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大学英语正逆序阅读解题法  六级

大学英语正逆序阅读解题法 六级PDF格式文档图书下载


  • 购买点数:11
  • 作 者:罗晓寒主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:外文出版社
  • 出版年份:2004
  • ISBN:7119037714
  • 标注页数:277 页
  • PDF页数:290 页

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目录真题自测篇UNIT 1 2

Passage 1 The Worth of MBA Degree MBA的价值Passage 2 The Social Security Systems of the Western Countries西方国家的社会保障体系Passage 3 The Shortage of the Education Funds教育经费短缺Passage 4 The Worship of Consumerism消费崇拜UNIT 2 13

Passage 1 Don't Shed Any Biases from Your Own Culture不要报有文化偏见Passage 2 Are You Really Fat?你真的胖吗?Passage 3 The Method of Solving Conflicts in Modern Society现代社会解决冲突的方式Passage 4 The Relation Between the Climate Change and The 24

Passage 1 The Application of GPS to Automobile GPS在汽车上的运用Passage 2 Is the World's Environment Really Surprisingly Bad?全球环境真的极度糟糕吗?Passage 3 Does IQ Testing Benefit or Harm Children from Minority Groups?智商测验会导致种族歧视?Pass 36

Passage 1 Heroic Teacher Recalls German School Bloodbath德校园枪击事件惊魂未定,英勇教师回忆生死瞬间Passage 2 Pisans Toast Tower's Improved Posture比萨人欢庆比萨斜塔“正身”Passage 3 Court Reverses Break-up of Microsoft微软垄断案出现重大转折,一分为二 47

Passage 1 Euro Coins Could Cause Skin Disease硬币引发皮肤病,欧元健康环保受到质疑Passage 2 Japan Holds Breath as Royal Baby Due Any Day Now为迎接小太子诞生,日本举国屏气凝神Passage 3 Giving China the 2008 Olympics Gives Businesses a Boost?申奥成功会 58

Passage 1 Skepticism About Human Nature人类天性怀疑论Passage 2 The Arrogance of Americans傲慢的美国人Passage 3 Virtual Reality and Medicine医学领域的虚拟现象Passage 4 9 Rules For on-line Dating网上约会的九大规则UNIT 7 70

Passage 1 The 15-year-old Anti-Taliban Commander in Afghanistan 15岁的阿富汗反塔军事首领Passage 2 Love on the Internet网络情缘Passage 3 The Evils of High-heels高跟鞋的罪刑Passage 4 Harry Potter and the Sad Grown-ups哈利·波特和可悲的大人UNIT 8 84

Passage 1 The Value of the Old老年人的价值开始被认识Passage 2 Two Aspects of Women's Well Being女人幸福的两个方面Passage 3 Apple's Efforts to Stay Ahead of IBM苹果公司继续努力保持对IBM的优势Passage 4 Is Nuclear Power a Devil?核能真的那么可怕吗?UNIT 94

Passage 1 The Negative Aspects of Being Attractive美丽也有不好的一面Passage 2 Is War Inevitable?战争可以避免吗?Passage 3 Difference of Three New English Dictionaries三本新出的字典的不同之处Passage 4 The True Life of Police警察的真实生活实战篇UNIT 1 106

Passage 1 The Culture Stadards of Americans美国人的文化水平Passage 2 Mars火星Passage 3 The Former First Lady Hillary Clinton's Memoirs,Living History新闻漫画解读:希拉里写回忆录大赚特赚Passage 4 Is Credible Al Jazeera and Fox News福克斯和半岛电视台 119

Passage 1 The Paradox of the Protection of Nature保护大自然?这个很难Passage 2 How Do We Live without Emotion?生活在一个没有感情的世界里会是什么样子?Passage 3 The Comparison of Two TV Talk Shows两档电视脱口秀节目的比较Passage 4 How Do Birds Sleep? 130

Passage 1 Noise Is a Danger to Our Hearing噪音是对我们听力的一大威胁Passage 2 Who Are to Blame for Cheating in School?学生作弊谁之错?Passage 3 The Reform of the Housing Distribution System分房制度的改革Passage 4 The New Use of Greenspace绿地新用途 140

Passage 1 The Disadvantages of TV电视的负面作用Passage 2 The New Discovery on High Blood Pressure关于高血压病的新发现Passage 3 Why Is It Difficult to Ban Alcohol in America?在美国禁酒为什么就这么难?Passage 4 Work Hard and Never Give Up to Get What 150

Passage 1 Speaking by Instinct语言是人类的本能Passage 2 Get Water from Icebergs向极地冰山取所需淡水Passage 3 Have You Got Your Own Status?你是什么身份?Passage 4 Let's Take Bicycle! 让我们骑自行车吧!UNIT 15 160

Passage 1 The Change of Women's Life妇女生活方式的改变Passage 2 Driving after Drinking in America酒后驾车在美国Passage 3 The Career of Picasso as an Artist毕加索的艺术生涯Passage 4 Every Kind of Culture Has Its Own Reason of Existence每一种文化都有它 169

Passage 1 Let the Children Know the Truth of Death让我们的孩子知道什么是死亡Passage 2 Salt Is Also Da ngerous科学告诉我们,吃盐也要小心Passage 3 What Can Science Really Do?科学的最大的作用在于解释,而不是发现Passage 4 Eat as Much as You Want新型食品 179

Passage 1 Recognize Somebody through His Face通过脸来识别人Passage 2 Two Different Statistical Methods两种不同的统计方法的比较Passage 3 Combine Computer and Experts Together专家系统:计算机技术和其他专门技术的共同结晶Passage 4 Net Secu rity网络安全UN 190

Passage 1 The Best Forms of Teaching授课妙方Passage 2 The New Life of Eski mo爱斯基摩人的新生活Passage 3 The Application of the Retroreflector反向反射器原理的应用Passage 4 The North Ireland北爱尔兰UNIT 19 200

Passage 1 The Auctioneer's Role in an Auction拍卖中拍卖者的作用Passage 2 How to Consume More Ironrich Food如何才能摄入更多的矿物质Passage 3 Which Is More Important,Energy or Environment?能源和环境哪个更重要?Passage 4 There Is No Wrong to Science谁 210

Passage 1 Take Action to Protect the Ocean爱护海洋,从我做起Passage 2 Material Culture你知道什么是物质文化吗?Passage 3 Not All Drop-outs Are“Bad”Students博士辍学为哪般?Passage 4 For Long Term Or for Short Term?长痛不如短痛强化篇UNIT 21 223

Passage 1 How Much Should We Show Our Sympathy to Criminals?同情,就因为他们是罪犯?Passage 2 The Influence of Flicker on Us闪光对我们的影响Passage 3 Wired City?Yes,We'll Get It城市联网不是梦Passage 4 How Do We Design Our City?如何更好的规划我们 235

Passage 1 The Universities of Ameraica美国的大学Passage 2 The Development of Hotel Industry旅馆业的发展历程Passage 3 The New Discovery on the Reason of the Circulation of the Ocean s Water对海水循环原因的新发现Passage 4 Who Get the Outcome of the Dev 246

Passage 1 Only Man Have the Number Sense?只有人类对数字敏感吗?Passage 2 Acid Rain面对酸雨,我们怎么办呢?Passage 3 Has H iera rchy Been the Past?等级制度已成为过去吗?Passage 4 To Make Your House Wonderful让你的屋子亮起来UNIT 24 257

Passage 1 Special Design of the Broadway百老汇的独特设计Passage 2 Something We Don't Know about TV一些关于电视的鲜为人知的故事Passage 3 Adder,a Kind of Snake Common in BritainAdder,一种在英国非常普遍的蛇Passage 4 The Future of Robot Industry机器人 267

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