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资源的可持续管理  英文

资源的可持续管理 英文PDF格式文档图书下载


  • 购买点数:10
  • 作 者:王松江 杨保建著
  • 出 版 社:昆明:云南科学技术出版社
  • 出版年份:2001
  • ISBN:7541615064
  • 标注页数:224 页
  • PDF页数:232 页
标签:资源 管理

Executive Summary 1

Introduction 42

1.Background 42

2.Statement of Problem 47

3.Rationale of Study 48

4.Objectives 49

5.Scope of Study 49

6.Study Area 50

Chapter Ⅰ Research Design 55

1.1 Selection of Study Area 55

2.2 Data Acquisition 55

Chapter Ⅱ Deforestation in Developing Countries 63

2.1 Regional Variation in Deforestation 63

2.2 Causes 66

2.3 Strategies and Policies 71

Chapter Ⅲ Resources in Pakchong District 78

3.1 Resources in Pakchong 78

3.2 Resources Distribution and Land Use 79

3.3 Forest Species 83

3.4 Quality of Reserved Forest 84

3.5 Deforestation and Causes 88

3.6 Effects 97

Chapter Ⅳ Institutional Aspect of Resources Manage-ment 105

4.1 Institutional Framework of Resources Management 106

4.2 Present Policies 108

Chapter Ⅴ Strategies for Sustainable Management of Resources 112

5.1 Strategy Ⅰ:Local Potentials Mobilization 112

5.2 Strategy Ⅱ:Comprehensive Integrated Development Planning Introduction 118

Chapter Ⅵ Summary,Conclusion,Assessment and Further Recommendation 139

6.1 Summary 139

6.2 Conclusion 142

6.3 Assessment 144

6.4 Recommendation for Further Research 146

References 146

Appendix Ⅰ Resources Investigation 156

Appendix Ⅱ Structure Questionnaire 173

Appendix Ⅲ Principle and Guideline of This Study 178

Abbreviations 222

Glossary 224


1 Thailand and Spatial Linkage of Pakchong 51

2 Topographical Map 52

3 Soil Map 54

1.1 Sources of Information 58

1.2 Transection Map of Pakchong 61

1.3 Planning Procedure 62

2.1 Estimates of Change in Forest 1913~1986 67

3.1 Land Use Map of Pakchong District 80

3.2 Existing Forest Distribution in Mountain Area 601~1152m 81

3.3 Existing Land Use Pattern in Pakchong 1994(ha.) 82

3.4 Reserved Forest Land Change:Decline(ha.) 90

3.5 Land Use Change in Pakchong(ha.) 93

3.6 Causal Nexus Tree 99

3.7 Causal Nexus of Deforestation 103

4.1 Forestry Bureaucracy System 107

5.1 Potentials for Sustainable Management of Forests in Pakchong 117

5.2 Essential Components of Development Approaches Analysis 121


Ⅰ Land Use Change in Selected Countries of Tropical Asia 46

1.1 Random Sampling Distribution in Sub-Districts 57

1.2 Purposive Survey 59

2.1 Tropical Deforestation in Selected Areas 65

3.1 Reserved Forest Species 85

5.1 Potential Groups in Pakchong District 113


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