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英语扩充词汇阶梯阅读  精通8000词汇

英语扩充词汇阶梯阅读 精通8000词汇PDF格式文档图书下载


  • 购买点数:10
  • 作 者:牛亚军等著
  • 出 版 社:西安:西安交通大学出版社
  • 出版年份:1998
  • ISBN:7560509827
  • 标注页数:214 页
  • PDF页数:222 页

1 Spoils of War 纳粹赃银 1

2 The Real James Bond? 谁是真正的邦德 5

3 Defending McVeigh 为麦克维辩护 9

4 Smoke Signals 遏制烟草举步维艰 13

5 Too uch for America's Constitution 17

Review Exercise One 20

6 Birth Debate:Who's in Control? 生与不生,这是个问题? 21

7 Kids in the Dock 被告席上的孩子们 25

8 Classics in Crisis 危机四伏的古典音乐 29

9 Drowning in Data 信息洪水 32

10 One Family's Journey From Welfare to Work (Ⅰ) 一个家庭的自立之旅(一) 35

Review Exercise Two 38

11 One Family's Journey From Welfare to Work (Ⅰ) 一个家庭的自立之旅(二) 40

12 Flunk the Gene Test and Lose Your Insurance 基因测试与保险 44

13 Gender Limbo 尴尬性别 50

14 Solo But Not Alone 冰上罗曼斯 55

15 Why the World Watches 举世何缘瞩目 60

Review Exercise Three 64

16 Young Master (Ⅰ) 白人运动场上的一匹黑马(一) 65

17 Young Master (Ⅱ) 白人运动场上的一匹黑马(二) 70

18 Power Failure 好莱坞的弃儿 75

19 Powell's New War 鲍威尔的新战争 81

20 The Crisis to Come 即将到来的危机 87

Review Exercise Four 91

21 The Myth of Quality Time “品质时间”神话的破灭 92

22 Why Do We Age ? 我们为何衰老? 99

23 Why Should Males Exist? 性别有必要吗? 105

24 A Monumental Man 永远的罗斯福 110

25 For Babies, Weight Could Spell Fate 以小见大 117

Review Exercise Five 122

26 What Is Sleep For ? 睡眠的秘密 123

27 How Old Is the Universe? 宇宙的年龄 129

28 Were Dinosaurs Cold Blooded? 恐龙是冷血动物吗? 134

29 Giving Sharks a Good Name 给鲨鱼一个好名声 141

30 Combatting an Ancient Enemy 与古老的敌人作战 146

Review Exercise Six 151

31 Is There Life on Other Planets? 太空寻亲 152

32 Lucidity, Simplicity, Euphony (Ⅰ) 文义有三(一) 157

33 Lucidity, Simplicity, Euphony (Ⅱ) 文义有三(二) 162

34 Then and Now 过去和现在 167

35 How Many Species Are There? 地球物种知多少 174

36 Tragedy and the Whole Truth (Ⅰ) 悲剧与全真实(一) 180

37 Tragedy and the Whole Truth (Ⅱ) 悲剧与全真实(二) 185

38 The Grey Beginnings (Ⅰ) 朦胧的起点(一) 191

39 The Grey Beginnings (Ⅱ) 朦胧的起点(二) 196

40 Can a Computer Be Conscious? 计算机会有意识吗? 201

Review Exercise Eight 201

Key to Exercises and Review Exercises 208

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