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新编大学英语阅读教程  四级  4

新编大学英语阅读教程 四级 4PDF格式文档图书下载


  • 购买点数:10
  • 作 者:欧阳俊林主编 宋志俊等编写
  • 出 版 社:上海:东华大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2005
  • ISBN:7810389491
  • 标注页数:240 页
  • PDF页数:249 页

查看更多关于新编大学英语阅读教程 四级 4的内容


ContentsUnit 1 EducationPassage 1 How Colleges Are Failing Our Students 1

Passage 2 The Ivory Tower Obscurity Fetish 6

Passage 3 How Intelligent Is Intelligence Testing? 10

Unit 2 EmploymentPassage 1 Four Minutes That Get You Hired 16

Passage 2 Academy for Amahs 20

Passage 3 The Most Frequent Fliers 24

Unit 3 Women' s ProblemsPassage 1 Woman and Superwoman 31

Passage 2 In Pursuit of Thinness 35

Passage 3 Eveline 39

Unit 4 Life ExperiencesPassage 1 How to Grow Old 44

Passage 2 Welcome to My Day 47

Passage 3 Joseph Pulitzer Dies Suddenly 51

Unit 5 People in HistoryPassage 1 The Secret Life of a Very Private Poet 57

Passage 2 Memories of My Early Childhood with Willie Nelson 61

Passage 3 The Crusades 65

Unit 6 Digital TechnologyPassage 1 Textuality in Cyberspace: MUDS and Written Experience 71

Passage 2 The ABC' s of MP3 : A Crash Course in the DigitalMusic Phenomenon 75

Passage 3 The Economy of Ideas: A Framework for Patentsand Copyrights in the Digital Age 80

Unit 7 Environment and PeoplePassage 1 Environment: The Good News 85

Passage 2 Three Revolutions in Human Populations 89

Passage 3 The Culture of Nature 93

Unit 8 Human EthicsPassage 1 Genetic Encores: The Ethics of Human Cloning 99

Passage 2 Technology and the Media 104

Passage 3 Modem Technology and American Values 108

Unit 9 Values of ThinkingPassage 1 Thinking as a Hobby(Ⅰ) 114

Passage 2 Thinking as a Hobby (Ⅱ) 118

Passage 3 The Aesthetic Moment 124

Unit 10 Science and TechnologyPassage 1 The Government Should Not Subsidize Intemet Access 129

Passage 2 Forecasting Danger: The Science of Disaster Prediction 134

Passage 3 Human Habitation 139

Unit 11 SocietyPassage 1 Crime and Punishment 145

Passage 2 I Am a Dollar 149

Passage 3 Guardians of the Fairytale 155

Unit 12 PsychologyPassage 1 What You Didn' t Know About Risk 162

Passage 2 Are Boys the Weaker Sex? 168

Passage 3 What We Now Know about Memory 173

Unit 13 NaturePassage 1 Surviving a Tsunami — Lessons from Chile, Hawaii, and Japan 179

Passage 2 The 1960 Tsunami and the Earthquake in Chile That Caused It 184

Passage 3 2004 Indian Ocean Earthquake 188

Unit 14 Pursuit of Knowledge and WisdomPassage 1 A Note on Reading 194

Passage 2 Books 198

Passage 3 The Joys of Writing 202

Unit 15 Human Relations — Generation Gap,Love,Marriage, and FamilyPassage 1 Generation Gap and Value Shift 207

Passage 2 The Younger Generation 214

Passage 3 The Dying Family 221

Key to Exercises 228

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