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Unit 1 1

Text A:Genetically Modified Foods—Feed the World? 1

Text B:Genetically Modified Foods:Are They Safe? 12

Unit 2 17

Text A:The Biology of Skin Color:Black and White 17

Text B:Immortal Avatars:Back up Your Brain,Never Die 28

Unit 3 33

Text A:Can Dirt Do a Little Good? 33

Text B:Urban Air Pollutants Can Damage IQs before Baby's First Breath 47

Unit 4 52

Text A:Is Time Travel Possible? 52

Text B:Building a Time Machine 62

Unit 5 66

Text A:The End of E-mail Age 66

Text B:E-mail Gets an Instant Makeover 75

Unit 6 79

Text A:Are Cell Phones Safe? 79

Text B:Want to Know Your Disease Risk?Check Your Exposome 89

Unit 7 93

Text A:Seeing the Earth for Its Faults 93

Text B:Can Geothermal Energy Pick up Real Steam? 104

Unit 8 109

Text A:Why We Are Fat? 109

Text B:More Protein,Less Refined Starch Important for Dieting 118

Unit 9 122

Text A:The History of UFOs 122

Text B:Is Stephen Hawking Right about Aliens? 133

Unit 10 138

Text A:Video Gamers Can Control Dreams,Study Suggests 138

Text B:Dream States:A Peek into Consciousness 148

Unit 11 152

Text A:For Mobile Touch Technology,It's Only the Beginning 152

Text B:It's a Smart World 162

Unit 12 167

Text A:Fact or Fiction:The Days(and Nights)Are Getting Longer 167

Text B:The Primal and Future Moon 179

References 183

