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大学英语听说  学生用书  3

大学英语听说 学生用书 3PDF格式文档图书下载


  • 购买点数:9
  • 作 者:董亚芬总主编 虞苏美 李慧琴主编
  • 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
  • 出版年份:2011
  • ISBN:9787544621946
  • 标注页数:192 页
  • PDF页数:208 页

查看更多关于大学英语听说 学生用书 3的内容


UNIT 1 Reservations 1

PART A Micro-listening Listening for Important Details 1

PART B Macro-listening 2

Conversation 1 I'd Like to Make a Reservation 2

Conversation 2 Marcel Always Does My Hair 4

PART C Oral Practice 1.Communicative Function:Making Reservations 7

2.Retelling 9

PART D Home Listening 9

Conversations Making Reservations 9

Conversations Booking Seats 10

UNIT 2 Animals and Pets 12

PART A Micro-listening Finding the Main Idea 12

PART B Macro-listening 13

A Conversation Choosing a Pet 13

A Story Dog Plays"Mother"to Tiger Cubs 15

PART C Oral Practice 1.Pair Work 17

2.Retelling 19

PART D Home Listening 19

A Passage How Do People Treat Animals? 19

A Story The World's Oldest Cat 20

UNIT 3 Age 21

PART A Micro-listening Listening for Specific Information 21

PART B Macro-listening 22

Conversation 1 You Sure Don't Look It 22

Conversation 2 Do You Mind If I Ask You How Old You Are? 24

PART C Oral Practice 1.Communicative Function:Talking About Age and What You'll Do in Future 26

2.Retelling 28

PART D Home Listening 29

A Passage Age Is a Sensitive Subject 29

A Story I Hate Birthdays 29

UNIT 4 Dersonal Budgets 31

PART A Micro-listening Drawing Inferences 31

PART B Macro-listening 33

Conversation 1 Saving and Spending Money 33

Conversation 2 Sounds Like You Have a Budget Problem 35

PART C Oral Practice 1.Pair Work 36

2.Retelling 37

PART D Home Listening 38

A Conversation What Are Your Biggest Expenses? 38

A Discussion Spend or Save It? 39

UNIT 5 Sports 40

PART A Micro-listening Drawing Inferences 40

PART B Macro-listening 41

A Passage The Olympic Park 41

A Conversation Do You Like Sports? 44

PART C Oral Practice 1.Communicative Function:Talking About Sports 45

2.Retelling 48

PART D Home Listening 48

A Compound Dictation 48

A Conversation Playing Sports 49

UNIT 6 Transportation 50

PART A Micro-listening Tables 50

PART B Macro-listening 51

A Passage The Maglev Train 51

A Conversation Is This Your Car? 53

PART C Oral Practice 1.Pair Work 55

2.Retelling 55

PART D Home Listening 56

A Story I Rode to Work on My Motorcycle 56

A Passage Forms of Transportation 57

UNIT 7 Comparisons 58

PART A Micro-listening Making Comparisons 58

PART B Macro-listening 60

Passage 1 This Room Looks a Bit of a Mess 60

Passage 2 A Room with No Personal Objects 62

PART C Oral Practice 1.Communicative Function:Making Comparisons 64

2.Retelling 67

PART D Home Listening 67

A Passage Twin Sisters 67

A Passage Thanksgiving Day and Christmas 68

UNIT 8 Office Work 69

PART A Micro-listening Making Judgments 69

PART B Macro-listening 70

A Conversation I'm Reportingfor Work Today 70

A Passage A Modern Office 72

PART C Oral Practice 1.Pair Work 74

2.Retelling 75

PART D Home Listening 76

A Conversation A Company Meeting (Part Ⅰ) 76

A Conversation A Company Meeting (Part Ⅱ) 77

UNIT 9 Jobs 78

PART A Micro-listening Making Judgments 78

PART B Macro-listening 79

A Conversation Paula Chandler Is Having an Interview 79

A Passage Choosing a Career 81

PART C Oral Practice 1.Communicative Function:Jobs and Job Interviews 83

2.Retelling 87

PART D Home Listening 88

A Conversation Writing a Letter of Reference 88

A Compound Dictation 88

UNIT 10 Law and Order 90

PART A Micro-listening Listeningfor Specific Information 90

PART B Macro-listening 91

A Conversation A Court Scene 91

A Story Mark Brown(Part Ⅰ) 93

PART C Oral Practice 1.Pdir Work 95

2.Retelling 96

PART D Home Listening 97

A Story Mark Brown (Part Ⅱ) 97

A Story A Strange Thief 98

UNIT 11 Story Time 99

PART A Micro-listening Expressing Likes and Dislikes 99

PART B Macro-listening 100

A Story A Man of Bad Memory 100

A Story Lost in the Fog 102

PART C Oral Practice 1.Communicative Function:Talking About Unusual Happenings 104

2.Retelling 106

PART D Home Listening 106

A Story Unlucky in Love 106

A Story Where Is the Millionaire? 107

UNIT 12 Famous People 108

PART A Micro-listening Tables 108

PART B Macro-listening 109

Passage 1 Milton Petrie 109

Passage 2 Christopher Reeve 111

PART C Oral Practice 1.Pair Work 113

2.Retelling 114

PART D Home Listening 115

A Passage Who Was He? 115

A Compound Dictation 115

UNIT 13 Music 117

PART A Micro-listening Expressing Likes and Dislikes 117

PART B Macro-listening 118

Passage 1 Rock and Roll 118

Passage 2 "I Couldn't Survive Without Music!" 120

PART C Oral Practice 1.Communicative Function:Talking About Music 122

2.Retelling 124

PART D Home Listening 125

A Passage Doctors and Music 125

A Passage A New Career 126

UNIT 14 Education 127

PART A Micro-listening Drawing Inferences 127

PART B Macro-listening 128

Passage 1 What Is an Ideal Teacher Like? 128

Passage 2 The Open University in Britain 130

PART C Oral Practice 1.Pair Work 132

2.Retelling 133

PART D Home Listening 134

A Passage A Year Out 134

A Passage The School System in the U.S 134

UNIT 15 Accidents and Disasters 136

PART A Micro-listening Identifying Numbers 136

PART B Macro-listening 137

A Forum We Are All Survivors 137

A News Story A Tsunami Survivor 139

PART C Oral Practice 1.Communicative Function:Talking About Accidents and Disasters 141

2.Retelling 144

PART D Home Listening 145

A Passage A Storm 145

A Compound Dictation 145

UNIT 16 Mass Media 147

PART A Micro-listening Making Judgments 147

PART B Macro-listening 148

Passage 1 How Newspapers Developed 148

Passage 2 BBC Radio 150

PART C Oral Practice 1.Pair Work 152

2.Retelling 154

PART D Home Listening 155

A Conversation On Watching TV 155

A Passage What Are They Learningfrom TV? 155

TEST 1 157

TEST 2 162

APPENDIX Home Listening:Tapescripts & Key to the Exercises 167

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