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  • 购买点数:15
  • 作 者:王崇义编著
  • 出 版 社:长沙:湖南师范大学出版社
  • 出版年份:1995
  • ISBN:781031405X
  • 标注页数:476 页
  • PDF页数:491 页
图书介绍:英文题名:College English writing



Preface to the Student 1

Part One Mechanics 3

Ⅰ. Margins and Paragraphing 3

Ⅱ. Handwring 5

Ⅲ.Syllabification 6

Ⅳ.Abbreviation and Numerals 7

Ⅴ.Capitalization 11

Exercise 1 16

Part Two Punctuation Marks 21

Ⅰ.General Remarks 21

Ⅱ.Line-bcginning Punctuation Marks 23

Ⅲ.Sentence-ending Punctuation Marks 23

1.The Period 23

2.The Question Point 25

3.The Exclamation Point 26

1.The Comma 27

Ⅳ.Internal Punctuation Marks 27

Ⅰ.General Remarks 29

2.The Semicolon 34

3.The coln 36

4.Quotation Marks 39

5.The Dash 40

6.Parentheses 42

7.Brackets 43

8.The Apostrophe 44

9.The Hyphen 45

10.The Virgule 47

11.Italics/Underlining 48

Ⅴ.Summary 48

Exercise 2 50

Part Three Diction 59

Ⅱ.Appropriateness 60

1. Sense of Style 60

2. Exactness 67

1. Specificity 72

Ⅲ.Speificity,Concreteness,and Conciseness 72

2. Concreteness 74

3. Conciseness 76

Ⅳ.Imagery/Figures of Speech 78

1.Metaphor and Simile 78

2.Personification 80

3.Hyperbole 81

4.Euphemism 81

Ⅴ.The Use of a Dictionary 82

Exercise 3 86

Part Four Sentence Writing 93

Ⅰ.General Remarks 93

1.Sentence Sense4 93

2.The Requirements of an Effective Sentence 94

3.Sentence Elements 100

4.Sentence Patterns 102

Ⅱ.Parts of Speech and Their Respective Functions and Positions in a Sentence 106

1.Phrases 121

Ⅲ.Phrases,Clauses,and Sentence Fragments 121

2.Clauses 125

3.Recognizing and Avoiding Sentence Fragments 128

Ⅳ.Classification of Sentences 130

1.Declartive,Interrogative,Imperative,and Ex-clamatory Sentences 131

2.Simple,Complex,Compound,and Compound-complex Sentences 131

3.Loose,Periodic,Mixed,and Balanced Sentences 132

4.Long and Short Sentences 135

5.Recognizing and Avoiding Comma splice and Fused Sentences 135

Ⅴ.Ways of Achieving Sentence Variety 140

1.Combining by Reduction 141

2.Combining by Coordination 142

3.Parallelism 147

4.Combining by Subordination 150

5.Using Modifying Pharases 152

6.Using Appositives 155

Exercise 4 156

Ⅰ.General Remarks 175

Part Five Pargraph Writing 175

Ⅱ.Types of Paragraphs 176

1.The Topical Parageaph 177

2.The Transitional Paragraph 178

3.TheTransitional Paragraph 178

4.The Conclusion Paragraph 179

Ⅲ.The Basic Sructure and the Qualities of a Good Topical Paragraph 180

1.The Unity of a Paragraph 181

3.The Supporting Sentences of aParagraph 191

2.The Topic Sentences in a Pargraph 191

4.The Conclusion Sentence of a Paragraph 192

5.The Cherence of a Pargraph 193

6.The Order of a Paragraph 196

7.The Continuity of a Paragraph 203

8.The Completeness of a Paragraph 209

Ⅳ.Basic Steps Takin in Writing a ataopical Paragraph 212

Ⅴ.Evalation of a Topical Paragraph 214

Exercise 5 215

Ⅰ.General Remarks 237

Part Six Essay Writing 237

Ⅱ.The Basic Structure of an Essay 239

1.The Introduction 239

2.The Body 245

3.The Conclusion 246

Ⅲ.Types of Writing 248

1.Narration 248

2.Description 254

3.Expostion 257

4.Argumentation 260

Ⅳ.The Process of Writing an Essay 263

Ⅴ.Evaluation of and Essay 268

Exercise 6 270

Part Seven Letter Writing 279

Ⅰ.General Remarks 279

Ⅱ.Addressing the Envelope 280

1.The Heading 284

Ⅲ.The Format of a Letter 284

2.The DATE 285

3.The Salutation 286

4.The Body 287

5.The Complimentary Close 288

6.The Signature 289

Ⅳ.Personal Letters and Social Letters 290

1.Personal Letters 290

2.Family Letters 291

3.Friendly Letters 294

4.Social Letters 297

5.Note Writing 305

Ⅴ.Business Letters 307

1.The General Rules of Business Lettes 307

2.The Format of a Business Letter 309

3.Evaluation of a Letter 318

4.Model Business Letters 319

Exercise 7 332

Part Eight Miseellaneous Coposition Writing 343

Ⅰ.Writing the Resume 343

Ⅱ.Geneial Remarks About Diagratatnmatical Infouma-tion Transferring 347

Ⅲ.Steps Taken in Diagrammatical Information Trans-ferring 353

Ⅳ.Summary Writing 355

1.General Remarks About Summary Wirting 356

2.Summary Wrting Process 357

Ⅴ.Strategies for Coping with a Writing Task in an Examination 361

Exercise8 368

Part Nine Appendixes: 373

Ⅰ.Corretion Symbols 373

Ⅱ.Sample Pargraphs,Passages,Letters,Notes,etc 375

Ⅲ.Raing Selections 404

Ⅳ.The Fifty States of America and Their Abbrevia-tions 431

Ⅴ.Writing Terms 432

Key to Exereises 445

Bibliography 473

