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植物与僵尸  汉英对照

植物与僵尸 汉英对照PDF格式文档图书下载



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一、主观、自信的向日葵 2

1.I Am Nature’s Greatest Miracle 2

2.Being Yourself 6

3.To Love Yourself Is the Beginning 10

4.A Place to Stand 14

5.Get a Thorough Understanding of Oneself 19

二、坚韧、顽强的高坚果 24

1.There Are No Such Setbacks that We Couldn’t Overcome! 24

2.I Will Persist Until I Succeed 28

3.Hold Your Dream and Never Give Up 32

4.Broken Wings, Flying Heart 37

5.Do You Cling to What You Were Before? 41

三、温婉、平和的睡莲 46

1.The Real Meaning of Peace 46

2.Right beside You 49

3.Melodious Sound 53

4.Find Something Beautiful to Notice 58

5.Be Still 62

四、激情、有魄力的辣椒 68

1.Enthusiasm Takes You Further 68

2.Relish the Moment 72

3.The Recipe for Student Success - Real Passion 75

4.For God’s Sake, Follow Your Dreams 79

5.I Am the Fire Goddess 83

五、和平、正直的三叶草 88

1.An Invisible Smile 88

2.The Other Side of the Coin 92

3.Forget and Forgive 97

4.Lifetime Catch 102

5.Five Peas 106

六、无畏、直面挑战的的大嘴花 112

1.Head up High 112

2.Wild Grass 116

3.Follow Your Heart, Keep Your Dream 120

4.A Coke and a Smile 124

5.The Smallest Fireman in the World 129

七、有情、有义的寒冰菇 136

1.A Boy and His Apple Tree 136

2.A Friend in Need 140

3.Love Is Just a Thread 144

4.A Brother like That 148

5.Silent Love 152

八、豁达、坚定的猫尾草 158

1.You Can’t Afford to Doubt Yourself 158

2.The Miracle of a Brother’s Song 163

3.The Missed Blessings 168

4.The Story of Steve Jobs 172

5.Father Can See My Success 177

九、宽容、友善的魅惑菇 184

1.Tolerance Is a Virtue 184

2.To Leave the Grudge Behind 188

3.The People in the Town 192

4.The Cracked Water Pot 196

5.Weakness or Strength 200

十、乐观、无私的路灯花 206

1.The Price of Miracle 206

2.Attitude Is Everything 210

3.A Lantern in the Dark 214

4.The Warmth from a Cup of Milk 218

5.Selfless Love 222

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