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少数民族色彩语言揭秘  从图腾符号到社会符号

少数民族色彩语言揭秘 从图腾符号到社会符号PDF格式文档图书下载


  • 购买点数:12
  • 作 者:朱净宇 李家泉著
  • 出 版 社:昆明:云南人民出版社
  • 出版年份:1993
  • ISBN:7222012788
  • 标注页数:334 页
  • PDF页数:354 页

查看更多关于少数民族色彩语言揭秘 从图腾符号到社会符号的内容



Chapter I Colourful Languages Entitled 1

Section 1 What Are the Meanings of Colourful Languages 1

第一节 什么是色彩语言 1

第一章 色彩语言的命题 1

From Totemistic Symbols to Social Symbols 1

Section 2 Colourful Languages of the Minorities 6

第二节 少数民族的色彩语言 6

Chapter II Functions of Colourful Languages 12

第二章 色彩语言的功能 12

Section 1 A Sign Indicated the Social Submission of Indivitualities 13

1.A Sign Indicated Different Minorities and Minor Branches among Minorities 13

一、标示民族和民族内不同的支系 13

第一节 标示个体的社会归属 13

二、标示社会阶层或阶级 18

2.A Sign Indicated Social Strata or Classes 18

三、标示不同性别和年龄、婚姻群体 25

3.A Sign Indicated Different Sexes,Ages and Matrimonies Multitudes 25

1.Demon Dispelled and Praying for Blessings in Production labour 37

第二节 驱邪祈祐 37

一、在生产劳动中驱邪祈祐 37

Section 2 Demon Dispelled and Praying for Blessings 37

二、在社会生活中驱邪祈祐 39

2.Demon Dispelled and Praying for Blessings in Social Lives 39

3.Demon Dispelled and Praying for Blessings during War Time 49

三、在战争中驱邪祈祐 49

第三节 审美表现 52

Section 3 Aesthetic Manifestation 52

第四节 显示个性 58

Section 4 Expression of Characteristics 58

小结 62

An Interim Summary 62

第三章 色彩语言的结构 64

Chapter III Structures of Colourful Languages 64

第一节 色彩语言的传递模式 64

Section 1 Transmission Models of Colourful Languages 64

一、色素和色句 71

第二节 色彩语言形式的分合 71

1.Colour Nature and Colour Sentence 71

Section 2 Separation and Combination of the Form of Colourful Languages 71

二、色素的聚合 75

2.Concentration of Colour Nature 75

三、色素的组合 77

四、色形的形式美 77

3.Combination of Colour Nature 77

4.Formal Beauty of Colour Forms 77

第三节 色彩语言意义的确立 78

Section 3 Formation of the Definition of Coiourful Languages 78

●色义与社会等级制度 79

1.Colour Definition and the Social,Political and Economic Structures in a Race 79

●Colour Definition and Social Stratum System 79

一、色义与民族社会、政治、经济结构 79

●Colour Definition and Groups of Social Ages 82

●色义与社会年龄群体 82

●色义与族内婚和支系内婚 89

二、色义与民族婚恋习俗、制度 89

2.Colour Definition and Racial Matrimony Customs and Systems 89

●Colour Definition and Matrimony Within a Race and That Among Minor Branches 89

●Colour Definition and a State That Love Might be Made 90

●色义与可恋状态 90

●Colour Definition and Behavior Standard of Matrimony 93

●色义与婚恋行为规范 93

●Colour Definition and the Custom of Staying at Home 96

●色义与“坐家”习俗 96

3.Colour Definition and Other Social Moralilies 99

三、色义与其它社会道德 99

Colour Definition and the Custom of Respecting for the Aged 100

●色义与敬老习俗 100

●Colour Definition and the Custom of Regarding Men as Superior 102

●色义与重男习俗 102

2.Polysemant and Antonym 103

第四节 色义的变化 103

一、单义 103

二、多义和反义 103

Section 4 Variations of Colour Definitions 103

1.Monosemant 103

三、同义和近义 111

3.Synonym and Approximation 111

四、色义的推理 112

4.Inference of Colour Definition 112

5.Translation of Colour Definition 114

五、色义的翻译 114

第五节 色彩语言传递的特征 119

Section 5 Characteristics of the Transmission of Cclourful languages 119

小结 124

An Interim Summary 124

第四章 色彩语言的起源 126

第一节 色彩语言和图腾崇拜 126

Section 1 Colourful Languages and Totemistic Worships 126

Chapter IV Origin of Colourful Languages 126

第二节 古百越族群——壮侗语族各族、高山族的图腾崇拜和色彩语言 129

Section 2 Totemistic Worships and Colourful Languages that from Ancient Yue Ethnical Groups to Different Races Belonged to the Zhuang-Tai Language Branch 129

第三节 古百濮族群——佤昂语支各族的图腾崇拜和色彩语言 142

Section 3 Totemistic Worships and Colourful Languages that from Anclent Pu Ethnical Groups to Different Races Belonged to the Wa-Deang Language Branch 142

第四节 古黎苗族群——苗瑶语族各族的图腾崇拜和色彩语言 146

Section 4 Totemistic Worships and Colourful Languages that from Ancient Li-Miao Ethnical Groups to Different Races Belonged to the Miao (Hmong)-Yao (Mien) Family of languages 146

第五节 古羌戎族群——藏缅语族各族的图腾崇拜和色彩语言 151

Section 5 Totemistic Worships and Colourful Languages that from Ancient Qiang-Rong Ethnical Groups to Different Races Belonged to the Zang (Tibetan)-Burmese Family of Languages 151

第六节 古狄历族群——蒙古、突厥语族的图腾崇拜和色彩语言 160

Section 6 Totemistic Worships and Courful languages that from Ancient Dili Ethnical Groups to Different Races Belonged to the Mongolian and the Tujue(Turk) Family of Languages 160

第七节 古肃慎族群——满一通古斯语族的图腾崇拜和色彩语言 167

Section 7 Totemistic Worships and Colourful Languages that from Ancient SuShen Ethnical Groups to Different Races Belonged to the Man (Manchu)-Tongouze Family of Languages 167

〔附录〕 古华夏族群——汉族的图腾崇拜和色彩语言 169

〔Appendix〕 Totemistic Worships and Colourful Languages from Ancient Huaxia Ethnical Groups to the Hans 169

1.Ancient Huaxia s Totemistic Worships and Her Colour Esteemed 170

一、前华夏民族的图腾崇拜和尚色 170

二、夏尚黑与其图腾崇拜 172

2.Xia s Totemistic Worships and Her Black Colour Esteemed 172

三、商尚白与其图腾崇拜 173

3.Shan s Totemistic Worships and Her White Colour Esteemed 173

4. Zhou s Totemistic Worships and Her Red Colour Esteemed 173

四、周尚赤与其图腾崇拜 173

5.Qin s Totemistic Worships and Her Black Colour Esteemed 174

五、秦尚黑与其图腾崇拜 174

6.Han s Totemistic Wors hips an Her Colour Esteemed 175

六、汉尚色与图腾崇拜 175

An Interim Summary 176

小结 176

第五章 色彩语言的约定 208

第一节 驱邪祈祐:色彩语言约定的最初动因和基本意义 208

Chapter V Agreement on Colourful languages 208

Section 1 Demon Repelled and Praying for Blessings:the Primary Factor and Fundamental Meaning of Colourful Languages 208

一、图腾的初始功能和基本意义 209

1.Primary Function and Fundamental Meaning of a Totem 209

二、色彩语言的基本意义和派生意义 212

2.Foundamental Meaning and That Derived Meaning of Colourful Languages 212

第二节 图腾同化:色彩语言约定的过程 216

Section 2 Assimilation of Totems: a Progress of an Agreement on Colourful Languages 216

1.Praying for Blessings from Totem by Means of a Totem Figure 219

●Totem Figure as a Whole 219

一、以图腾物祈求图腾的护祐 219

●整个图腾物 219

●Parts of a Totem Figure 221

●部分图腾物 221

2.Praying for Blessings from Totem by Means of a Totem Image 224

二、以图腾形象祈求图腾护祐 224

3.Praying for Blessings from Totem by Means of the Colours of a Totem 232

三、以图腾色彩祈求图腾护祐 232

Section 3 Transformation of Totem: the Re -agreement on Colourful Languages 244

第三节 图腾演化:色彩语言的再约定 244

小结 258

An Interim Summary 258

第六章 色彩语言的发展 271

第一节 宗教文化和色彩语言的发展 271

Chapter VI Development of Colourful Languages 271

Section 1 Religious Culture and the Development of Colourful Languages 271

1.Influence of the Primitive Religions on Colourful Languages 272

●Nature Worship 272

一、原始宗教对色彩语言的影响 272

●自然崇拜 272

●Ancestor Worship 274

●祖先崇拜 274

●Ghost Worship 276

●鬼魂崇拜 276

●God the Protector Worship 280

●保护神崇拜 280

●萨满教 285

●Shamanism 285

●本教 288

●Bonpoism 288

●圣地崇拜 290

●Sacred Place Worship 290

2.Buddhism s Influence on Colourful Languages 291

二、 佛教对色彩语言的影响 291

第二节 各民族文化的相互渗透和色彩语言的发展 306

一、政治文化对色彩语言的影响 306

1.Influence of Political Culture on Colourful Languages 306

Section 2 Infiltrations among Different Ethnical Culture and the Development of Colourful Languages 306

二、社会经济交往对色彩语言的影响 308

2.Intercourse of Social Economy with Its influence on Colourful languages 308

三、民族融合对色彩语言的影响 311

3.Ethnical Mergence with Its Influence on Colourful Languages 311

第三节 社会生产和色彩语言的发展 312

Section 3 Social Production and the Development of Colourful Languages 312

一、一定的色彩语言是一定社会生产的产物 313

1.What a Sort of Colourful Languages Is a Product of that Social Production 313

二、社会生产力水平对色彩语言发展的作用 318

2.The Function of Social Productive Capacity on the Development of Colourful Languages 318

第四节 少数民族色彩语言的未来 321

Sectinn 4 The Future of the Colourful Languages of the Minorities 321

小结 331

An Interim Summarg 331

Postscript 334

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