whether 174

652 weak,week, 174

658 wile,while 175

659 wont,won t 175

657 wike,widely 175

656 whote:as a whole,on the whole 175

661 wretch,retch 176

662 wry,rye 176

660 worth,worthy 176

Z 177

666 zealous,jealous 177

young enough,old enough 177

X 177

663 xerophilous,xerophobous 177

664 yap,yapp 177

665 yoke,yolk 177

589 tap,pat 256

