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新核心大学英语  B版  读写教程3

新核心大学英语 B版 读写教程3PDF格式文档图书下载



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Unit 1 The Age of Robots 1

Main Reading:Machines with Minds of Their Own 5

Related Reading:Automation Insurance:Robots Are Replacing Middle Class Jobs 11

Unit 2 Nuclear Radiation 25

Main Reading:Fact Sheet on Biological Effects of Radiation Background 30

Related Reading:How Radiation Threatens Health 36

Unit 3 Food Safety 49

Main Reading:Impact of Chemometrics on Food Safety 53

Related Reading:The Food Industry:Son of Frankenfood? 59

Unit 4 The Use of NanOtechnoIOgy 72

Main Reading:How Nanotechnology Works 76

Related Reading:Cancer NanOtechnOlogy:Small,but Heading for the Big Time 83

Unit 5 The World Wide Web 96

Main Reading:How Long Will Google's Magic Last? 100

Related Reading:The Google Story 105

Unit 6 Global Warming 116

Main Reading:Getting Warmer 120

Related Reading:Dead Water 127

Unit 7 The Universe 140

Main Reading:Darkness on the Edge of the Universe 144

Related Reading:The Universe Beyond Einstein 151

Unit 8 Biology and Our Life 164

Main Reading:Opportunities for Applying Biotechnology 168

Related Reading:Challenges in Realizing the Global Potential of Agricultural Biotechnology 174

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