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实用英语讲学练  2  词汇·句法考点汇编

实用英语讲学练 2 词汇·句法考点汇编PDF格式文档图书下载



Unit 1 句子及其分类 1

Ⅰ Grammar 1

1 句子及其分类 1

Ⅱ Exercises 7

1 Exercise of Grammar 7

2 Exercise of Vocabulary 12

Ⅲ Keys&Explanations 16

Unit 2 四种基本句子 21

Ⅰ Grammar 21

1 四种基本句子 21

Ⅱ Exercises 30

1 Exercise of Grammar 30

2 Exercise of Vocabulary 34

Ⅲ Keys&Explanations 38

Unit 3 名词性从句(一) 43

Ⅰ Grammar 43

1 名词性从句的功能与分类 43

2 名词性从句的引导词 43

3 名词性从句语序 45

4 主语从句 46

5 表语从句 48

Ⅱ Exercises 49

1 Exercise of Grammar 49

2 Exercise of Vocabulary 52

Ⅲ Keys&Explanations 56

Unit 4 名词性从句(二) 63

Ⅰ Grammar 63

1 宾语从句 63

2 同位语从句 66

Ⅱ Exercises 68

1 Exercise of Grammar 68

2 Exercise of Vocabulary 72

Ⅲ Keys&Explanations 76

Unit 5 定语从句(一) 83

Ⅰ Grammar 83

1 概述 83

2 限定性定语从句和非限定性定语从句的差异的比较 85

Ⅱ Exercises 87

1 Exercise of Grammar 87

2 Exercise of Vocabulary 91

Ⅲ Keys&Explanations 96

Test 1 103

Keys&Explanations 114

Unit 6 定语从句(二) 123

Ⅰ Grammar 123

1 用that和which作引导词的主要用法区别 123

2 介词+which(whom)的结构 124

3 名词(代词、数词)+of+which(whom)结构 126

Ⅱ Exercises 128

1 Exercise of Grammar 128

2 Exercise of Vocabulary 132

Ⅲ Keys&Explanations 137

Unit 7 定语从句(三) 144

Ⅰ Grammar 144

1 as引导的定语从句 144

2 but引导的定语从句 145

3 定语从句的隔位修饰问题 145

Ⅱ Exercises 147

1 Exercise of Grammar 147

2 Exercise of Vocabulary 150

Ⅲ Keys&Explanations 155

Unit 8 状语从句(一) 162

Ⅰ Grammar 162

1 概述 162

2 时间状语从句 162

3 地点状语从句 166

4 原因状语从句 167

Ⅱ Exercises 169

1 Exercise of Grammar 169

2 Exercise of Vocabulary 173

Ⅲ Keys&Explanations 177

Unit 9 状语从句(二) 182

Ⅰ Grammar 182

1 目的状语从句 182

2 结果状语从句 183

3 条件状语从句 185

Ⅱ Exercises 187

1 Exercise of Grammar 187

2 Exercise of Vocabulary 191

Ⅲ Keys&Explanations 195

Unit 10 状语从句(三) 200

Ⅰ Grammar 200

1 让步状语从句 200

2 方式状语从句 202

3 比较状语从句 204

Ⅱ Exercises 206

1 Exercise of Grammar 206

2 Exercise of Vocabulary 210

Ⅲ Keys&Explanations 214

Test 2 219

Keys&Explanations 229

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