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英语发音与朗读教程  下

英语发音与朗读教程 下PDF格式文档图书下载


  • 购买点数:8
  • 作 者:纪玉华编著
  • 出 版 社:厦门:厦门大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2004
  • ISBN:7561522541
  • 标注页数:126 页
  • PDF页数:138 页

查看更多关于英语发音与朗读教程 下的内容


前言 1

第四部分 先读后讲 水到渠成 3

第十六章 故事小说朗读 3

1.The Wise Old Man 4

2.The Fox Skin 7

3.There Is No Thief 12

4.The Dinner Party 14

5.The Lady or the Tiger? 18

6.The Little Match Girl 23

第十七章 散文小品朗读 27

1.Peanuts 28

2.Three Passions 31

3.Making Friends Is Not So Easy 34

4.Appearance 36

5.Vegetarianism 38

6.The Human Gap 40

第十八章 专题讲座朗读 43

1.The Principles Of Chinese Cooking 43

2.Environmental Protection 47

3.China’s Foreign Policy 50

4.Are You Marriage Material 53

5.Chinas Great Wall 56

6.Business School Dean Offers Some Advice 59

7.George Bernard Shaw’s Pygmalion 65

第十九章 公共演讲朗读 69

1.A Toast Given by President Nixon on His First Visit to China in 1972 70

2.Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address 74

3.We Have Come to Carry Forward an Age-old Struggle 77

4.Remarks by President Reagan at Fudan University in1984 80

5.I See One World 85

6.A Speech by President Jiang Zemin on the 50th Anniversary of the Founding of the United Nations 93

7.A Speech at the Welcoming Banquet of Hong Kong by President Clinton 96

第二十章 新闻报道朗读 99

1.Spy Charges Unproven:Clinton 99

2.“Save Mother Rivers” Program 102

3.President Clinton Tours Guilin 103

第二十一章 诗文歌词朗读 106

1.Love 106

2.A Song for the Yangtze River 108

3.I Love You,China 110

4.On a Quiet Night 112

5.A Poem By Monk Bu Dai 112

6.I Hear America Singing 113

7.Under the Harvest Moon 115

8.How Many Roads Must a Man Walk Down 117

9.The Red River Valley 119

10.When I Am Dead 121

11.My Heart Will Go On 123

主要参考文献 126

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