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  • 购买点数:15
  • 作 者:唐强主编
  • 出 版 社:广州:华南理工大学出版社
  • 出版年份:1998
  • ISBN:7562312702
  • 标注页数:485 页
  • PDF页数:493 页

Unit One Bater(易货留易) 1

Unit Two Functions of Money(货币的职能) 16

Unit There The Business of Banking(银行业务) 35

Unit Four The Credit Creation Process(信用创造过程) 52

Unit Five Factors Which Influence Interest Rates(影响利率的若干因素) 67

Unit Six The Accounting Eqation(会计等式) 80

Unit Seven The Criteria for Lending(贷款准则) 99

Unit Eight Cheques(支票) 114

Unit Nine Bills of Exchange(汇票) 130

Unit Ten Collsctions(托收) 149

Unit Eleven Documentary Letters ofCredit(跟单信用证) 165

Unit Twelve Transferable Credits(可转让信用证) 184

Unit Thirteen Transport Doeuments(运输单据) 199

Unit Fourteen Shipping Guarantee(提货扣函) 213

Unit Fifteen Exchange Rates(外汇汇率) 228

Unit Sixteen Foreign Exchange Busines(外汇业务) 247

Unit Seventeen Credit Cards(信用卡) 265

Unit Eighteen Factoring(代理融通业条) 279

Unit Nineteen Hire Purchase(租购) 295

Unit Twent Leasing(租货) 311

Unit Twenty-One Forfaiting(包买票据业务) 329

Unit Twenty- Two Swaps(掉期) 345

Unit Twent-Five The Stock Exchange(证卷交易所) 394

Reading Comprehension(阅读理解) 411

Glossary (词汇表) 456

